Why does sometimes I get boner when working out?

Why does sometimes I get boner when working out?

It's usually when working abs.

It's really incoveniente. Sometimes I gotta go to bathroom and stroke my dick for about 10 minutes to make it go away. I am fucking 22yo.

Has it ever happened to you, getting boners during working out suddenly?

>wants to make boner go away
>strokes the boner

my dick shrinks into a tic tac when I work out

Are you doing lying hamstring curls? If not, you may have a problem.

Only wen i am listening to audiobook jav when needing to push through one rep max.

Rape the nearest sweaty asian girl I can find.

Fapping makes the boner go away after releasing my cum.
Nope, it's when I start abs crunch I feel the tip of my penis and as I keep going I get an erection.
I wish. If I were in cambodia, vietnam or something like those.

Only when i am in close proximity to a female.


>me errday at age 9.jpg

thread saved by asians

That's your body using up all of the little amount of test that you have

Please post more Asians.

Why do I often get a boner when patting or holding cats? I wish it would stop.

Like, no. No boner.

Because you love pussy

why is this so relevant to my current scenario.

today I did squats.
>I nutted in my last rep...

Didn't even have a hard-on...I just pressed out from the bottom and all of a sudden I felt the nut and goopy mess in my draws.

same family

same here famalam

That's what nofap does to you

that means you dont work hard enought, your blood shouldnt be in your dick but muscles you're pumping

Hey, I get this. I think it's because I never have any human contact, so the body heat ends up tapping into that intimate part of the brain. It is fucking annoying though.

Here's a tip for you dude:

>When you feel the boner coming on take a good breath and hold it as long as you can
>bam! no more boner

sauce please, lord?

>Fapping makes the boner go away after releasing my cum.
That's only going to make things worse, now your body will associate workouts with orgasm and you are even more likely to get one.

called a coregasm my friend google it, if you keep going whilst doing situps you'll bust a nut
good motivation to get the last few reps out but then you have to limp to the changing rooms stinking of semen

same goes for COREGASM google that shit