/fraud/ general

Steroids general. Damn y'all are lazy.


Other urls found in this thread:


Aromasin or arimidex and why

Finally broke it off for good with the girlie.

>Spend 3 weeks at her place
>final hurrah
>shes lovey and affectionate at first
>wanes after a few days and we fight then it picks up and its hot
>a few days later I cum in her 4 times and we get plan b
>progesterone flood plus PMS makes her moody distant and sullen
>I feel under valued and unappreciated
>we fight constantly
>sex every few days
>spend my time drunk verbally abusing her telling her what a shitty person she is
>she was talking to people when she claimed she wasnt
>call her out on it
>she denies it
>she gives me pity sex a few days ago
>came on her ass and in her mouth this morning
>left today says Im just the "guy she saw for a while"
>No signs of sadness as we hold each other and kiss, giving final goodbyes
>she pulls away and just leaves

Women are opportunisitic. She claims she wants to be alone. She'll have a girlfriend in a month. Fucking. Liars.

Steroids are terrible for your health and there's not a shred of evidence to prove otherwise.


Blood test on Monday. How much clen would I be able to take and have it pretty much gone by then?

Two insecure mentally damaged individuals abusing each other then complaining about to their peers

Kill yourself

>drinking on roids
RIP your liver
>being that guy who calls a 3 week fwb fling your gf

drinking is only bad on orals

Been a while since iv posted on fit.

So i recently cleared up my bad cystic acne by injecting more frequently. So test enth 3x per week instead of 2

Clens halflife is like 30 hours if I remember correctly. After about 5 times the half life of a substance it becomes nearly nothing. So that is in 150 hours or 6 days. That means you are able to take no clen at all if they test for it.
If they don't test for it you can take it 1 hour before the test and they wouldn't know. (Apart from raised blood pressure and jitteryness)

lol no I was visiting for 3 weeks. We've been on and off for 10 months.

I take a fucking nap and suddenly the peanut gallery decides to chime in...

thank fucking god someone else has a basic understanding of scientific rigor vis a vis medical studies, shit gets fucking old when I'm usually the only person who can coherently articulate exactly why these kinds of shit-smeared retards are hilariously wrong

despite everything I've said about the whole clusterfuck, I was still hoping that somehow I was completely wrong

>hormonal fluctuations provoke/amplify acne
>news at 11

An interesting.. what dosage are you running ? I feel like I'm gonna run into acne problem when I start cycling..

Jokes on her. My last gig gave me AB resistant chlamydia.


Looking to women for good character


Drinking's always bad though.

you would know

Current tren ace 650mg test enth 750 mg per week for 8 weeks then drop tren and cruise on 350mg test enth


She knows she probably has it.

She got super jealous and thought I'd fucked around when I told her a lesbian couple wanted me to be their unicorn. I didn't take them up on it, but she refused to believe I'd gotten it from elsewhere.

I back this statement

It is just a general checkup so they aren't testing for it, I just don't want them to think I have extremely high blood pressure or something haha

>I told her a lesbian couple wanted me to be their unicorn.

The fuck is that?

Like when swingers look for a bull or unicorn to fuck together/cuck one another.

I was a man that a lesbian couple wanted to fuck together.

>shit gets fucking old when I'm usually the only person who can coherently articulate exactly why these kinds of shit-smeared retards are hilariously wrong
Aaaand you're wrong. Nothing in the reply you're responding to constitutes anything close to a valid response to those studies. Supraphysiologic doses can be in the range I frequently seen thrown around in these generals as "safe".

The fact is you do not have a single shred of evidence to prove steroids are anything but terrible for your health and until you do you need to sht your fat face faggot.

Ahh it all makes sense now. You just like to see the drooling retard tier logic you can spew out onto the screen via kb. Have fun with that, we'ee done here.

cool story bro

want to address the points made by ?

maybe try to articulate something beyond "STERIODS BAD" and shitting out some terrible metastudy done with the most hilariously cherry-picked single and double digit participants and fuck all for controls

if you want to have an actual discussion about it sure but frothing at the mouth about known side effects that can be mitigated through controlled, monitored, "responsible" usage is doing nothing for your cause

>tfw got tricked into going on a dinner date tomorrow night
dinner dates are the WORST

it's impossible to escalate and lead into a same day bang

I should flake

>me nametripfag me type thing u reply gimme (you)

>hey im having fun lets go back to my place for a drink

Alternatively, when I escalated with my girl on the first date I just said "Hey I want to fuck you now" and she said "yes finally can we leave".

