ITT: We post retarded historical tank designs

ITT: We post retarded historical tank designs

For a second I thought that it was the chad on the rear gun.

>It’s an Italy was absolute dogshite at warfare episode

What the fuck is Italy's problem with modern warfare? Why are they so garbage?

Didn't the soviets have some tank that was like a bin with wheels and a gun?


It's not historical, it was made up on some forum.
The italians would have no reason to make super heavy tanks, they were even afraid to exceed 25 tonnes because pontoon bridges wouldn't sustain them.

The Guerra di Rapido Corso was great, Italy's industry was simply too weak to sustain it.

You are like a little baby, watch this

Jesus... as much as ridiculous it is, it's very fucking aesthetic...

It's like im playing with children, watch this.


>2x 600hp engines
enjoy your 2km/h top speed

>*Rolls behind you*
>"nothing personal, kraut"


Top this, protip: you can't.

That's not historical. It's from a game




Don't Talk To Me Or My Son Ever Again


Don't bully Italian tanks. They Wuz first ones to create one.


Never built, remained on paper.
OP's tank isn't real anyways.

>People actually tried to make it...

Has to be italian.

It's french.


Kneel before your new king


Just imagine how autistic one has to be to even imagine such thing...



>Expose even more of the tracks than usual to enemy fire
What was the idea here?



Separated at birth?

thats a well-debunked fake

That's not a tank, just self propelled artillery.

Every fucking thread with a tank this starts

It is NOT a tank, though.
It was NOT conceived to be a tank and it didn't function like one, it was just used as artillery.

Better cross country capability in a nuclear environment.

Think this might have been a case of them coming up with the name first and then trying to get the design to match it.

>when you come up with your spaceship design but forgot you don't have antigrav tech yet so you just strap some treads on there

It looks pretty retarded but don't try to tell me you wouldn't sell your mother to see a submarine pull up on the beach

i do not understand

Fuck off, we are a pacifist country now.

Outta my way


You don't sound so passive.


>we be stuck in 1944 while Russians be livin in a galaxy far far away

Finally... a weapon to surpass metal gear!

The kugelpanzer is german, though.

No Bob Semple?

To survive a nuclear blast

>the Ratte would be the first sub-terrine, as it would sink in the mud.


It was supposed to be a cheap way to cover the infantry from machinegun fire.
Only one prototype was made before going for the way more functional and convenient CV series.


>posting a literal deviantart picture of a tank that never existed even on paper