
Comfy shoes edition

>Running for Fitness: free online resource that contains some good general information on running benefits, getting started, gear, tips for female or old or very young runners, nutrition, injuries, different running workouts, designing training schedules, and race tips.

Running shoes are fitted very specifically to take into account factors such as gait, pronation, weight, and running surface.

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How do i start HIIT or sprinting excercises? I live next to a great park for running, but its quite crowded with other joggers and commuters and i dont want to look like an idiot sprinting full speed among them. Also wont risk freaking out some random woman at nighttime.

Also programs / infographs / anything on the subject?

I like bridge overpasses for sprinting
>pic related

those shoes are disgusting

Not trying to be an edgelord or whatever, but running through a large cemetery is very nice. It's quiet, pretty, and there's very little traffic. Going during the early morning is especially nice because the deer that live in the woods there are out walking around, and of course pleasant temperatures.

until you run into a grieving family

fuck that noise

Maybe find a track? Ask your local high school if you can run on their track in the evenings.

This. Tried it out during the Pokémon Go crazy, and it was one of the most gorgeous places I've run in the city. Just don't male a lot of noise, and stay away from mourners.

>Remove brick shoes

These shoes are comfy as fuck for long distances. Hoka One One is the future.

Sprints are essential

Anyone here used nike frees or whatever the fuck they call them now?

Poorfag here, what are the best, cheapest shoes I can buy? Thinking like some crappy asics or something

Marathon season is upon us.

I'll appreciate a blogpost from whoever ran one these past weeks, or will run one in the coming weeks :)

Kind of wanting to buy some running shirts but can't be assed to spend money on something when a normal t shirt would work fine. Meh.

good luck with your chafed nipples from shitty cotton t's

>In a park

Zoot from amazon

Lo siento about your shitty nipple genetics. Nipple ups xF


Who /minimal/ here? I'm so in love with my vibrams. I love the footfeel of running in them.

Got these recently as a birthday present for myself

I started running around the beginning of summer but actually haven't been running as much recently because I feel a loss of motivation, maybe due to summer ending, so I'm gonna try get up early tomorrow and actually run to get back into the routine.

Question, should I do sprints regularly as well as jogging? because I feel as if the motivation loss is due to having no real goals, maybe trying to be a fast sprinter would help.

I run in these. They're ok.

i once barefoot ran in a forest and i felt demons tickling my feet.

was cool tho.


Can anyone tell me if Brooks is a good brand for those who run trails? :) k thnks love u bros


They got sued for making false claims about their shoes that actually damaged people's feet and backs. Good luck with your meme shoes.

Sprints are better if you want to build muscle and lose fat.

>feet are actually bad for your feet and back. Before shoes were invented there was nothing for it

Its literally on the fucking wiki page. But if you want to ignore scientific for the sake of your pride over a pair of slippers I guess thats fine.

Feet are made to run on soft ground like sand or grass. Not hard ones like asphalt or concrete.
If you run in an urban area or on roads, you need running shoes.


Yeah they make good stuff. Can be pricey though.

I've got a pair of nikes made for barefoot running. It's awesome. I've yet to experience knee pain.

If you say so it must be true. [It isn't.]

What happened was fat neckbeards and longtime house wives fat feminists put these on after years of wearing actual meme shoes with high heels that put emphasis on heel to toe strike. So when they went to use the new "miracle" glove shoe that they are too stupid to understand needs a break in period they hurt themselves not because of the shoe but because bad form and an ubrupt new stretch on their tendons and joints.

I just bought a pair of the asic gel 5s. Did I make a good decision? They're comfy as fuark.

This. Most blogs that "shill" these tell you to do only 10% of your normal distance for the first couple weeks, bumping it up gradually and not to just go at is 100%. To give your feet time to adjust because you are using muscles in your feet that shoes don't even allow you to use.

Just go to your local high school on the weekends and just start start running on the track. I dont think anyone would really care. A lot of people from the city usually do this.

I think Brooks and Asics make the best shoes overall in terms of running.

You better not be overweight or say bye to your knees.

361 at aliexpress.

just picked these up last weekend

I just get whatever is cheap at a thrift store. I only use them for working out so they die within a year and I'm not spending money on something that won't last. I only buy proper sportwear for hiking tho because my life might depend on it.



And the vibram shill had to appear. Stop spreading this nonsense. Some recovering fatty or kid might get injured by falling for this meme.



Pic related

Best you can get for the price

These shoes are the most comfortable shoes I have ever put on my feet


Let's not factor in stupid people into decisions of what is worthy and not.

>I love the footfeel of running in them.
How fast and/or far do they allow you to run?

Is the 300 - 600 miles per pair of shoes a meme?

I like my shoes, long time friend of my dad recommended them to me with a discount.

Depends on conditions. The terrain will decide how fast you can run because certain terrains necessitate more concentration on where you place your foot but as far as far, as far as you want to run when your legs are conditioned to running in them. They are very durable.