Quad 7s say it's both truth and what I'm going to aim for in the next few months.

Dont or keep your distance.

Women or people in general I guess, with weird fetishes are just recreating their bizarre esoteric imprints from their first sexual experiences or recreating their abuses.

These women probably were assaulted by men and judging by what they said they wanted from me, seems as if they wanted to recreate that abuse together.

My ex was assaulted and raped, held down while drunk at a party at 14. Is it a surprise that she's a bratty rope bunny with a chip on her shoulder and a penchant for being slapped during sex?

>i have ZERO evidence yet i'm a better authority than SOME actual evidence

>I have nothing better to do than argue with random people on the Internet about their lifestyle choices

>i am non ironically epitomizing the point being made by me

>how about a night cap?
>how about coffee/drink?
>Hey do you have any other plans tonight?

>tfw haven't taken zoloft in a little over a week
I don't have the needed lens and camera gimbal system to effectively communicate a vlog of these feels.

why did you stop

>I don't actually have valid evidence, points, or the balls to back them up so I'm going to try and fall back on le ebin troll strawman

jesus christ take your loss with some fucking dignity like a man

I didn't like how I'd been feeling lately.

No to say Im not weird or damaged either.

I like to dominate and abuse women in bed but I feel most at home when they cradle my head, let me suckle their tits, and jerk my cock as they call me "mommas big boy".

how many kids and women did you slaughter in Afghanistan?

how have you been feeling?

>no YOU are the one with no evidence, le strawman xD
whoa dude you totally turned the tables there....

Why are you such a passive aggressive bitch?
Atleast reply to him when you are talking about him

Just disoriented about losing the job I had, still. I haven't had anything good going on for me since, I just didn't like the feeling, like something wasn't right and I could hardly even begin to process the negative thoughts to fix it somehow.

>basing major health decisions around broscience and anecdotes

>What is Veeky Forums for $500 alex

do you feel better for dropping it?

Mentally and emotionally at the moment, not quite, later I'm sure I'll be the better for it though.

help a poor-3rdworldcountry-fag out guys

Enjoy your ban
Go look at steroid source talk reddit

I think the post doesn't really address all of the points raised in the original posts that started that whole thing last thread.

Most interesting was:
>Testosterone is the preferred ligand of the human androgen receptor in the myocardium and directly modulates transcription, translation, and enzyme function. Consequent alterations of cellular pathology and organ physiology are similar to those seen with heart failure and cardiomyopathy. Hypertension, ventricular remodeling, myocardial ischemia, and sudden cardiac death have each been temporally and causally associated with anabolic steroid use in humans.

These sound like issues that are at the very least not really brought up when newbies come in here asking for help (really not anyone's fault - the burden is on the pinner to do his/her research) but something that most people here who are on gear are unaware of.


Of all of the claims made in this article (the neuro symptoms of "mood disorders" and "rage" made me lol), I think the one that is most serious is the section on heart issues, as those are the problems that are said to be irreversible even upon stopping AAS.

will 250mg test e cycle kill meh?

Taper you fool. Always taper people Jesus Christ.

Yes. It will kill your humanity.

uh yeah you need to taper that shit like panzer said, you're going to feel suicidal real quick bud

cardiomegaly, lvh in particular, is pretty much the only one you can actually legitimately debate and even there it's a chicken vs egg argument because how the fuck are you differentiating between pathogenic and benign hypertrophy, it's this fucking retarded circular argument that people use various disease processes with THE END RESULT being lvh to ham-handedly attempt to justify their retarded biases

>Athlete's heart is a result of dynamic physical activity such as (more than 5 hours a week) aerobic training, rather than static training such as weight lifting. During intensive prolonged endurance or strength training, the body signals the heart to pump more blood through the body to counteract the oxygen deficit building in the skeletal muscles. Enlargement of the heart is a natural physical adaptation of the body to deal with the high pressures and large amounts of blood that can affect the heart during these periods of time. Over time, the body will increase both the chamber size of the left ventricle, and the muscle mass and wall thickness of the heart.[7]

