Is it possible to overwork yourself when cutting and potentially hurt your weight loss?

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Yeah if you injure yourself.

3 weeks after finishing my cut I weigh the same but I look and feel much more bloated and chubby. Why could this be?

Will alcohol kill my gains? I need to get smashed tonight, and tomorrow is my rest day.

I deload if it hit a plateau, correct?

Is this natty? Keep in min

Keep in mind he's 6' 5"

Holy shit I forgot the link too fuck me.


Whenever I do squats and deadlifts, I feel like my lower back is suuuuuper tight, like there is an exaggerated curve there and my muscles are tense. Is this a sign of bad form or just muscles that need to keep being worked out?

Also what are some good ab/core workouts you can do with free weights, I can plank for 2 minutes straight (don't know if that is a good long time or super short) but I don't feel most movements hitting my abs.

Well you fucked up that post; but if I had to guess I'd say he's not natty.

Is it ever possible to put on small amounts of muscle while cutting as long as your getting enough protein and obviously doing resistance training. Or is the best you can do maintain the same amount as muscle as before?

Youtube search Eric Helms + relevant terms - he's one of the few people who seems to actually have read all the relevant literature and can explain it in a sensible way.

The highly simplified answer is 'Yes and no, it depends on your circumstances.'

Is there a good one off book on nutrition that can give me a good base of knowledge to work with when making meal plans?


thanks user - very interesting video

Is there any real downside to receiving around 80% of my protein intake in one meal? Does it matter?

Yes. Your body can only absorb around 30g of protein every 3 hours (results may vary) having any more than 40gs of proten at once is a bit of waste.

You didn't count your calories right. You didn't lose any weight? Then you been eating too much. Feel bloated? You've been eating too much.

One day of drinking won't. What's the point of getting yolked if you can't enjoy life every once in a while? Drink, have fun, and get laid brah

Yep, and eat more!

In calling bullshit. Citation definitely needed.

>mfw Sedentary Life

So I've had a foot/metatarsal injury that won't allow me to stand. Since then, I haven't had the motivation to exercise much and I've gained a gut and weaker muscles. Not until earlier I've decided to do home workouts. I've gone down the pick-and-choosing of the YouTube shit hole but I'd like a program I can progress in or recc workouts. I'd like something that I can do at the comfort of my own home and also without weights. My goal is to just be healthy and without a gut, in the context of not feeling sluggish everyday just because of my condition. Obviously eating right is of priority, and some workouts just won't work, but I'd previously been able to modify some workouts- for a pushup, use 1 leg instead do 2, etc. I am also swimming every now and then but I can only do half as many laps as I did pre-injury as inflammation intensifies.

>tl;dr what is a home program that I could do that doesn't require weights and not many 'standing positions'?

there are no studies that back this up, this retard doesn't know what he's talking about

How do I start oly lifting?

>What's the point of getting yolked if you can't enjoy life every once in a while
Yeah no fucking shit. Gotta take sweet advantage of that raised TDEE.

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET RID OF ARMPIT FAT. my nigga arms look like i got 2 pussys in there. 151lbs 5"10. cut bulk? lean bulk with minimum fat? healthy fat? fuck i do Veeky Forums?

with regard to muscle protein synthesis he's pretty correct

How badly will getting high off oxycontin once or twice a week affect my gains

when people say "bulk until you see abs" does that mean flexed or unflexed?

*until you can't see abs

citation granted:

is it fat or is it just skin? Post pic.

they're usually talking 18 or 20% BF.


The rate of absorption =/= the max you can have.

I can bench 65kg 5x5 but I can't do more than 3 dips with what I feel shitty ROM. I weigh 81kg. Am I missing something or dips should be that hard?

so your telling me to trust this guy over a scientific study... no thanks

Are wrestler neck bridges to be done is let richly or for reps?

he has citations in his explanation you dumb nigger

I'll even post the government study for you


i squashed a muscle inbetween my shoulderblades when doing bench press, how do i into good form? what did i do wrong do you asume?

You haven't posted a scientific study though?

Best program for a girl who can't lift the barbell on any lifts? Dumbbells only by preference until she can squat the barbell. I'm not sure if she has access to a leg press or other leg machine but we can get a few versions. Thanks.

Are you OK user?

Found the retard.

