Are you the fat, ugly one of your group?

Are you the fat, ugly one of your group?

I don't have a group.

me in the middle

I was but i lost 20kg so im not anymore, but ugly iunno thats subjective

Neither, plus I am the only one who can dance, and the only one who lifts.
I am also the only one without gf.

heyy bb

>tfw my group dissolved after high-school
>tfw my ex-group made other friends but I didn't

I was ugly because I was fat now I own these bitches.


No. I'm the short one. But I also am the /fittest/ and most charismatic so I get jokingly referred to as Barney Stinson

>not ugly
>not fat
>aesthetic body

if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
>mfw im the short one

still havent reached the ceiling to tie the rope

train harder and achieve Vegeta mode
become prince of all manlets

You sound like an uggo desu

Same Famalam

>None of my friends dance including myself
>I pick up the basics and start trying when i go out. Now I'm quite the funky cobra on the dance floor
>My friend imitates after years of saying "I'll never dance it's normie shit hurr hurr"
>Last month in town with some girls my friend who still dances like a tard had the cheek to insult my dance moves and try to make me look like a cuck in front of the girls we were snaking on

Could of slapped him desu. Cut him out of my life recently because he just holds me back and hes a shitty friend.

I'm just the fattest one in the group, but not until about March, baybee.
Not anymore, brehs.

>still havent reached the ceiling to tie the rope

My sides

Dude they think ur gay

Your post doesn't make any sense you faggot

>still havent reached the ceiling to tie the rope

>be the hottest dude in my group
>girls automatically assume i'm gay because i'm quiet and nice and take care of myself
>wingman forever

Still half asleep
meant to say I'm working on losing most of it by March

>Could of slapped him desu. Cut him out of my life recently because he just holds me back and hes a shitty friend.
Sorry for your loss, hope you find better friends

Fucking kekd

I am the quiet, somewhat awkward one.

ugliest, ye. by a margin too lmao

>tfw used to be the tall fat guy of the group
>tfw now the tall "muscle man" of the group


It's cool brah. Known him since we were 13 so it's been 14 years now. He has turned into an absolute asshole over the last 3 years though, there is no remnant of my former friend there at all. He is one of the most fake people I know.

I've gone full cocoon mode now. Completely thrown myself back into boxing and focusing on getting a local amateur title because people aren't worth the time I have invested up until this point.

When I'm done clearing out the shit I have in my closet through boxing then I'll find a QT and the shit.

I'm the short one but I slay the most because my boys aren't putting their 6'2"+ heights to use. I have the best body. We all have about equal facial aesthetics.

Kek it seems everyone is a manlet who "slays" in their group. Self selection or delusion ?

DO NOT fall for the cocoon mode meme, I literally fell for it through amateur kickboxing (pretty cool coincidence kek) and it turned me into an aspie.

Just train hard and keep making social gains, you'll thank me in the long run senpai.

I am somewhere in the upper middle height wise and get even less pussy than the gay guy because I am pretty autistic.

I already did Cocoon mode once and it really paid off for me, but after I won my fight I decided to take a break from boxing because I was lonely.

4 months later and I am back in the exact same position where I need to go back to cocoon mode. People only want to hang out if it involves alcohol, drugs or snaking bitches in town. I don't enjoy doing any of those anymore. Even if I say I'll go out to the bars but not drink alcohol friends act salty about it; they want to drag me down to their level because of jealousy.

I figure I'll win a few more fights and reach my goal, and then I'll find a girl through boxing I expect and I'll rebuild my life from there. I'm just sick of people right now.

I'm not tall or have a good body or face or anything. But there is someone that is shoter than me, someone more fat than me, someone more ugly than me
>feels good man

>the big butt guy
>the dancer
was on a birthday party this weekend of a girl I just met and she introduced me to everyone with >user never stops dancing and I wish I had his ass
I'm a dancing butt

To be fair they all wear high heels except her

No. All my friends are skellyish numales except my one jackedbro who got me into lifting. Feels good mane.

I'm the creepy one. I know this because when one of the girls my friend invited over was identifying us, she called everyone by their name then called me the creepy one


RUDE AF. What'd you do

How do i learn to dance? I've survived in clubs before, but I've always felt too self concious to enjoy it unless I'm pretty drunk

Stop saying "aesthetic"

Just watch what everyone else does.

I used to fucking suck at dancing. Now i can shuffle and gstep like a god. Any genre of music ill have it covered

I'm the ugly one by far. Doesn't help that all the other guys in the group are really good looking. I feel like I'm only there so that girls can feel sorry about them for hanging with someone as ugly as me.

I literally started with taking little steps on the spot while moving my hands up and down in front of my lower torso region. I was playing it super safe but I didn't look good..... Buuuut I could get away with it. I saw it on a youtube tutorial video somewhere for how to dance in clubs.

Over time I started to feel the rhythm, I started to twist my hips and do weird shit with my feet. Now I'm cool as fuck when I'm on the dance floor and girls compliment me if I'm dancing with them.

it maybe helps that I box so I've got nice pivoting feet and decent motorcontrol. I dunno, I don't look like a tard or get stared at anymore tho. The biggest thing is confidence and not looking like you're mechanical but instead looking like you're actually dancing to have fun.