So am I the only one that runs in Mizuno?

Almost picked up some Adidas Manas earlier, but went with some asics that I've read were great. Did I do good, guys?

Got a 50k training run coming up in November, 50 mile tune up race, and 80 mile in January. Will blogpost if there's interest

Do it senpai, my goal is to run a half marathon with my dad, or a marathon if he's still able. Still got a long ass way to go.

I have wide feet. Im probably a US size 9 but my wide feet makes me go 10.5. Anyone else with this problem found a good pair?

Just get a 9 wide shoe, nigpai.

Sure thing.

I'm coming off triathlon season, so I didn't have as much base built as I wanted when August rolled around. Currently running Bryon Powell's training plan for a 100 mile race on 50 miles per week again because I really liked how well it worked for me last time.

I finally have the mileage feeling just hard enough to where it's challenging, so I'm looking forward to sleeping a lot and getting fast. Last week was 6,5, and 7 miles on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and a back-to-back on Saturday and Sunday for 18 miles and 7 miles. They both hurt. A lot.

Honestly, the biggest struggle so far has been figuring out which pains I can still push through and which pains are the ones that need rest. Nobody likes having to skip a run, and it's even hatder to justify when you're on a deadline. I jacked up my right foot on the Sunday run, so it's been stretches and rehab for the last two days.

I'm really excited to take on the rest of this week (7 of 25) because it's supposed to be a challenging one that'll push me just hard enough to where I'll need the deload for week 8.

Goals: I want to break 5:00 on the 50k given that I'll be doing it alone on trails, and it's supposed to be a training run. The 50 mile is strange. Last year my headlamp was way too dark, so I was not prepared to spend nine hours running through unlit trails without company. This year I want to start in the middle of the pack and stay there. The 80 is a tricky one. It's gonna be my first winter ultra with required gear and no aid. For now, my primary goal is to not die. Temperatures are expected to be right around 0 degrees F, so heat and food are everything. Other than that, it's too early to say.

New balance makes great wide shoes. Look for size followed by 2E or 4E. I need 4E so you probably do too.

Oh shit, I just bought this same shoe on saturday. The last pair I ran in was aesic nimbus, and holy fuck those shoes were like walking on a cloud and running on marshmallows. As soon as I tried these on I felt the same way.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my body, but I seem to be getting injuries left right and centre.

I sprained my ankle back on April 19th, and then rolled the same ankle two weeks later, I took 7 weeks off and then started running again around mid-June, I done a single week of running and got a strain on the top of my right foot (nevacular) which was apparently because my laces were too tight, so I sorted that out, took about a week off and started running again, then at the start of August I got a bacterial infection and had to take 3 weeks off running, I started up again mid-August and as of last Friday I was walking to the bar in some smarts shoes and suddenly developed a ton of pain on the bottom of the left foot, it hurts whenever I walk, so now I have to take time off again.

My routine is pretty basic, I do a 2 mile run on Mondays, half mile jog/half mile sprint X2, a 30 minute build run on Thursday (10min jog, 10min run, 10min sprint) and a 3 mile best effort on Saturday.

What the fuck is going on with my body? I'm 72kg 5' 9", I lift 4 days a week and done a couple mud runs last year so I'm in good shape, I run in Nike RN5's which are super comfy.

>keep getting injured
>sprained ankle mid-April
>rolled ankle end of April
>strained nevacular in July
>bacterial infection (unrelated I know) August
>now have pain on bottom of left foot when walking

Running shoes for manlets?

Also, newbie question, is running faster more efficient? Because of momentum?

why would running shoes be different for a manlet? just get the shoe in your size wtf.

I was talking about the massive block on that shoe making you taller when you wear them.
Genuinely sorry is you felt offended.

>went to gym first time yesterday
>did squats
>can barely walk
>have to go to run today

Rip me

just don't. this will only make your insecurity so much worse

Not sure what you're on about.

Just change them when they start to look worn out.

how long do you think running shoes last?

some will be shit after 400km, some will be fine well over 1000km.
but eventually you will notice how shoes become worn-out anywhere between 400km to 800km. then again how well they can last depends on a large variety of factors.

but if you think shoes last years and years, you just don't run enough

Rip gainz

Data point - I've put 650km on my Nike Zoom Pegasus 9's and they still feel fine to me

There's a few good trail running brands. The best by far is Salomon tho.

I'd recommend getting another pair, preferable 3-4 pairs that you can cycle.
You will notice big differences when using a fresh pair with less than 100km on them, compared to a more used pair with over 600km on them.

Rotating a larger number of pairs allow them to last longer (not just because of spreading their use over the years) but because the shoes themselves recover 2-3 days after use back to pre-run form.

I use my older pairs still for short to medium runs (5-15km) but for +20km runs I prefer to use the newer pairs, simply because they offer better support due being more "fresh".


