Anyone here ever got their hormones tested? Going into a men's center today for a blood sample because I have gyno...

Anyone here ever got their hormones tested? Going into a men's center today for a blood sample because I have gyno, anyone here done test therapy?

I'm getting my testosterone and estradiol checked next week.

If it's pitifully low ill buy test on internet. but I'm at like 20% bf so idk if losing weight will help it substantially

Yeah I got tested and my test and free test are pretty low. Can't get TRT because I do drug tested powerlifting tho

got 320 test, which is in the normal range

but Im getting all the low test symptoms

currently im trying to fix my life a bit, add suplementation, fix diet ETC

if it wont work I will roid.

also if u want to know a lot about your hormones, test alone is not worth much, you want total test, free test, female hormones and hpt axis hormones too if u want to know what exactly is wrong with your balls

Yes. Don't believe the horseshit a "men's center" will tell you, though. Especially if it's associated with a gym/new membership, they are trying to make money and they will tell nearly everyone they have low test or some shit.

If you have concerns, go to your doctor and have a medical lab associated with the doctor's practice perform labwork for you.

99% of federations accept using TRT in case of medical, legitimate need

it even happens in pro-sports when those needs arent really that much legitimate

Hmm, how can I tell? Yelp and Google reviews?

You can tell by the fact that it's not a medical office/doctor's office and not subject to the same regulations and standards.

If you have a hormonal imbalance, it's your doctor's job to fix it. Medical degrees are kinda important when you start screwing with your hormones (and yes, I realize I'm saying this on a board rife with broscience and cheating frauds).

I'm in the office rn and there is an MD degree on the wall, there are nurses, and all that shit so I think I'm good. No clue wtf shit you're talking about though

everyone roids tho

he's talking out of his ass

Only practicing medical doctors can prescribe hormones to people.

*shrug* Alright, good luck.

And surely one of these places wouldn't recommend you order yours via mail, and they just happen to have the info for one they can recommend...

Happened at the very upscale gym down the street from me, with free hormone testing in the attached well-body office.

Do you live in Russia dude?

This shit would never occur in a Western country

Lol, keep believing that. Live in the US, and like I said, that shit happened right down the street.

Report them

Were they doctors? Literally report their office to the police for illegally selling schedule 3 drugs, trafficking schedule 3 drugs and impersonating medical professionals

How long have they been open for? Name of the clinic?

It's not that important to me. They weren't selling directly...whether or not that holds up, I don't know. I'll pass on the name since this is Veeky Forums and I don't have the faintest interest in providing any info that could be tied to anything about me.

Sure pal, fucking kys, liar

Ye dude I'm gonna find you out of thousands of people living next to the clinic

Then I'm gonna tell anonemouse and we'll hack u and kill u all because we found out a Veeky Forums user lives in the same city/tosn(?) As a clinic!

Wtf idiot

Ive given people my phone number on Veeky Forums before and everyrhing was fine

yes, the said i had low test but its probably nothing to worry about, iam following up with an endocrinologist.

Ah, you've found me out. Guess I'll end it all as you suggest.

You're making a ridiculous claim and refusing to report or at least post the name of a clinic committing numerous felonies and endangering lives

It's only ridiculous because I'm not invested in your validation or belief, so I don't feel the need to provide any more details.

Then why say it in the first place?

You even went back and forth with me for a while saying it's true. But when asked for anymore info suddenly it's too much?

I got 712ng but I'm also in my late teens when test is highest, estrogen is too high tho

I've wanted to get one done just because i'm curious but don't want to spend the money on it

which part of his claim was ridiculous?

That there is a physical location in the United States advertising as a "mens clinic" but is committing numerous crimes. And that this Veeky Forums user somehow has knowledge of this(how?), and yet this clinic isn't shutdown and the criminals charged

Kek, how delusional are you? There are plenty of places that advertise as one thing and do another, illegal or not.

I got hormone panel done before hopping on gear. Test in low 200s ng/dL. Estradriol normal, I think it was like 17 or something using the sensitive test.

After 8 weeks of gear (300mg/wk) my Test is at 2300 ng/dL, Estradriol is at 31. Taking 3mg of Asin every 3.5 days.

yeah, had like 430 test

wanted to kill myself, started taking zinc, hoping I'll be alright. I just don't know senpai

This is a very serious crime

>3mg asin

How the fuck?

You split tabs in 4??

just because you have gyno doesnt mean you are low test. in fact it could mean the opposite thing. I had above avg test and developed gyno. I've chalked it up to a combination of all the bullshit that is in the water in this area, as well as when your body has too much test it converts it into estrogen.

Yes, continue to live a sheltered life. Serious crimes never go unpunished in the great land of the United States! Justice always prevails!

>the fbi STILL posts on Veeky Forums

ayy lmao. taxpayer dollars at work everyone

They do go unpunished sometimes you fucking autist

I'm saying if there's a literal clinic participating in drug dealing the DEA might have something to say about it. They've gone after much smaller things

His story is bullshit though so I don't know why we're talking about this still


>Went to get blood work done
>cut off was 250 or lower
And then the doctors won't get me test even though I'm 23. I started using test boosters anyways and they fucking saved my life holy shit. Just wish I could have high test naturally.

Where did you get test boosters.

Also what are the general effects of artificiality increasing test?

Just got them off eBay. They're called Evltest. It's one of the stronger booster I've come across and doesn't use bullshit blends so you can actually see the ingredients and how much of each (includes estrogen inhibitor). On my first 8 week cycle still but after the first month I've already become strong, more of an animal in bed (GF noticed) and got better sleep each night. I feel like I can take on the world-- how a man is supposed to fucking feel (was a puss before). It's fucking amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Only thing is that the pill is huge and smells like ass but completely worth it. The bottle tells you to take 4 but I just take one right before bed and I have no complaints.

Test levels at 530 last year, not good enough for me but don't want to roid due to accelerated hair loss.

Now that my hairs on its way out im going to start a cycle next winter and leave humanity behind



Then tell me why my test went up by 200ng

I just got my bloodwork done 6 weeks ago. They said my test is a little too high. Might consider switching to injections.

It didn't you shill
Unless you had a severe zinc deficiency

>not even in range
Are they fucking retarded?

>run lgd4033 10mg ED for 2 months
>test suppressed but lh and fsh fine
>get put on trt

It's a tranny you idiot

>Spironolactone do you know this!!!


You should lose fat regardless

Do you live in detroit? Have you really become that desensitized to crime that you stopped caring?

maybe nobody wanted you?

I thought test boosters were a meme?

i got my test check, like 2-3 years ago and it was almost 500

Got tested the other day for my 30th bday. Low test. Came in at 347.9 (I think) which was a shade below the low normal range. Re tested a week later and came back at 250. Both times were early morning so it should have been at its peak.

Currently on TRT. Day 3 so far.

All of you anons that found out you were low test, would you guys say you have a high bf% and/or look pretty dyel? Or have some of you managed to make it and look shredded despite your test levels?

High natural test levels just makes it easier to become shredded. It isn't a prerequisite.

Fat. Lazy/unmotivated.

Replying to you again. I can honestly say I tried my very best. I ate as best as I could, lifted, ran and never saw ANY improvement. It honestly felt like my body was fighting me at every turn. I couldn't break the barrier. 3rd day on Androderm patch and I feel...different. Wife says I smell different too. I'm aware it may be a placebo effect but I'm hopeful.

I'm 5'7". 300lbs. High cholesterol.

I don't want to die Veeky Forums.