It seems like all the guys are either doing virtually nothing or dancing with girls when I've tried to watch before. Also, how do you handle girls when it's too loud to say anything. I've spaghettid pretty hard when girls have tried to dance with me in the past, literally no idea what to do there. One time a girl took my sunglasses and put them on, I danced awkwardly next to her for two minutes then she gave them back to me and disappeared. Happened again half an hour later although she only lasted 30s before disappearing then

I'm not uncoordinated, and I go for it sufficiently that I don't look like someone who's shy about it, I just have very few moves

Normies reeeeeeeeeee


>have fun dancing alone in the room
>realize I look like a retard
>only bob my head on clubs


I wanna make up some witty comeback but there was none. Few of the guys chuckled and that's it. Wasn't gonna ruin my friends chances by putting her down.

I'm the ugly one. Worse than being fat or skinny or the clown.

Just play it cool. Just smile and start grinding up on her (depending on music). Usually to break the ice I'll say something gay like "you're really pretty, come dance with me"

What kind of music is grinding appropriate? Usually it's EDM or crappy pop music in the clubs, and no-one seems to grind where I'm from either, I've only seen it in the flesh once ever

Any music. Literally any. But usually hip hop is a easy bet

Haha, is that Lena Dunham? Fucking gross to be quite tbqh.

I am the one who knocks

Thanks for your help, will hopefully have dancing based conquests to report soon

I'd post her gross vagina if I was at home

I'm the shy, but tall one in my group
>tfw all of my friends are manlets
>5'6 - 5'9
>i'm 6'2
>even though two of them are powerlifters and one bodybuilds, attention from gurls is always centered towards me
Literally, if one of my friends is hitting on a piece of pussy, all i have to do is stand there and listen and 95% of the time i can see the attention quickly divert to me.

It's not like i try and i'm in a LTR, but it's crazy to see night after night.

no, just the autistic virgin one



Requesting bobbing guy with reload animations webm

Pls 4chins

I am the hottest out of my group.
I am the only member of it.

>there are people right now who think Taylor Swift is attractive

Check 5, nice hightest, would smash.

Here you go

I am the weird one. I'm slowly cracking the code of being social tho.

I'm the fittest and third most good looking

Used to be the fatty one and bros always complimenting on my weight loss and gains

>tfw ugly one in the family
>didn't realize it til mid 20s

I kind of was. Then I started working out and I became the skinny bitch. hah. Jokes on you, keep drinking alcohol and snacking huge bags of chips.
Feels good man

Why are they all dressed like strippers though

All my friends are chads, so yeah

You sound like a pussy, mate.

Friend zoned eternal permacuck in 5...4...3...2...

>I'm the only one who lifts
>we all have good faces, no real uglies
>I'm not autistic
>I'm one of the only ones who isn't in to "hook up culture "
>friends pull more girls than me cause they play the game and act like tools
>I drink, watch sports center, make small talk , dress normal at bars
>they fancy up, look at girls like prey, act like douche
>it works for them and I'm called the introverted one
>nah, I'm just confident enough not to act like that.


the short ugly one also wrote a sad post about her experience on that stage

>I'm more attractive than brother
>he is an over weight homebody
>I lift, look greatx social
>He makes 6 figures and is about to buy a house
>I make 40k..
>I'm 2 years older

My brother's wife is pregnant with their first child and they're house hunting for their first home.

I haven't had a gf in 2 years.

Fat? No. Ugly? Yeah. I just don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore.

We can feel together.

>tfw Chad of the group
>have insane anxiety and depression issues
>still gotta put up a front so my buds don't see me the way I see me

I don't think I'm gonna make it, the rope is just too tempting

i belive in u user. u will become a beautiful butterfly


your third point contradicts the entire story

Lol no. I was already the better looking one of my group. I surrounded myself with people going bald and not taking care of themselves.


I'm kind of easing my way into a new group since I moved to a new place a year ago. Until now all I've been doing was working, lifting, and doing other things by myself. However, I've been invited to more and more parties and have been invited to dinner by co workers who I now consider my friends. I suppose I'm fairly attractive and getting Veeky Forums has helped with my social gains. Id like to think I'm the attractive, sociable guy everyone likes to be around

How do you join a new group user? Im looking for a new group because the one Im in right now all have girlfriends or are helpless.

At least she's sorter

Well for me I didn't really have a choice because I moved to a brand new town and knew nobody. I was just friendly to the people I see often and never really judged anyone. Eventually, you'll become close with the people around you and they'll want to spend time with you. If I were you and wanted a new group of friends I'd maybe get a new job (I realize this may not be possible but I only have a part time job at the moment) or go out and do things you really enjoy. Maybe going for walks along a trail, or even try to be more sociable at the gym. You're bound to meet people with similar interests

Shorter women are more attractive

This is me.
>or at least what I tell myself

Yes, and I barely have a group.

ive been debating this.

>im 5'9
>usually date girls 5'4 - 5'7
>just started dating a girl whos 4'11
>havent slept with her yet
how short is too short?

If she has to stand on her toes or a chair to give you a bj, she's too short mate.

When she starts looking deformed/disordered. Otherwise shorter is better


My group consists of: Me


>look younger by about 15 to 20 years than peers
>mfw same age, earn more than most of them
>at functions & events constantly mistaken for assistant/secretary/new hire/intern
>can't wait for hair to turn gray
>grandma not fully gray even at 89

Feel bad for her, she's sticking out like a sore thumb.
Womanlet, fat, ugly, wearing boring manish clothes, right next to some turbobimbos. Pretty harsh, lads.

That's a positive though