Height at 12 years old: 5'9"

>height at 12 years old: 5'9"
>Height at 20 years old:5'9"

>Height at 28 5'4

shut up manlet

Dont feel to bad. I was 5'10 at 10 years old, hit puberty real early.

I'm 27 now and 5'8

I really should have stuck to low bar squats.

>height at 12 years old: 5'10"
>height at 26 years old: 6'4"

i dont know what made me stop growing. maybe the coffee, maybe the lack of sleep, maybe the squats

>hieght at 12 years old:4'6"
>height at 21 years old 6'0"
and im still growing

Height at 12 years old: 4'10
Height at 18 years old: 5'10
Still growing too

>height at 12 years old: 5'3"
>height at 22 years old: 6'3"

I take it you're lanky and alien like? I was there buddy, just eat and get good routines

>Height at 16 years old 5'10"
>Height at 19 years old 5'11"
>Height at 23 years old 6'1 &1/2"

>height at 12 years old:6'
>height at 27 years old:6'

Actually, thanks to my dad, I was never too lanky. Skinny, sure, but not terribly. I even used to be overweight as a kid. Now I've been finally lifting for about 3-4 months and eating right. Thank god I started out with a girlfriend.

Whyyyyyyyyy do any of you fuckers care about height? Is it just shitposting? Is it just insecurity?

I'm 5'10" king of manlets, I know I am not tall. I will never BE tall. I have accepted this, and it will realistically never change. So why get offended? There are those who are taller, and those who are shorter. It will never change my 5'10" and I have made peace with it.

Why do all of you faggots get butthurt about this? Same with dick size. You get what you get. Deal with it.

>Height at 12 years old : 5'9
>Height at 30 years old : 6'4
Feels pretty good, although it does not grant super powers as many people seem to believe. Nothing fits properly and shoes have to be bought in special stores.

those are some big inspiring words, little fella


BS, you either were measured wrong, or just baiting

You're giving my 16 year old brother hope, brah

>Height at 14: 5'11"
>Height at 15: 5'11"
>Height at 16: 5'11"
>Height at 17: 5'11 1/4"
>Height at 18: 6'0 1/2"

Fokken scared me for a while, senpai.

Height at 16: 5'4"
Height at 17: 5'5"
Height at 18: 5'5"

We had a good run.

6'0 king of manlets reporting in

>Height at 12 years old: 5'2" - 5'4"
>Height at 26 years old: 6'4"

Don't really remember with certainty. I remember I was 5'5" - 5'6" in 8th grade, at 13.

Sorry m8 I wish I was. I wrestled so i got my height recorded every year. Started highbar squats when I began highschool.

height at 12 years old: 6"0
height at 25 years old: 6"0

>height at 12 years old: 4'6
>height at 20 years old: 5'8

i've always been a pretty small guy, like, not short but actually small, I can't fucking explain it. So when my classmates see me now they're always like "Oh wow user! you actually became sort of normal sized but still shorter than most other guys anyway!"

>height at 13 years old: 5'9"

>height at 21 years old: 5'9"

Watching everyone catch up and then pass me was the worst

>height at 12 5'10
>height at 22 6'4

>height at age 13 - 5'3
>height at age 22 - 5'3

>H-haha, height doesn't matter g-guys!
Don't lie to yourself, fellow manlets