>Athlete's heart is not dangerous for athletes (though if a nonathlete has symptoms of bradycardia, cardiomegaly, and cardiac hypertrophy, another illness may be present). Athlete's heart is not the cause of sudden cardiac death during or shortly after a workout,[5] which mainly occurs due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a genetic disorder.

now this bullshit

>have each been temporally and causally associated with anabolic steroid use in humans.

like how the fuck are you going to just blatantly try and argue correlation = causation?

not like anyone's going to be able to get a study done of the degree of permanence, if any, of aas-induced vs pure athletic conditioning induced cardiomegaly

Anyone here brew? What's the best way to test raws for purity? I see labmax recommended on a lot of forums but that seems to just indicate presence.

Also reviews for most of the raw sources I know about are pretty outdated so I'd rather rely on a test as opposed to old reviews.

I know of at least three big ones (two of which are chinese, the third apparently doesn't sell anything that doesn't meet their standards using gas chroma and MS). Is there a particular forum that reviews raws? I saw mention of something chess related in a previous thread but can't tell if that refers to a forum or a sauce.

Don't seem to be many reliable reviews in the past year for some of these sources on sst (qr, for example, though ppl and lmc have a decent amount of reviews). Are there more specialized forums where raws are reviewed/discussed? sst seems very geared toward injectables

>controlled, monitored, "responsible" usage
What would you say this comprises? TRT regimen?

Also, side note, I noticed in an earlier thread you're running trest. What's the ester you are running? I read that the base has a very short half life but that taking the very long esters will leave you suppressed for months after your last pin (due to its supposedly higher suppressive-ness compared to test).

Very interesting point about the circular argument. I understand now why it's difficult to distinguish between benign (or, as I understand it, "justified" by exertion level) hypertrophy and pathogenic hypertrophy.

I guess what happened is I saw pubmed and instantly assumed that it's gospel and peer-reviewed and sound science, which might have been my first mistake when interacting with those posts.

Appreciate your insight!

>it's a circular argument because I say so

jano, his contact info is on sst and also pm I think

>What would you say this comprises? TRT regimen?

cruise dosage titrated to the sweet spot of minimal/no ancillaries with normalized bloods, conscious self-monitoring of health markers during blasts along with cardio and not "dirty bulking" like a gross fat shit so you're not constantly 170/110 for 6 months with liver markers shot, kidneys pissed off, and hdl/ldl/triglycerides gorilla-fucked

aka "common sense" kind of shit

>Also, side note, I noticed in an earlier thread you're running trest. What's the ester you are running? I read that the base has a very short half life but that taking the very long esters will leave you suppressed for months after your last pin (due to its supposedly higher suppressive-ness compared to test).

decanoate, and I really couldn't give a shit since I'm bnc anyway with enough test undecanoate to last me for the next half a decade

the suppressive nature is something to do with the 19-nor derivative metabolites along with the more obvious huge ester chains

trying to get people to question everything, acknowledge and control for their cognitive biases, and use actual critical thinking skills to evaluate information presented is the most fucking uphill struggle played out through the history of the world

>the superior informed bro scientist



Well I appreciate you fighting the fight and fighting that uphill battle here. I'm definitely taking all this to heart and hopefully the more I learn I can cover for you while you nap :P

Are you the guy who got DHB tested using jano? Knowing that some service like that exists takes a huge load off my chest because now I can order weird shit like torem and not always be wondering whether or not it's bunk.

Thanks for clarifying what you meant by controlled, monitored, "responsible." I think the next facet that I have to research before finally hopping all are all these markers outside of T/E2/LH/FSH (the latter two basically going to 0 on b&c but relevant if cycling) such as cholesterol, liver stuff, lipids, etc. One of the anons fighting the fear-mongering in the last thread posted something from llewyn's anabolics so maybe that'll help me develop an eye for what to look out for.

>fighting the fear mongering
>trusting a nametripfaggot's shitposting on a chinese cartoon board over seven (7) well researched medical doctors and their peer reviewed and published research

oh boy

174cm 82kg 20-25% bf rough estimate here. I was going to do a cycle 12 weeks 500mg test EW and 30mg dianobol ED, but after doing more research it seems like its better to be lower %bf before I do a cycle. Is there any point cruising on 250mg test EW for a 12 week cut? Would that do anything to help the cut? The main reason I want to do test is for the supposed mental benefits, so I don't care that much about not building muscle on the cut (although it would be nice).