I overstretched my hamstring and now it kind of hurts when I stretch it a bit again. This will affect me when I deadlift again 2 days from now. Will this heal by then, and what can I do to hasten the process?

Use the girl barbell. It's the smaller one and it's only 25 pounds.

I have overdeveloped legs (no I did not do SS or SL). I biked to my school every day for 8 years 2 hours a day. But the last time I did that was about 6 years ago. So I had a bit of muscle definition when I started lifting. Which I did at the beginning of this year. But the problem I have now is that my muscles in my legs are bigger than the rest of my body (not as bad as in those meme pics though). My current rotation is PPL. Should I drop leg days all together and just focus on my upper body for now?

>eat meal
>eat so much I feel like my stomach's going to burst
>hour goes by
>stomach starts growling again
>hunger returns

I'm scared anons is this good or bad and what should I do?

Eat better. You can eat XXL fucking pizza's and still get your stomach growling an hour afterwards. Its your body telling you that you are deficient of something. Start tracking your food and make sure you hit your macros.

Advice on program

day one backs traps forearms

>db hammers
>cable curls

day two legs

>squats (3x5 then 20 reps without putting the bar down)
>sitting calf raises
>standing calf raises

day three

chest shoulders tris

>incline bench
>side lats
>tricep pulldowns
>upright row

would also like to do some cleans.

High weight one week high volume the next

I have a winged scapula, and my shoulders are uneven. My right foot is also flat-footed. Shit back and feet, and I'm only just starting to lift

What do, Veeky Forums?

I have a slight scoliosis and before I lifted it started hurting when I stood to long. But since I started lifting the pain is gone in the same situation.

Whats a good fullbody workout to lose weight?

Is this an acceptable rotation:

Day 1: Chest & Tri
Day 2: Back & Bi
Day 3: LEGS
Day 4: Shoulders
Day 5: Chest & Tri
Day 6: LEGS
Day 7: Back & Bi
Day 8: Shoulders
Day 9: LEGS


No u


Okay, thanks.

I strained my lower back last Friday by letting it round on the last DL. Peak soreness was around Monday and now I'd say I'm feeling 80%. Is that good enough to get lifting again or should I wait til 100%? And I opened SL today and was greeted with this popup. Should I really deload if it's been 9-10 days?

Is steroids the only way you can "make it?"

I recently started working out. What can be done about doms pain? Is it better to keep working out despite of it or to wait until it stops?

Enjoy it while it lasts. I miss having it

Work through it breh

What app is this?

Yes, you are cutting, so your body has less calories to recover.

Barbell Questions:

Are there any 1" barbells with weight capacity in excess of 250 lbs?

If I have to buy an Olympic set, what is the best bar to get me to a 405 squat/deadlift (at the lowest cost)?

Deload your squat and bench by 5% and your deadlift by 10 or 15, I assume the injury is from poor form.

>Enjoy it
I cannot stretch my arm past 90ยบ

You might be over-arching your back. Would have to see a video.

stronglifts 5x5

stop being a whiny little bitch and take the pain, enjoy it, feel the sensation

Any cheap Olympic bar should hold 405 without an issue.

>I strained my lower back last Friday by letting it round on the last DL
>I assume the injury is from poor form
You betcha. DLs have been a struggle for me lately, progressing every other try, and I was so stoked to be doing lmao2pl8 on the first attempt, I just wanted to get the bar up. Hopefully this will be the the last time I need to learn this lesson.

And you meant 10 or 15% deload on DL?

And if I'm still a little sore can I still lift or should I wait til I'm feeling 100% recovered?

Fuck I meant isometrically, pls respond

Just found out I have a gluten allergy, but I'm on a bulk. Any recommended gluten-free bulking foods?

You probably shouldn't dedicate an entire day to shoulders unless roiding

I bought a basic 300 lb Oly set for like 270 dollars about 7 years ago. I've deadlifted 500 on it no problem. Pretty sure it was CAP brand.

Try Craigslist, sometimes there's good shit. Don't get a 1"/standard barbell. Get 2"/Oly. Standard bars will fuck up if you want to deadlift or squat heavy weights. Not to mention you won't find 45 lb plates for it that are the correct diameter for lifts from the floor.

Some really light deadlifts with like 20-40% 1RM might be good. Or some light weight hyperextensions. I would not deadlift heavy again for ~2 weeks after the initial injury. Don't fuck yourself up. Use common sense.

