CBT thread femanon edition

Had one like these a while back and was bretty gud.
My lifts are:
77.5kg squat
85kg diddly (makes no sense compared to squat)
27.5kg ohp



pls be in brisbane


>Le daily dose of whore attention

Hank Hill is that you?

>le daily dose of bitter virginity

if a man made this thread you literally wouldnt say a word, stop being a retarded faggot

tfw same height as me and most likely not in

I'll stick to womanlets

How long liftan

what the fuck?

im a male(let) with same hight with 66kg body weight, more muscle mass, more fat and i look fat

Looking good

Validation the thread.

Go back to you dumb whores.

Go fuck yourself white-knight

Around 9 months now
I lift 3 times a week, still progress doesn't go that fast. I used to have an inverted uggo ass though so that seems to kinda have improved

You still have a shit ass, and shit legs as well. 9 fucking months and that pathetic body and those pathetic lifts?

Stop sucking cock at the gym and actually lift weights, bitch.

And that's not every thread on Veeky Forums?
> le secret boys' club

>85kg diddly (makes no sense compared to squat)
Why though? My dead is also heavier than my squat.

stop coming here to attention whore
pancake ass

>9 months

The funniest thing is these are probably the shit cunts 1RPM lifts. Lifts as much as a 14 year old boy.

lol Veeky Forums is hilarious if you met OP in real life you wouldn't be able to talk to her let alone shit talk, you'd spill that marinara the second she looked at you and back here to post the story of how hard she mired

Lookin good bae. Ignore the virgins

Yeah i would, because the op is a frail titless and probably ugly whore.

1/10 (would have given you -1 if i wasn't good, since that ass and scar on your leg and no tits)

would prob use you as a cum rag if i was bored

These are my 3x5 lifts though
Started out as a lanky ironing board
I don't squat ATG but I definetly squat below paralell

Of course we would. He would be called a dyel and told to gtfo. The girl from OP gets the praises only because she's female, not because of her mediocre gains.
I mean, she does look good and all, but that didn't require much work at all. What is this equivalent to a man's lift? 120kg didly and 120kg squat? That's shite.

Sure man and you've got a great personality

Lel, all these bitter guys ITT

to be fair, chicks are lifting on very low testosteron,

This, well summed up. The bitch looks average and nothing special. Something you'd get with minimum exercise.

As said, any DYEL guy would get the same hatred. Stop feeding a dumb cunts ego because she's a woman.

These threads never go well on night time Veeky Forums OP.

Nope this guy looks like he's never worked out in his life most of the replies are encouragement or tips.

It's noon, you duffus

>Nope this guy looks like he's never worked out in his life

Yes he has, OP. You look DYEL o the other hand.

>Tfw just wanted femanon cbt like last one
>Tfw forgot Veeky Forums gets triggered by females

Oh well

He called the thread "shitty body" (and I understand why people wanted to drag him out of negative mental state). Not "fema femanon".

shut the fuck up, if you want attention so badly fuck off back to

>this is an American website

Listen little baby,

You're gonna get a lot of degrading and hurtful comments in this thread, but that ain't what I about.

Let me just say you are perfect the way you are you hear me sugar?


don't ever change, you deserve everything and anything you want.

stay safe for me baby girl

>mfw thinking about you hurting

i dont see a problem

For having an on topic thread?
Some of these people are actual autists so always be prepared for disappointment.

Thighs look very good, everything else looks completely DYEL. Are you eating? Are you satisfied with yourself, or is this for advise?
Also please be in Greece

>For having an on topic thread?

Yeah, and why did you create it "femanon" and not just post your body in any of the other CBT threads? i know why, it's because you think you're a special little snowflake.

Fuck off, attention whore.

No, a kike made it, so it's Israeli. It's almost noon in Isreal.

fuck off bitter virgin

Looking pretty good, tight etc. What's your routine?

I eat clean at maintenance.
Not really satisfied at all though, I really want to get those high test squat legs. Only reason I didnt bulk yet is because I have a small ass, narrow hips and small tits. Don't know if high test was meant for me

3x5 sucking dads cock
3x5 getting railed by Tyrone
3x5 getting strangled by jamal
3xF Attention whore

3x a week

She did post it in another cbt thread yesterday

you have no place here and we can't change that so bye
also this is now a piano thread

sick progress, OP. keep it up

moots from New York

Then the special butterfly can fuck off and go post in another CBT thread you dumb cunt, i don't see all the other CBT threads saying shit like 'MALEANONS' like her current thread which is only tailored to other whores.

Fucking retard, get cancer.

>Only reason I didnt bulk yet is because I have a small ass, narrow hips and small tits

That is more reason to bulk 2bh


the kike city. Point proven

It's still on topic. Regardless of what you project onto OPs intentions.

You're stronger and more jacked than 99% of Veeky Forums. This is mainly a sanctuary for ugly beta men who think they can lose their virginity by lifting a couple of weights.
Why do you even post here?

where hams and calves tho?
also how many scoops?

