Intermittent fasting vs "starvation mode"

So Veeky Forums, please explain to me why you are not going into "starvation mode" (the body breaking down muscle to get energy) while fasting for 16-18 hours?

>tfw search online for answer and can't find it.

Intermittent Fasting Thread.

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Because you consume enough calories

literally started a stopwatch, took 6.32 seconds.

>the body breaking down muscle to get energy
not eating is catabolic and when you go catabolic you will eat away muscle 100%, but you will use some fatmass too

So you do lose muscle when IF?


I actually have a drip feeding me 24/7 so I never go catabolic

depends on your total calorie intake but if you're trying to add mass you're definitely crippling your gains

If intermittent fasting is good for you, why is the warrior diet (eating ONE meal a day) bad?

My goal, is to lose fat. I am fat. I wanna bulk when im down allot...

mate stop trying to do these meme diets they arent magic just eat clean and train more

Is IF good for cutting?
I already have my calories set and shit and already go quite a bit of time between my last and first meal of the next day, i'm just wondering if its worth it to squeeze them a bit more to fit IF window and if that would help me at all with the cut

If it helps you stay within your calorie limit, go ahead and do IF.
If you don't need it to help you stay within your calorie limit, don't bother. There's nothing to gain if you're eating throughout the day and staying under maintenance.

OP here,
From the studies i have read on the internet, it is fucking godlike for losing fat. My question is tho, do you lose muscle wile IF

You'll lose muscle if you cut. No matter what.

Just don't cut too much and exercise.

If you really don't want to lose muscle then buy some anavar for your cut.

Yeah IF is great. Fasting is actually very healthy for you outside of the meme fat loss.

I do IF and fast for 24 hours once a week.

it doesn't, the body produces GH during starvation amongst other things as well as glucagon and you'll have to go over 40 hours to burn muscle and this has been tested on professional athletes not fat cunts like you who haven't got a fucking clue what they're talking about

what next? carbs build muscle and fat is bad for you?

read a book you fucking arse

quoted user here, i havent made much research into IF specifically but judging by what i learned when researching about empty stomach cardio i dont think you will be losing much muscle with IF if you arent working out/doing heavy work while fasting.

>no source

Try opening a physiology book for a change

Thanks and fuck you

that is not an argument lmao

nice way to back up your no source

Nice ad hom. Try digging your way out of your ass before you post next time

>still no source

keep up the bruhscience you thick cunt, you and your fat ass buddies can circle jerk over this and still be fat fucks this time next year

>still in his ass

bro it's not about the meme diet, it's just easier for some people to eat that way
Have some high test bro

just look at the hodge twins

they couldnt stop preaching it and now they lost all their gains