>Are you the guy who got DHB tested using jano?


>Thanks for clarifying what you meant by controlled, monitored, "responsible."

risk/harm reduction in wildly abusable drugs is a completely grayscale kind of thing and exists on an incredibly slippery slope, striking some kind of "responsible" balance is both challenging and a really funny concept when you take it out of very specific context

> Is there any point cruising on 250mg test EW for a 12 week cut?
better nutrient partitioning, you wont lose much if any muscle (depending on how you cut)

> The main reason I want to do test is for the supposed mental benefits
you might not notice much.

>you might not notice much.
Because of low dose or because of cut? I was considering doing 500mg EW during the cut, but I also wanted to do another 12 weeks after the cut and I am not sure if doing 500mg EW for 24 is a smart idea.

>taking SSRIs in the first place
thats where you fucked up

its most noticeable if you were low test b4

cut natty imo
youll have a tougher pct if youre shut down for a longer period of time

>two bottles of wine deep
>broke up earlier today
>lady is out partying with friends probably getting get messy bloody cunt fingered by some slut
>im alone wallowing in self pity

i have a gig lined up where Ill be making 150k within six months will that make her feel stupid?

Britbong here.

What do I take to lose a shitload of weight?

Anyone know anything about Izzy?
I miss her :(


nope, she hasn't posted in a while

you blasting tren+sdrol yet?

>you blasting tren+sdrol yet?
I blast what I can brah

did you rape analgirl after she refused to show up at bday party

or have you found new prey

>did you rape analgirl after she refused to show up at bday party

lolnah, over her bs now.

>or have you found new prey
where you been bru?
have a gf now :3

Asin, it's just more effective. Adex is less likely to crash estro though.

youve got it the wrong way around, friend

>tfw my cheapo leisure centre gym membership only allows me to enter till 4:59pm(though as long as i swipe in, i can stay till like 10pm)
>tfw no motivation to work out much later than that
>tfw the best time to gym is 2pm then leave at 3ish and go to the tesco when everything in the superstore is marked down 30-70%
>but then I gotta eat after a workout
>i don't like eating till 10pm or so since I don't feel hunger till then (im a night owl)
>gotta begrudgingly eat 30g of protein anyway and then it activates my hunger senses from equipoise
>gotta drink 4 glasses of water to dull it down

Fuck I hate having to abide by this schedule

your gym stops accepting people 5 hours before it closes.

that is so completely nonsensical

no, its a leisure centre with different subscriptions.

I just chose the cheapo one which is 8-5pm. I can pay more for one till 11pm but fuck that shit.

I bought DNP straight from a gardening shop in Finland. Why is it so hard to buy in other countries?

Is there anything I can do if I am one of the unlucky fucks to get face bloat on legit tren? I am dry and veiny everywhere, but my face is bloated as bad as dbol bloat when you don't control e2 and eat like shit.

I have pharma caber and it's legit too. One time I started lactating and then started taking the caber (was waiting to see if I needed it first) and it stopped completely.

On 250 test e 500 tren e, 0.5mg caber twice a week, 12.5mg asin twice a week

Again I am dry as hell everywhere else but holding a gallon of water in my face. I read this happens to a lot of people and was wondering how to fix it.

lol what

It's a pesticide so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to buy it there but still, taking a pesticide to lose weight is an odd choice

because people are killing themselves taking it with no research just because they heard it's good for weight loss

gotta protect stupid people

>Most recently, in 2015, Eloise Aimee Parry (photo, right), a 21-year old university student from Shrewsbury died after taking it. It has been reported that she took eight pills instead of the suggested dose of one


>taking 2g as a female

I betcha she lost w8 tho

Week 5 of my cycle and my libido is driving my gf away. At first she loved it but now she feels like the instant I see her it's all I think about.
Also how do I get solid sleep. Test+Deca+Eq is definitely waking me up every hour of the night.

What do you boys pair tren with?

I heard mast is pretty nice.

>What do you boys pair tren with?
anger and frustration desu