Bby don't be discouraged, these bitter nerds aren't used to interacting with women since there are very few that browse /r9k/. I, on the other hand, am. I know you're fragile, I know you're sweet and precious, I know you have goals and dreams that need to be supported. Your body looks great and your lifts are as strong as you are beautiful (impressively). I'm proud of you.
>mfw thinking of you lifting

Yes and kike city is in the greatest country on earth America, this is an American anime website

>You're stronger and more jacked than 99% of Veeky Forums.

Speak for yourself, faggot.

post body

Guys get shit on in threads too bby its ok you just gotta push through the hate

Was my reply for you, dyel little beta bitch? No? Then never fucking speak to me again

So many bitter virgins on this board lmao

this thread was dead on arrival

>It's a /r9k/ bitter virgin thread

Lashing out against women won't get you laid lads

Yeah, but if I gain weight I literally only gain it in my stomach area. Would a slow bulk when working my legs harder get me more near the high test zone?

OP is
>the grocery store clerk they'd told y-you to
>the hair stylist that made them feel awkward when she grazed their ear
>their mom after a long day at school
>their feelings of inadequacy
But you can't call your self esteem a whore and make it better anons, you just can't.

>I eat at maintenance
>I have a small ass, narrow hips and small tits
>Not satisfied
>I want to get those high test squat legs
You want to bulk and you don't know it. Embrace it.
>please be in Greece

faggot white knight faggot

really good progress, out atm can't post pics but

max squat - 83kg
diddlydoos - 100kg
bench -lmao40kg
ohp- 30kg

am cutting though so lifting low weight high reps atm, down 4kg
gonna make it

I posted because I wanted to see other femanons, for motivation, mire or advice purposes. But hey, if thats what you like to believe. Go ahead user and release your bitter anger here.

It's pretty sad that I once had arms like that and I'm a dude.

Anyway keep up the good work fegget.

also tips on cutting pls, i want a stomach like dat

A girl that likes Evangelion? Fuck, why aren't there more of you?

>136 Lbs
The fact that women can be so light makes me giggle for some reason.

I don't think there is any harm in trying bulking

If you notice yourself getting a bit too fat just scale back the cals

Hey..., that's pretty good


Sadly this board is filled with /r9k/ underage autists, disregard them. I feel like very few females are posting here so you could be the only female posting a pic in your thread. Next time try to post in normal CBT threads maybe.

1RMs are not that important in absolute terms; nobody cares about how much you lift, even more if you're a woman. You definitively should focus more on the gluteus. It's much more difficult to put muscle mass since no test, you should definitively work out that ass more. But how?

I'd suggest to focus on volume rather than on 1RMs. High volume training (with stripping) might help (provided that you have at least a full rest between two consecutive trainings; better if there's at least 48 hrs). 10/12 (75%/30%)x3 (30~60 secs rest) or 12/15/20 (70%/25%/15%).
Also, put some hip thrust.

But chickie, you're doing great. Keep going, and don't forget to eat! to keep this fem cbt related.
5'5 146lbs bulking. Picture isn't really current but it's about 5 days old

Why do you keep showing off your leg when it's looks pathetic you asian lenny looking cunt?

>Picture isn't really current but it's about 5 days old
>5 days old
>not current
oh, the autism

It's okay to have a different opinion but
>fuck off, attention whore

I hate attention whores but there are 10x times the ammount of guys doing much worse shit than this on Veeky Forums.

Worse shit is when somebody looks totally correct, and he/she still posts a piture so they can get some positive feedback on fucking Veeky Forums. Way to be insecure.

oh, the bitterness

>roiding to look like a literal turd

I call em the thunder trunks. you like
Have you seen my chromosomes

I never cut nor bulked, so I can't really help you out. Can only suggest eating lots of cottage cheese and oats. Also eat rice crackers as a snack, good shit for when you just want to eat.

You look fuckin amazing. I gotta get with a girl who lifts.

Oh you're the fag that started a thread about me! How many times did you cum on my picture? Did you fantasize about my roid clit?Nnow imagine me and you having a sword fight kek


why a woman would desire to look like that

unless she's a cunt eater maybe

Hey my sister is a cunt eater and she probably knows what a cunt taste like than you lel

Daddy problems, also it's a 5ft5 asian chink so "it" is trying to compensate.

Not knowing it's still incredibly weak, and would get snapped in half by even a lanklet male.

ayy bby, I'm actually a femanon in oxford, wanna fuk?

Would you like to have a steamy gay sex with me.

You know unless you go to like 4000 kcal, you won't gain weight overnight.
Also squatting ass to grass is the best, just go as low as you can, if you're a girl you should be mobile too.

You need to gain strength if you want to get thick legs and ass, it won't come just because you pack on more mass.

>13/10 bod
>dat pic of clothing
>prolly tomboy
why do you wifeables have to exist?

>Greek girls squatting
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