Gyms in Dublin?

Can any Irish Veeky Forumsizens point me in the direction of a decent gym in Dublin? I just moved here. There doesn't seem to be many but bulking looks relatively cheap there though

Straight blast gym m8 best

flyefit's fair daycent hai

I wouldn't know, I'm a student at the University of Dublin, Trinity College, so I can use the Trinity College Gym, which is open to students at the University of Dublin, Trinity College, since we have Trinity College Dublin Student Cards. As a gym goes, it's pretty good, more than sufficient for a student at the University of Dublin, Trinity College, it's a great place to hang out and meet other Winners (TM), since you know, Trinners is for Winners. As a student at the University of Dublin, Trinity College, I only socialise with other students from the University of Dublin, Trinity College.

OP, are you a student at the University of Dublin, Trinity College? If you are, you can use the Trinity College Dublin Gym, which is open to all students registered in the University of Dublin, Trinity College.


Another Dublinfag here, if I'm in Dublin what's a good gym that I can pay for daily? I don't want to lock myself into a subscription while I'm broke af

In the same vein, what's the cheapest day pass gym with a few squat racks?




>Jealous because they didn't get 500+ in the leaving cert
Trinners for Winners (TM)

Fucking weirdo

RAW gym portobello, there are a lot of bodybuilders, powerlifters and the lad who owns it was an ex Mr something-or-other. The atmosphere is great and the equipment is everthing a gym should be.

Irishman here, there are decent gyms everywhere if you know where to look, stick to smaller local gyms and avoid hotel or commercial gyms, just like anywhere else.

All you really need is a few weights, a bar and a rack if you want to go minimalist and those are easily found.

For anons who don't get this, Trinity College would be the best College in Ireland.

As a result some of their students are a bit up themselves and like to name drop that they go/went there.

All of the people I've met from there have been A1 but maybe I've just been lucky

Best me bollox, their comp sci programme is a well known joke

The flyfit on Macken Street is mint and cheap.
Gets unusably busy sometimes but mostly at lunch time between 12 and 2 weekdays.

Use to go there but now I just use the work gym. Less equipment but you're never waiting for it, which is one of the most important thing about a gym imo.

Still requires the most points for entry to the course. So even if the programme is a joke, the students will be better in general.

We'll have to disagree user.

>CS in Trinity
>A joke
Butthurt DIT student detected, it's ranked as the best in Ireland and half the successful tech companies in Ireland are founded by that department.
>m-muh practical skills!

CS in Trinity treats CS as a branch of Mathematics. Kids go in and are disappointed that they're not trained to be code monkeys.
Back on topic, if you're in DIT (Like me), don't bother with the fit2go gyms, the opening times are shite. Only join for a month if you must.

If the program is shit and the students are intelligent/educated then they'd probably move to study elsewhere unless they just want "went to trinity" on their cv but I'd doubt they'll be able to keep up with the workload after learning fuck all.

So what/where do you study and where did you hear this "well known joke"?

Let's put it this way, the average graduate salary from CS in Trinity is €45k

>Big workload
>Learning fuck all
Am I detecting a butthurt dropout who didn't think maths was important for software engy?

Damn user... now I want to go the University of Dublin, Trinity College.

I graduated from ITT, the course was mediocre.

DCU has the best comp sci programme in Ireland. I've discussed it with multiple lecturers from ITT and DIT. I work with Trinity/DCU grads daily, those from Trinity have nothing but bad things to say.

It's just an opinion though, is difficult to be objective about these things.

I'm not from DIT, nor a student. See above

Trinity comp sci is actually pretty poor m8. A friend of mine just finished his last year there. He sent me a picture of one of the reference pages of someone else's thesis. Had a grand total of 5 references including and I couldn't believe it, you'd be laughed out of a regional IT for that shit. That said though trinity is GOAT for english/law/history/classics.

Can second flyefit and raw gyms btw.

>Best in Ireland

DCU doesn't even offer a course in Computer Science, it offers Computer Applications which is a course for producing code monkeys. Anyone who recommends it to you is probably not an academic.

