You dont need preworkout, just stick to black cofee

>you dont need preworkout, just stick to black cofee

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nice thread loser

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nice thread loser

nice thread loser

Nice thread loser

nice thread loser

Nice thread loser

Nice thread loser

Nice thread loser

nice thread loser

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nice thread loser

nice thread loser

Nice thread loser.

nice thread loser

enjoy your norwood boner l0ser

mfw I see you losers being butthurt by my post

>coffee? that's nice. real men need a MAN'S preworkout.
>what? are you afraid of seeing your body's true potential?
>pfft omae wa mou shindeiru

nice thread loser

>trips confirm

nice thread loser

I prefer green tea tbqh

>bodybuilding? Lol pussy. Real men squat bench and deadlift

All preworkout stuff I've ever seen is just a large dose of caffeine mixed with a bunch of meme vitamins and insignificant amounts of various meme amino acids. Caffeine is the only substance that has an immediate effect.

>Caffeine is the only substance that has an immediate effect
>doesn't know about cocaine

nice damage control loser

enjoy your test loss

but I'm on test bb

Are you memeing, or? Cause I'd be interested to know if that's true or not, I was told to drink it often because of the fat burning elements.

>caring about burning fat this much
Don't worry lad, you already were low test.

nice thread loser

>Nice thread loser

nice bread hoser

Sure fag

Interesting read, also checked