Do you mean you have Celiac disease?

I'm a previous bodyweightfag, about to lift barbells for the first time in my life tomorrow. I've decided to do SS.

My question is, how do I find out my starting weights? Can someone give me a quick guide? I remember reading a good method before but I can;t find it now.

I need some help optimizing my routine, and don't wanna make a new thread for this shit.

I'm doing Phrak's GSLP (pic related) right now, since I'm coming back to lifting, and hated my SL days. I wanna focus on getting large traps and arms (biceps and triceps; whatever makes me look bigger).

I was wondering how to work that into my program? Should I do 1 trap, 1 bi and 1 tri exercise after every workout? That sounds sub optimal, though. Should I split them into "days", and do 2 trap exercises after "monday", 2 bi after "Wednesday" and 2 tri after "Friday"? Or Should I do 2 trap on one day, then a bi and tri on the next, then rotate between those two?

Basically, I want big arms and traps. Help me get 'em. Also, I'm willing to put in at home, if there's some meme tier shit that actually works for arms, but I can only get to the gym about thrice a week.

Also, suggestions for specific exercises?

I'm not used to hypertrophy shit or adding in accessories, so feel free to treat me like a newfriend.

just start with the bar only (except deadlift) and add 5 lbs erry time

1 Trap and Bi

2 Trap and Tri

3 Tri and Bi

The book tells you exactly how to do this. Just download the pdf.

That is SL not SS.

Cheers man. Any suggestions on specific exercises? I was thinking shrugs, curls and tricep pushdowns.

When I'm cutting, doing weight training 3x a week, is it good to do cardio every other day?


And the chupacabra will steal your gains if you look at it directly!

Wait, no, the chpacabra is less of a myth.

I'm having a really fucking tough time gaining weight. For the past 4 weeks I've added 3 hard boiled eggs to my daily intake and am still not gaining weight. I don't know what else I can do. I eat well, and I eat a lot, but I rise to around 175 from my normal resting weight of 165-170 and then just stop there. Does that mean my weight gain stops (that makes no fucking sense) or keeping my stomach full/drinking more water but am not actually gaining weight? Help.

Eat more, genius.

>DYEL skinnyfat, beer drinking 'trail runner'
>Decide I want to start lifting and get my shit together
>GF wants to come lift with me

So how do people go about lifting together when there's any major weight difference between what to people are working with?

Alright senpaitachi so im 24 and have come to accept that I have thinning hair on my crown. What length buzz is recommended?

>3 hard boiled eggs

Try adding something with actual caloric content. That's like 200 calories dude. This is why GOMAD exists (even though it's pretty retarded). Why not try adding a quart of milk per day to your current diet?

How do you think? You load and unload the bar between sets.

every morning i wake up with a burning stomach and the thought of food makes me wanna puke. i also cant eat much without getting feeling full. whats wrong with me? i do dip but dip usually makes me hungry so idk what the hell is going on with my appetite and body. i just wanna make some gains

Have you tried not being a hobby jogger

Maybe you're preggo.

In all seriousness, morning nausea is pretty normal. Does it go away after an hour or two? If so, you're fine.

yeah but it ruins my appetite. breakfast is usually what helps my appetite and makes it where to where i can at like a monster but fuck man every morning it gets me

sup bros

alternatives to OHP?

hang yourself 1x1

Before I begin to cement my workout habit/schedule, is it alright if I go something like Cardio/Plebian HIIT Day - Legs Day - Cardio/Plebian HIIT - Arms Day, etc?

In other words, is it alright for me to work out daily, alternating between cardio and weight training?

Im starting to feel shin splints, Ive done research and my symptoms fit everything to a T. Its not bad yet but I cant let them get out of control. My problem is my usual shin stretches arent making me feel anything, not even the foam roller is making it hurt. Its just when Im warming up and after I run, then sometimes I'll feel random aches (almost like a bruise) for just a second while Im walking.
Are there any alternative shin stretches or shin splint remedies you guys would recommend?

Are there any workouts / diets that specifically help people on medication that make them gain weight? Weight gain is the #1 side effect that people experience on the medication I take and I can't get off it for medical reasons.

It's also extremely hard to lose weight. What normally kept my fit doesn't seem to do anything anymore and it's so discouraging.

yeah, basically sounds like a normal routine. As long as each muscle group gets a rest day.