>Had a grand total of 5 references including and I couldn't believe it,
You would be right not to, since every thesis in Ireland goes through an external review process. If TCD allowed that thesis to pass, they would no longer be accredited.

Your friend is full of shit or not telling the full story.

It's comp sci under a different name, friend. Modules are important, Not titles.

O'Connell street to deadlift passed out skangers.

I agree with this user desu.
The course titles *do* matter.
Computer science and computer applications are wildly different in the modules they offer, with science being the more respected course.

Dear diary,

Today I derailed a good thread with low quality copypasta. I can die happy now.

Yours faithfully,
user Faggotson

IMO user a title may suggest it's typical module content, but I personally would only care about the actual modules the grad undertook, rather than the course title.

Anyway, very un/fit/ talk, I'd say the Americans are bemused. I hear good things about flyefit.

It was low quality, but at least it was original

>I'd say the Americans are bemused
As an American all I can contribute is how disappointed I was in Dublin and how the tourist economy seems to be driven by selling cheap shit dumb Americans who think they're """"""""Irish"""""""".

I get embarrassed when I'm 5 meters beside one of the tourist shops.

"Tourist" economies are cancer and tourist shops shouldn't be granted planning permission.

>tfw live just outside dublin
>tfw the only gym around me is this tiny shit box
>tfw its crowed when 6 people are there
still the manager is a bro, even if he wears those weird toe shoe sock things


It's worse in other European countries imo, Italy, France etc. Still pretty bad though.

Wut? I was just saying what would happen assuming the course is shit, it's not some conspiracy m8, if you've learned fuck all how are you meant to keep up with the work? Projecting much?

Anyone have an opinion on fit 4 less in tallaght?

Oh man, I know. Italy is the worst. Every 5 seconds some fucking Bangledeshi or Kunta Kinte motherfucker trying to sell me stupid squeaking toys. I straight up nearly clocked a dude in Trastevere for trying to give me a "hug".

Well you Irish fuckers are pretty cool though, had lots of fun at trad sessions and you have good craft beer (Galway Bay Brewery kicks ass) and a far better pub culture than the US.

Whats with Irish people and flat asses? I'm legit curious about it.

Myth, we have a good few peachers here. We do have a few dfc girls though.

straight blast gym only real answer

Google you stupid faggot

kek this shit fucking activated my almonds

Isn't it only martial art type stuff or do they have regular weights/bench/etc? Sorry I know this is probably an autistic question

kek, everyone knows engineering is where it's at and trinity's engineering program is dated as fuck

Unless you're studying nanoscience, law or economics, trinity isn't actually that great

You realize UCD literally has the best computer science course in Europe, right?

It's a meme that originated on /int/


Shitty, run by fucking polish immigrants


>tfw too autistic to go to the gym so do everything at home on my Argos bench

Also Trinity a shit

Dutchfag here. Going to Dublin in 3 weeks. Where dem hoes at?

Best gym within walking distance of DIT Kevin Street? If I have to go to fit2go with their shity bench setup for another year I'll top myself.

Go to a nightclub called Hangar. Make sure you wear a suit/ tux. That's where all the women are :^)

When I stayed there this past summer I went to the Crunch Fitness in the Temple Bar area. It's pretty upscale but they have multiple squat racks and benches, plus pretty much anything else you need. Also the floors are padded and no one seemed to care if I dropped weights.

The only downside is they don't have a water fountain. They want you to either bring your own water or buy theirs for like 3 euros.

FlyeFit George's St.

Gets pretty busy at peak times but if you're used to Kevin St and its one power rack you should be fine.

Thanks m8. What's it like price wise do you know?

20+ joining fee and then 29e/month. probably cheaper per month if you get an annual membership

Just FYI anyone looking to join Ben Dunne Jervis Center don't. Odds are you'll be the only Irish person in the entire gym besides staff at any time. I've legit never found a time where the place wasn't swarming with people. Equipment is alright at best and It's really hard to feel comfortable there. Not worth the low prices. Second worst gym I've ever joined.

Thanks m8.

I don't feckin believe it, I pay tree hundred and tirty tree point tree a month for te gym lads

Copper faced Jack's and diceys