
The most fundamental aspect of all when it comes to gains, energy, physical health, and mental health. How do you improve itm

Can anyone share techniques to sleep better? University has began and I'd like to be able to hit on sluts with vitality.

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Bed at 930
Wake up at 630

I fall asleep to trance every night.
Not because it helps but because I love trance.

take some melatonin before bed if you have trouble getting to sleep. It will help you have a deeper sleep as well, just don't abuse it / get dependent on it. Some people need to take a sleep aid every single night because they've used them so much

sleep naked, clean your sheets weekly

>bed at midnight
>wake up at 6:00am

If you can't even use English correctly I don't think your sleeping habits are going to be a deciding factor when it comes to your success in college.
Something tells me you won't be having success with any sloots either.

Buying into the melatonin sham.

> bed at 2 am
> wake up at 7:30

I masturbate when I need to get to sleep on a schedule.

lol same here man

some serious aeshtetic tracks

I can get by easily on 5 hours of sleep, usually shoot for about 6.5 then a quick nap after work

>Bed at +/- Midnight , wake up at 8:00-8:30am

I am in the clear, yes?

He looks like he's on some srs shit

Is that a rare zyzz? I don't see that one ever

Bed at 3 / 3.30 a.m
wake up at 8.40

25 minutes nap at 15.30

Here's another one you don't see every day.

We're all gonna make it brah

Thanks for the advice brah.
You're not gonna make it

He looked like such a chill dude :(

You must feel like dog shit every day

Be by 11pm
Have to wake up at 4:30am every day
Just fucking kill me already

Damn why you gotta wake up so early

Taking excess of any hormone is retarded. Don't listen to this guy.

thaaat'd be me

Get up at 7 every day. And from 7 to when you sleep, absolutely no tv. Blue led lights is disrupts you melanin production. Dim the lights and just read for 2 and a half hours and then go to bed. It's a great way to self-improve by learning or you can learn a new talent.

>Not because it helps but because I love trance.

Fucking golden

Sleepy time tea always does the trick for me. Cardio/bike ride at night although increased heart rates can cause one not to sleep, depends on the bro

Dangerous habit m8

>Was going to bed at 1 in the afternoon and waking up at 8 at night during summer
>Now go to bed at 1 in the morning and wake up at 6 AM

I masturbate and then listen to the soothing voice of Dan Carlin tell me about the mud and blood of Passchendaele.

Those poor Tommy and Jerry bastards...

Got you covered brehs

Bed at midnight
Wake up at 430

White noise machine

Completely dark room

Sleep during actual night hours (cicadian rhythm)


zma rocks

sleep 5 hours at night and 2 hours during the day

My job

Hail, the victorious dead.

tfw on antidepressants and one of the side effects is shitty sleep. what do? I always wake up like twice every night

>tfw neet
>tfw wake up whenever i want
>tfw get at least 9 hours of sleep every night

Wake up early. (This is important as it will ensure you are tired in the evening)

Shut off ALL electronic device in your room. (This includes computers, chargers and lights)

Make sure your room is tidy.

Drink water before going to bed.

No screens 1.5 hours before going to bed.(the blue light from your screen makes your body think its daytime)

The only activity in your bedroom should be sleeping. (This will ensure that your body knows when its time to sleep)

Do all this and your sleep should be golden.

Can confirm.

can you tell me who this slut is?

Bed by 20:30, asleep within 5 minutes, Wake up at 4:30, Rarely wake up during the night.

Bed by 10 PM wake up 6:45 AM.

Never takes me more than 10 minutes to fall asleep. Usually wake up around 3 am to take a piss, but I fall asleep right away once done.

Key is to have a proper daily ritual. When you eat, lift, shower etc. And of course sleep.

bed at 9PM
wake at 11PM
bed at 6 AM
wake at noon

Wtf I love zyzz now

Good taste my man.

>use ZMA and go to sleep at 11pm
>wake up after a nice dream thinking its morning
>its only just 2 am


This has been happening to me lately and it's annoying as fuck.

>stay awake for 30 hours so I can go to sleep at a normal time
>sleep at 9pm
>wake at 11pm
>literally can't fall asleep again until 6am
>wake up 8pm


Bed at 12. Wake at 9.

Why is his voice soothing. I swear I've listened to every episode 5 times through already. Its just a lullaby at this point.

In bed by 630pm, up at 230am.

