What do Veeky Forums men find attractive in women?

What do Veeky Forums men find attractive in women?

And Why do only ugly men approach me? And I don't mean just ugly but they're always almost black in the Indian ugly way

It's so confidence crushing, other men do stare sometimes but not approach

try not being ugly

Legs, don't need to be t-rex but they need to be thick, also ass and look like you take care of yourself

In the end, fit men take care of themselves so I don't want a jungle bitch next to be

Lose the shitty dove deodorant or whatever basic bitch items you use and get quality

maybe you should be instigating conversation yourself?

It's scary to approach, fuck you.

Hips, ass, and pretty much nothing else. It's biologic.

submission and deference sometimes mean making the first step.

So go over to the guy you like and spill your spaghetti.


Attractive face
Not fat body
Good personality

she's american, they're princesses in the brains

Because you're ugly, whore.

Strong legs, arms that are not atrophied. So many girls have these skeleton arms because they literally never did anything with them.

height, physical condition, noticeable muscles, strong legs

since most girls have pretty faces you stop caring about it, and tits don't really matter anyway, but preferably smaller (result of lower bodyfat)

height is kinda important. why would I want to look 25cm downwards to see the girl in the first place? +170cm minimum, preferable above 175cm.

This, except I'd say "not unattractive" face instead of "attractive"

women are a meme
rather die alone than waste my time with some bitch

>not fat body
Dyel bitch? I don't want a woman who is skinny with no energy. Get a six pack and we'll talk.

Short, tits and 'podgy' (not fat but large enough to see that ring around the tummy, not large enough for that tummy to stick out and sag, you know, like where you see they're a little tubby but not absurd).

Or tall, flat chested and lanky/slim.

I'm short so I only go for the short podgy ones because I doubt the taller ones are interested.

That's what I find physically attractive, but most important is her behaviour. I don't care if she's a 0/10 with no limbs, face half torn off and wriggles on a wheelchair to go places, if I like her I'll go for it.
So what are good behaviour characteristics of women?
>No whorish attitude: short dresses, dresses to show as much skin as possible, tries to make breasts as visible as legally possible borderline forcing them in everyone's face, also talks about sex/masturbation if it comes up (don't give anyone information about what actually happens in the bedroom). Piercings other than earrings. Tattoo(s). 100 layers of makeup. Dyed hair (natural colours are fine). Flirting with every guy she sees.

Another poor set of characteristics is being a bitch. Whining about life/other people puts the girl straight into the trash. If it's the odd rare bitch I can cope, but if she's always whining then why would I want to be around her? Getting frustrated easily is a poor trait. Assertion to problems is different to whining about them. Girls who ask for help are cute (and also give a window of opportunity to get to know them better). Being openly critical of people is a yet another trait to avoid.


The same things everyone finds attractive

Cleanliness, presentation, confidence


Other characteristics are irrelevant, I don't care if she's shy or confident. If I like being around her (the previously mentioned traits are pretty much all that's required), then I'll consider biting the bait. The time I ask is when it's just us, nobody we know around and we've been talking for a while. Make sure it's a planned time, E.G if we always spend Wednesday lunch together then I'll probably plan to ask then as it's predictable that you'll be there and I can plan out the conversation pathway.

If I start asking about what you do in your free time then in looking for a slot to date you. Tell me what you do and then 'but I don't have plans' if you want me to ask you, or end with 'but I'm busy lately' if you want me to back down.

Sidenote: If you're wearing a ring I'll assume that's because you have a BF and won't ask you unless you specifically mention to me that the ring isn't implying you're taken. Mention your single and if I'm interested and not busy I might plan to ask you in the short future.

Finally: all guys like different things, and look for different things. If you're looking for a short term/one night stand purely based in sex you should behave differently to if you want a long-term relationship. Short-term = sexy, long-term = likeable, trustworthy and loyal.

Play to what you want, but remember all guys like different things (physically). I'm pretty sure all the aforementioned non-physical characteristics are consistently desired by most men (can Veeky Forums confirm?)

Charm, humor and intelligence.

As long as you're not under 7/10, I honestly don't really care as long as you are sub-25% bodyfat (although a juicy ass and thicc thighs certainly don't hurt).

Also, as other anons have stated, approaching a cute girl can sometimes be a bit intimidating, so if you're not approached they might just be shy. Try making first contact yourself, I'm sure a lot of guys would admire your confidence.

I don't really mind stupid girls. But girls who never try are shit tier. If she's dumb and doesn't understand concepts too easily, but she tries to and works hard, I'll be more interested in them than a girl who gets perfect score without trying. I remember back in college multiple people needed me to help them with their subjects. The girls I favoured the most were the ones who took what I explained and practiced it. Some of the poor little things struggled really hard and I had to make methods of remembering things for them. Some people listen but never worked, which was infuriating because it was a complete waste of my time.

Girls don't have to be funny themselves, but a sense of humour (to appreciate amusing things) is required. If she's a complete joykill at every joke then it's not going to work. Sometimes things aren't funny, but if she gives at least a small smile (even if I know she's lying but being nice) then I'm happy that she's willing to forgive the person joking around (not always myself), so she still gets points.

Confidence is something I don't personally care about. Shy girls are cute, confident girls are hot. If she's optimistic then everything is alright.

