This Muhammed, say something nice about him

This Muhammed, say something nice about him.

Muhammed was a proud Ottoman Turk, judging by his headscarf? Who knew!

I'm not sure you know who Muhammad is.

reminder that the star and crescent is anachronistic, as it was originally a byzantine symbol that wouldn't be associated with Islam until Turkish encroachment on the Byzantine empire half a millennium later.

Great statesmen, warrior and thinker, surpassing Alexander.

One of the most famous Boxers ever.

>something nice
He was a pedophile

It was a mesopotamian symbol originally

he had many waifus. and one where a loli

back in the good ol day le phedophile word weren't invented

His religion will be the only Abrahamic religion to survive the ravages of modernity.

He is alpha and based

Only pasty euro soyboys hate him

Yeh, Mohammad was in my class in school! He was a bit crazy, but a solid kid. He hasn't aged well.

She'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes.

He stopped the practice of: murdering your first born if it were a girl.

In historical context that makes him a social reformer and a humanitarian.

One humanitarian act in a sea of horrific acts (like sentencing a couple of chicks to death for laughing at him, fucking a nine year old, etc.)

OP said: say something NICE about him, and I did.

his isn't fond of anime posters, kid

tfw kinda want a muslim to fuck me

Lots'a horseshite you're speaking, never done any "research" aside from watching facebook comments all day eh cletus?
You're degrading the quality post on a history board, you turd burglar.

Veeky Forums as a whole is about Anime.
Veeky Forums is for people who like Anime and History & Humanities.


>You're degrading the quality post
Are you insane? This is a shit thread, and I'm the fucking op.

pretty good at fighting, and he solved that whole silly holy trinity thing in Christianity. One guy makes alot more sense.

Brilliant military and political leader. United the tribes of Arabia in a way that nobody after him was able to do. Julius Caesar of the desert.

Veeky Forums stopped being about anime in 2005

This is Yeshua ben Yosef.

Say something nice about him.


Yeah you admitted to being a faggot shitposter then, fuck off to r*ddit

>a high degree of discourse

But that’s not true? 90% of Veeky Forums threads don’t have any faggots shitposting anime.

But I like Veeky Forums. I've never even been to redit.

Where you are now, Mohammad, in Torment, is nothing compared to the Lake of Fire that you will be cast into for eternal punishment.

I like his turban

Then what is /a/ for? People who hate everything that's not anime?

Fem user or no? Personally I would enjoy fucking a hijabi qt3

Of course Aisha’s was 80 years old , why Muslim always try to lie


thats ali

>many thread about christianity related bashing
>can't argue better
>"Hey guise let's posting bad about Muhammad"