>ctrl+f cbt 0 results

~Current body thread~

Remember to post height and weight

Rate other anons, and give bf% estimations

Estat on your lifts too if you want

Bulk gone wrong. 170cm 85kg. Started my cut yesterday. Im guessing my bf is 27-30%?

I'll start

5'11, 82kg/180lb, 18yo

S 170kg/375lb
B 105kg/231lb
D 190kg/420lb

>tfw fell for the 'squatz will give you abs' meme

Probably closer to 20-25%

How'd your lifts go?

Really? Thats comforting.
Lifts are now
OHP 55kg
Bench 80kg
Squat 110kg
Deadlift 120kg


literally the same stats, except i'm 5'7

184cm, 96kg


i am probably over 20%

i think its coming up to my 6th month


i feel like my chest could have a lot more but not sure how to increase the size, i think its the upper part that needs more volume

5'7, idk my current weight, 18yo

S 150kg
B 125kg
D 180kg

did 200kg X4 rack pull for the first time today, is there any pros/cons from rp and dl??

i have a similar torso to you, it sticks out and so chest gains are harder to see on a side view, arms are looking great man keep it up

nice and thick family

only thing i would say is i'd try loosing as much bf as you can as you have wide hips, bigger lats will also help

how long you been training?

jelly of them legs

keep it up man your looking big but yeah your bf is quite high

5' 10", 172lbs, not sure of bf% probably around 17%.

My core is pretty thick from years of construction, yoga, kettlebell and medicine ball work.

Height 5'9
Weight 165lbs
Bench 275
Squat 315
Diddly 410

Time to cut user
Not sure if ur just bloated,but core needs major work and you'll be fine
Lats coming pretty good,work your lower back more
Cut or clean up diet a bit? Looks like you've got some mass but too much BF imo
Keep on lifting user

did u forget me on purpose user

your doing great for 6 months lad, and yea i have pectus cariturnum which always makes my chest look pretty shitty. Keep it up and you will be a beast by the time your my age.

Trying to stay at around 95-96 for sport, unfortunately i don't have enough muscle yet to be 95kg. I'll get through this year, then probably go for a cut and do some bodybuilding work to try and build some more mass. Then bulk back up and see how i do

185 cm (6foot1)
83.5 kg(185 lbs)

Roast me

you're the same height as me but you weigh a little over 30kg more than I do, yet you barely look like you lift, is it just camera angle? or what? this doesn't seem right at all, front pic? legs?

Sry bud, you looking pretty good for that time frame.id say work on traps and chest and you will be well porportioned.im sensing some e-stats but if real,you are pretty fuckingstrong for that size

here is a front pic, would have replied early but servers died. I am currently pretty fat, at the peak of a 2 year dream bulk. I am carrying a fair bit of muscle in my ass and legs as well. I dunno i guess i have shitty genetics for showing off muscle.

>makes a CBT
>doesn't post body
You gay user?
Bench 185
Squat 275
Dead 325

hello everyone, there are some amzing bodies here and it feels really good to know y'all ar making progress

I have a somewhat awkward build as there is still a bit of fat around my sides and lower abdominal area. All I have achieved is purely through body weight exercises (pullups, pushups variations) and 2 10kg dumbbell. I went to the gym once but got made fun of so I stayed home and worked out instead and lurk moar to not make a fool out of myself when I will come back. P-pls no bully

there is great potential here, you need to cut the excess fat and you will have a very nice combination between built and lean. Of course you can go bulk after that and look even better.

sorry for the pic size, paint fucked it up

My favourite exercise is hack squat.

great body. how long have you been lifting?

thanks alot man

thanks,i get the estat thing a lot lol

is incline the best bench workout?

I need to lift more

3 years
Incline dumbbell,yes

thanks, what else would you say is good?

i feel like im not getting as much out of chest sessions as i am with other days

are my hips too wide?
will I ever make it ?

5'7" 170, was 195 a month and a half ago

Dyel reporting in

please be delicate

6/10, you're gonna make it, breh
4.8/10, nice genetics


Height: 5'11"
Weight: 217 lbs

Bench: 275 lbs
Squat: 335 lbs
Dead: 405 lbs

Its time for that long awaited cut. Wish me luck guys.

6'1 190-195 pounds what's my bf% Veeky Forums? I'm thinking 20%? Bench 240 1rm squat 275 for reps deadlift 315 for reps in case y'all care

shed that fat and you'll get a 7/10 pyshique m8
fuken slave ancestors and dem genetics nice narrow hips breh 9/10 laggin upper chest?
shouldcut/10,I hope its just your bf% but your hips migth be too wide for a v taper.
just do stomach vaccuums a lot and planks both for transversus abdominis (internal abs/oblqiues) for that bloated ab look cure.
decent upper back and delts but the rest meh nothing to tell with that much bfat and the pose.
your chest is short as in insertions man work on upper chest and lower chest constantly.7/10 core.
biceps short insertions but literally nothing wrong with the whole body development in general 10/10
nice traps I guess?
you need to do something about that gyno
PS:htiting chest doesn't help
wide hips man I know that feel ;_;
10/6 keep cutting m8 25 pounds is fucking impressive
10/10 aesthetic potential
>nice genetics
what?I don't think so.explain

Look at those erect nipples oh boy oh gees
have you been a naughty little twink?