Speaking of confidence though, if I know a girl and she and I get along, then I've almost certainly had fantasies about fucking/dating her. Ask me out and I'll take it. If I'm interested in another girl but will consider you, and you ask me out, then I'd drop my interest in the other girl instantly. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and I'd rather start going put with a girl I know is interested in me immediately than wait a while to build up enough confidence to ask a girl who may/may not be interested in me and risk wasting my time entirely.
Even if I had plans to ask the first girl our in five minutes from you asking me, I'd still take you and cancel my plans to ask girl 1 (unless I had become really attached to her for some reason, but that's very rare)

What rating does /fit give this girl?

> I would be your bf, but only because I didn't want to work for a hotter girl
> Or risk rejection from a hotter girl
> Or compete with Chad for the hotter girl

> If hotter girl asks me out though, I'm breaking up with you immediately

>black eyes
>doesn't like sports
>"being super lazy"
>bad eyesight

like why the hell did you post that image on Veeky Forums of all places???

Oh, she's pretty and has nice hair. Why does she never drink, but wonder if she should go to a bar? Why does she watch big bang theory and listen to Meghan Trainor?

Wud gf/Wud gf

Fit chicks > thin chicks. I see rail-thin college-age chicks all the time and think, "If you'd get under a barbell you'd be a knockout."

Seriously, being fit with actual shoulders and triceps can add three full points.

She's a coin toss. Basic bitch.

Yeah pretty much.

If you're not hot you still stand a pretty good chance. I'd rather go for average and almost no competition than hot and surrounded by Chads.

Wouldn't you?

If you were dating a hot girl you know she's constantly desired and has millions of options other than you, but if she's average she's unlikely to go looking elsewhere or be hit on by Chads.

Seems boring as hell but I'd fuck her a few times.

Anal strawberries /10 (would)

She likes animoos and cosplay

Yeah, but you'd also cheat on/break up with the average girl if the hot girl gave you a hint that she was hunted

She sounds both boring and neurotic. That's an instant boner killing combo. It's a shame because she's got a nice face.

I wouldn't take my chances in wrecking my current relationship, but I can imagine a lot of guys would.

The point is, you don't have to be hot to get guys, but you may risk competition if your guy is desired by hotter girls.

Hot people should date hot people, average with average, ugly with ugly.
Hitting above your class and you risk having your partner stolen.

Huh, I see.

What about this girl? Does /fit like this kind of woman?

Trying to know someone by what they write on a dating profile is a really poor indicator. I'd prefer to know what I'm getting into rather than judging by the adverts. I would never use online dating for the simple reason that it's a bad indicator.

Thanks for your advice, Chad McNormie

But I'm a skele-manlet perma-virgin. Girls have shown interest before but I've never secured a date.

Maybe if you used online dating, then you would have gotten a date


she is below average in Russia nearly all rusian girls are like that if more people knew how amazing it is in Russia with women as a foreigner...

I'll take my chances. I've come close numerous times but it's my autism that wrecks me. As soon as I start becoming interested in the girl things go to shit. I think my passive body language changes or something. Either way, next time for real, no more mistakes.

You might not be ugly but you might not be hot enough to interrupt my day and, for me personally, I just don't like giving women opportunities to act like a bitch. Cutting + makeup? Are you fat?

To answer your question, we like a mixture of beauty and convenience.

I always wondered how it feels to women when they see a nice guy. Now I think I know.

That girl is a female nice guy and reading this text I was only thinking how boring a life with her would be. And also that she must have some major character flaws she isn't talking about.

That one is better, find out if she's an archaeologist

At the risk of sounding like a pussy it's really not all about physical apperance. Being not ugly is important, really important, but wether you're 7/10 or 10/10 matters very little. Being 10/10 doesn't compensate for having a personality that makes you intolerable to be around.

Her self-confidence is sorta intimidating. She sounds like she thinks she's too good for me, so she'd have to be the one to shows interest in me. And she'd have to be persistent about it.

Yes I would be all over that.

gg no re

Does Veeky Forums like this type of girl?
Fit is mainly men, men like all types of girls no matter what they look like unless they are fat

The cardinal rule of being a girl is dont be fat, if youre not fat you can get any guy you want
Thats not saying you cant get laid as a fat chick but its gonna be atleast as hard for her to get laid as it is for an 7/10 guy to get laid

You have to read between the lines you retard.

>Maybe if you used online dating
Online dating for guys is a joke, Its like being a fisherman looking for fish in the desert along milions of other fishermen

This is pretty good advice.

Thick/a small amount of chub some guys like, but every guy likes a slim/fit girl.

I'm too autistic and retarded to be capable of doing that

its because youre ugly

ugly people approach u because they feel like they have a chance lmao

get served fattie bitch mc fat bitch haha

>Thick/a small amount of chub some guys like, but every guy likes a slim/fit girl.
Truth with a modification
You can be chubby, you can be slim but you just cant be hamplanet size
Salty faggots will comment on you not being attractive when you are slim or chubby but all girls get approached by guys IRL except hamplanets

If youre a girl just go out to a bar ot get tinder/any dating site or app and you will get a guy within days (except if youre a hamplanet)

I agree with you.

10/10, would marry if she is IRL like she is in the profile.

Because this is what happens to men that approach attractive women.

Don't race mix goyim, and they're more self aware you're probably good looking so they don't approach with ease. The Pajets don't have that self awareness and just shit anywhere and talk to anyone talk it as a compliment not an insult :)

>trying to talk to a obnoxious Tumblrina cunt with a stupid tattoo on her thigh
He has no one to blame but himself, what the fuck did he think was going to happen?

Easy sex from a landwhale with daddy-issues?

I agree, its his own fucking fault
if a girl is single there usually is a reason she is single and in this case (like many other) she was an obnixious bitch