I've done SS for a year now and I'm bored as hell with it. I want to get aesthetic Veeky Forums

I've done SS for a year now and I'm bored as hell with it. I want to get aesthetic Veeky Forums.

What routine do I use?



>I've done SS for a year now
No you haven't. And you didn't read the book. Faggot.

>disproving people on the internet

>each lift goes up by 5lbs each workout
>3 workouts a week for a year
3 x 52 = 156 workouts

5lbs x 156 workouts=,780lbs total weight gained

Are you telling me you can deadlift over 800lbs OP?!

someone hasn't read the book

>being this new

>not replying to the question asked
>being a faggot

do you go to the gym 156 days a year? do you know someone who does?

What are you guys even talking about?

Look you didn't do the program correctly, so go do whatever you want. Do a push pull

I'm not one of these guys but I'd reckon they're trying to say you're being a pretentious asshole.

Nobody eats perfectly, goes to every session and never deloads for an entire year.

If you've ever been to a gym you know this. And since you're on Veeky Forums I will assume that you have at least attempted it, which means you're just being a douche.

And to answer OP's question, do SS for 5 days a week if u wanna be a good looking homo.

Yeah. I go 4 days a week. That's over 200 days a year. Most of my friends do the same.

Man fit is weird as this time of night

I started with 5x5 SL. After fucking around on it for about 4-5 months, I added in accessories. Adding in accessories helped me stay on SL for another 3-4 months, then I stopped making progress (or rather, was deloading and stalling too often). Switched to PPLPPLx while doing 5/3/1 for main compound lifts. Now I'm doing Chest/Bi/Calves, Legs/Tris/Abs, Shoulders/Bis/Cavles, Back/Tris/Abs, Rest, repeat.

Candito Beginner Program for another 6 months / year maybe, then Candito 6 week program.

>do you go to the gym 156 days a year? do you know someone who does?
I go to the gym 220 times a year give or take

Keep up SS and start a martial art.

no you don't

yea I do. in fact I rounded down to make up for the realistic scheduling conflicts that occasionally happen

>no body ever stalls or deloads on SS

Wanna know how I know you're retarded?

What are your lifts like and what are your goals?

Personally I think Candito's 6 week is pretty good around for size and strength. Early weeks have lots of volume and plenty of upper body work, later weeks have pretty high intensity. It's a solid program.

If you're out for something just more bodybuilding type I'm not sure of a specific routine, it's not my style of lifting, but doing the major compounds for like 4 sets of 10 at like 70-80% then supplement with good accessory work would do the job. I'm sure there's good routines out there if you look.

>I've done SS for a year now


Some of us are dedicated. U mad?

5 day split
Monday shoulders
Tuesday chest
Wednesday back
Thursday shoulders
Friday chest