Melatonin is a meme

>constantly tired
>no energy to do things
>feel I could sleep any day of the week
>even when I regularly hit my 8 hours or more
I've tried medicine, I've even had throat surgery to fix a (supposed) breathing problem. Yet nothing helps, I just feel bland and tired all the time. Help me bros.

Zinc, ambien, magnesium, melatonin, 250mg diphe hydramine, and some chamomile tea at 830pm. Up fresh and early 11am.

Holy fuck you sleep for 14.5 hours a night?

How the fuck do you manage that? Are you NEET?


How often do you masturbate?
Fapping too much saps your energy.

Anyone here who's on a device a lot, try downloading a blue light filter. I have it on my phone and computer. Thank me later.

Early for you is 11am? Fuk u.

>download a filter for a tiny screen
>go outside
>most likely the government just put up shitty blue lights
>go inna buildings
>most likely the dumb building designer put up shitty blue lights
>go inna home
>your dumbass probably has only blue lights
>open your fridge
>lol blue lights

what you need are orange tinted shades.

Fuck that supplement bullshit. I watch one of those ASMR videos and sleep like a baby for the next 9h

Insomniac here. Drugs never worked for me. Google "sleep hygiene."

Here's a start

Last few weeks I haven't that much. On average, I'd say once every three days

It's also nice because they're mostly cute girls being cute.


>diphenhydramine dependency
enjoy your twitch

y tho. been using the lowest dose I could fine and it helps me fall asleep real good.

Bed around midnight wake up around 7-8. I sleep in on weekends and stay up later if go out with friends

Not neet. I am an app designer and dont need to be awake for people to purchase my apps and app accessories.

I've been using Chaos & Pain's Hypnos with good results, especially since I'm in a very stressful life situation, but it's too much work and too expensive to use nightly... It's basically GABA + ZMA and a few other ingredients, like a very small dose of melatonin

>theres people in this world who can function on less then 7 hours of sleep
why me Veeky Forums

the people that 'function' on like 6 hours of sleep will look like dried prunes in their mid thirties. never cheat on sleep.

This. I can 'function' just fine on 5-6 hours but never set an alarm and sleep as long as I can

i'm surprised no one mentioned an eye mask. It will change your life.

Bed at 10-11, wake up at 5:30.

>The most fundamental aspect of all when it comes to gains

Thanks for reminding me of why i will never make it...

>Sleep @5:30AM
>Wake up @7AM

>Wake up @7PM

This has been the last 3 years for me barring 1-2 days a week where I end up crashing for at least 12 hours. Such is life on the day/night shift.

>wanting an "identity"

Think Im slowly becoming to realize that my fucked up sleeping pattern (00:00 bedtime, 06:20 wake up) has cost me my job. I've noticed that with a continous and increasing sleep deficit I tend to be short-tempered and have trouble memorizing things. Yesterday was my last day at my company (mechanical engineer, Creo and EPlan every day) because I decided to quit as this job destroys me. Work, Train, Eat and Sleep ad infinitum. Feel like shit every day, life quality at an absolute low. Have no idea what I should do now to get some money for food

supposedly adjusting your meal times can help

>(the blue light from your screen makes your body think its daytime)
This is correct, but there is a wonderful little bit of freeware called f.lux that automatically lowers the color temperature of your monitor when it gets dark out to avoid this. Blue, day-ish hues turn to warm orange evening colors. Works pretty well.

Bed 2300. Wake up 03.
I'm gonna make it guys.

There's no real evidence that the universe will ever end.
We will, our world will, our sun might, but the universe will continue.
Hell the big bang theory is considered silly bullshit by some.

This guy gets it. There are plenty of free apps out there that will help get rid of blue light.

Go to bed around 2 am
Wake up around 7 am

special snowflakes

I really want to just start telling people my preferred pronoun is "nigger."

Shit thought I was the only one who sleeps 9 hours a night. In relationships I often struggle because chicks will want to go to bed at midnight and get up at 7am. Fuck that I need 9 hours bitch.

I've been waking up before dawn to go to the bathroom every morning now for weeks. I'm gonna get some bloodwork done just in case it's something serious. I feel like shit though, I can feel the lack of sleep draining away my willpower. Apathy is setting in and at this point I don't even care if my kidney's are failing or I have prostate cancer, I just want to sleep more than 4 hours. I should mention that I am completely incapable of getting back to bed after I go to the bathroom because I need to keep going again and again and I'm a shit sleeper.