Humiliating military history

What was the most stupid one sided retarded battle or war in history?

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YOU'RE retarded.

Does it count if one side isn't even present?

What's the story here, was it friendly fire or maybe mines?



Most of it was a mine, which crippled the destroyer Abner Read.

I'm not familiarized whit the history at all, but armies loosing man without fighting (for diseases and such) is a common thing in all history.

Rhodesian Bush war.
>when you have a fuckton of financing and equipment and outnumber your short shorts-wearing enemies dealing with embargoes and sanctions several times over but still get BTFO for decades

>eventually still win because REEE liberal western democracies aren't opposed to darkies voting





The Dieppe Raid
>"We needed to stage a raid on a highly-defended coastal location in order to work out all the kinks and other problems that a coastal invasion of France would entail. NO WE COULDN'T JUST PLAN IT ON A SIMILAR BEACH IN THE UK, WHAT ARE YOU RETARDED?

by jove! that would cost too many english chaps, use the colonials instead!

>trusting rooskie sources

nothin personnel, chang

A personal favourite.

Not one sided but pretty retarded

And a follow-up.

>Rooskie sources
>Americans themselves tell the same thing

>Major General John R. Deane
>'A detailed investigation was undertaken and completed regarding the attack by American aircraft on a Soviet column on 7 November 1944. That investigation indicated that the assault firing in the region between Nis and Aleksinac was conducted by one squadron of a group of 'Lightning' aircraft, which had the mission of attacking enemy columns and railroad movement in the Sjenica - Novi Pazar - Raska - Mitrovica region [see Map 2, p. 161]. When the group separated south of Sjenica, that t squadron flew to its appointed targets by low-level flight. When the squadron reached a point which the commander took for Novi Pazar, he saw large troop movements and opened fire. When the squadron had fulfilled its assault raid, it was legitimately attacked by Soviet fighters which were defending their own ground forces, and, in the first skirmish, one American aircraft was shot down. After this, the commander of the American squadron noticed the Soviet distinguishing markings, but, before he could withdraw his group from air combat, another American aircraft and two or three Soviet fighters were shot down. The wing commander of the Soviet fighters bravely flew near to the American commander's aircraft formation, and then mutual recognition was confirmed.

>The group commander, who was personally leading the squadron which was completing the assault raid, was an experienced combat pilot who had flown more than 4,000 hours. The American group had been carefully prepared and instructed regarding their mission before the flight from their main bases. However, the commander committed a navigation error[...]

>[...]and this, together with an astonishing similarity on the map between the outline of the designated objective and the actual attack, led the squadron commander to believe that he was attacking communications lines in the region indicated to him. All of the other American pilots in this group of aircraft were also confident that they had attacked the required objective until the film from the automatic movie camera was revealed, which showed precisely that another road had been mistakenly attacked. Both roads are located approximately at a distance of 88 kilometers or about 10 minutes of flight from one another

This is Tsushima-tier

> the most stupid one sided retarded battle or war in history?

What shall you do, Suleiman the Magnificent?

Shall you

> Should I just leave this fort alone and leave the Croatshits be while marching 100 000 men into an undefended Austria(Emperor actually retreated into Bavaria and was at peace with leaving Vienna and Austria to the Ottomans)


> Waste precious weeks and a fuckload of troops trying to dislodge 700 battle hardened slavshits from a completely irrelevant fort

Chose wisely.