Kek, I always have hard nipples tho..

Wtf I'm 5'11", 215, stronger than you and your body composition is much leaner.

In comparison to a lot of people my height and size, I've always had mediocre strength in compound lifts so although they've been good indicators of improvement. I didn't rely on them to increase overall size.

>80 kg
>185 cm
>cut ends October

not gonna make it brahs and ill be forced to start clean bulk still fat as fuck

Give me a bf% guess you niggers

shut up satan


thicc dicc

Somebody please,
give me lats.

im on a cut right now trying to get down to 215 with out my lifts dropping off too much

6 months lifting ;)

155lbs 5'6 gonna be a strong girl


girl, you sure?



>shitty make-up skills

You've been clocked, hunty.

~ 220 lbs

I did 190 lbs 3x5 bench yesterday, on the road to 2 pl8 for reps :'^)

Think I'm pretty much done with this cut. Never took a before picture but I was at 220lbs when I started in March.

5'7 175lb summer bulk finished. Planning slow till i hit 10%
1year lifting.
Deadlift : 3pl8
Squat: 2.5 pl8
Bench: 2pl8

Estimate my bfp Veeky Forums

high 20's


Can people please rate or comment? Would like some input. Don't be harsh lol.

fucking disgusting m8

I'm the same age. I can deadlift 180kg, squat 160kg and I bench... 80kg.

I envy you cunt

Why would u envy me? You're 40kgs ahead of me at the first 2

32 in October
Bench 320x1
The Press 200x1
Squat 275 (3x7)
Deadlift 7x425

I don't care about the first 2. I've always just wanted a big bench man.

You doing alevels or collage?

Im new to Veeky Forums what do u mean with "alevel or collage"

Do you go to school, friend?

Im junior HS (but in my country were going to the HS 1 year later so senior if were looking from the US sight)

Ah, weird, I'm not familiar with 'Merican education.
Anybody else power lift at your high school? It's incredibly uncommon here. Maybe a few people lift, but none do barbell strength training.

Im going to the gym near my HS and at 1pm theres around 7-8 people my age, 2 of them my friends, one is aesthetic as fuck but smaller than me but otherwise nobody powerlifts, i mean only 3 of us deadlift at all

Alright, was just wondering because I've heard strength training is compulsory in American high schools, or at least if you play football.

My school has a gym, but it's literally just tread mills and other cardio equipment.
Weightlifting is foreign.

We have around 3 gyms in our city, one is pure "planet fitness" like, one is expensive as fuck but the one im going it is kinda old-schoolish so it gives u extra "arnold" vibe xd

> should cut/10
Yeah. In gonna maintain this weight but it should look good in a month or two.

I'd probably look okay with a tan.

About 15% bf?
Started at skelly mode, been lifting for 8 months.

forgot pic

Just wanna cut to 12% and then get huge.

Oh, 5'10, 167

>that generic middle schooler hair

Wew lad.

Girls admire the color of my hair. Feels pretty good man.

Been cutting from SS + gomad hardcore for a while now.

178cm 80kg

currently cutting
already lost ~12kg
cant wait to reach 10% and bulk again

18 yo 210lb 6'1
maxes are old working weight is 190 bench 255 squat and 345 deadlift for starting strength

lifting for 9 months, wasted some time on ppl in the start instead of SS, feelsbadman


Try doing incline dumbbell, flat bench,then cable flies

wash your mirror

i have the same body except better shoulders

Am I doing it?

Someone do the cell phone height inference on this

Posted in another but forgot h/w

6'1" 330 lbs down from 365

100 lbs before I think I'll feel human again.

I'm 189cm (6'2")

I hope you're strong at least

>turtle shell on the front

sick adonis belt

look like a runningback

bretty cute

nice lighting gains

here, I used an iphone 6+ as a guide (6.22 inches)

the pic on the right is 10 iphones tall putting this boy at 5.12ft tall

5'6 156lbs coming up on 3 years lifting

195lbs for 1
325lbs for 1
245lbs for 1
145lbs for 1

These are all time PRs, snapped my ankle 5 weeks ago still can't squat or deadlift yet

On the left is about 2 years ago, 5'9 ~135 lbs.

I'm up to 147 lbs now. I started lifting nearly 3 months ago but I was actually around 125 due to getting really sick. Didn't eat for 3 days and was barely able to keep water down.

So far so good, it's not much but I went from the smallest I've been as an adult to the biggest I've ever been so it's something to be proud of at least.

You must be swimming in pussy
I'm also same built and 6'2 but I'm Asian. If I were you a blonde jaw God then I'd probably change my outfit. You look like a immature fuckboi now

Damn that's what you get in just 3 months starting at 125?

Yeah. I got a roommate who's real big into nutrition and lifting so I've been going with him 4 times a week.

I had absolutely horrific eating habits growing up, which is why I'm so short compared to everyone in my family. He helped me fix them and I've been drinking Mass Gainer as a supplement to squeeze in an extra 800 calories when I can, really great to have with those 8 AM lectures. I estimate I was eating around ~1600 calories before I started lifting and now I'm up to about 2300.


damn you're aesthetic

mirin brah

>inb4 manlet

I look like this and i just started lifting a week ago