Can confirm. The Finns know what's up.

Thanks for the advice. I run on trails and on bitumen - any recommendations for a good shoe/brand that can handle both terrains well?

goes away after 2-3 times of squatting desu, keep at it

Are there any good HIIT programs to follow? I've been following this one for a few weeks, but it doesn't feel especially good. Should I stick with it or move on?

Phase 1 (1:4): Weeks 1-2

15 seconds: High-intensity exercise
60 seconds: Rest or low-intensity exercise

Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 15-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 14 minutes
Phase 2 (1:2): Weeks 3-4

30 seconds: High-intensity exercise
60 seconds: Rest or low-intensity exercise

Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 17 minutes
Phase 3 (1:1): Weeks 5-6

30 seconds: High-intensity exercise
30 seconds: Rest or low-intensity exercise

Repeat another 11 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 18.5 minutes
Phase 4 (2:1): Week 7-8

30 seconds: High-intensity exercise
15 seconds: Rest or low-intensity exercise

Repeat another 25 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 20 minutes


These HIIT programs are really weird

You don't get enough rest and because of that there is no way anything other than your first run can be truly high intesnity

Pls post marathon training girl ;_;

>What the fuck is going on with my body?
You're running way too hard and your routine makes no sense. You have three quality days and zero easy/long days on like 10 miles per week, plus 4 days of lifting. Anyone would get hurt on that.

At the very least, you should run longer and easier on Mondays and Saturdays. Maybe do intervals on Thursdays, but frankly you run so little it's not really necessary.

Brooks Mazama seem dece.
Definitely Salomon or inov-8 for trails though user, depending on how muddy/dry/loose/rocky the terrain.

t. worked in Specialist run shop for 4 yrs and ongoing


Also, to put it to bed forever, don't bother buying 'barefoot' shoes for 99.999% of people.
Just do some barefoot strides on grass/soft ground after a session and increase this little segment a bit each week. This helps with form, but means you still get proper grip/cushion/stability for actual running.

If you want to run "naturally", just go barefoot and run slow af in Africa with just a loincloth and Pinole/Ugali. If you want to run fast and well, use a shoe that works with your foot, ideally more minimal and lighter. Lightweight shoes offer benefit via cushion and rebound, whilst minimal disadvantage of weight (

Salomon Sense/x-scream (basically the city trail range), Brooks puregrit if you want more minimal/inov-8 trail talon.

If trails are particularly dry, with only rocks, then maybe Brooks ghost/launch or really any decent road shoe with a medium thickness midsole and half decent outsole (aka fuck no to nike frees, adidas anything etc)

Can confirm. Rotate pairs, especially slightly different ones (eg pegasus and zoom elite) as they'll work your feet slightly differently and have differing uses (eg mileage and tempo/intervals/racing respectively with the peg/elite)

Midsole will likely be fucked way before they look used and done.
Stick hand inside and feel for really squidgy or very firm/flat cushion where your foot has depressed it (heel, ball of foot, big toe)

t. run shop guy

Only use their race shoes (ekiden, jp versions look dope too, but hard to get)
Most are just too high in heel/firm riding all over for me

Asics are p good, especially if they fit your feet.
desu if you didn't get them from a specialty running store, pop in to your local and ask if they can check your gait in them. Most won't mind, just buy something (maybe a t-shirt or gels or good socks) so you don't mooch off them. Also a great time to get advice/ask if they have or know of good local run clubs

t. run shop dude

If you have good mechanics you can run in literally anything. I knew a guy who BQ'd who always ran in Payless brand. It's if you have probation issues etc you will need some stability features. Don't believe those stupid fuckers that tell you less is more.

I love cotton in hot weather. All that wicking tech gear is bullshit - it feels like wearing a sausage casing. You need to evaporate sweat from your skin to get cool. Evaporating sweat from the outside of your shirt is not cooling. Band aids for nipples and you're good for a twenty miler.


>If you say so it must be true. [It isn't.]

In 2012, a lawsuit was filed against Vibram over claims made about their Vibram FiveFingers minimalist shoe. Vibram claimed that the shoe "reduce[s] foot injuries and strengthen[s] foot muscles." A controlled study published in 2013 showed that the risk of bone marrow edema among new wearers was actually increased during the period of transition to minimalist shoes.[5] While Vibram has "expressly" denied "any actual or potential fault…or liability,” on May 7, 2014 it was announced that company has moved to settle the suit and agreed to set aside $3.75 million to pay refunds of up to $94 to anyone who had purchased the product since March 21, 2009.[6]

Is there some sort of Veeky Forums approved guide for HIIT or something?

I do several 6k runs a week, but want to replace one with a session of hill sprints.
There is a suitable hill near me (once I manage to tune out all the people in traffic undoubtedly staring at me) and it takes 30 or 40 seconds to sprint to the top.

How many sprints should I go for in a session?
How long should they be?
Should I rest fully between them or not?

well, my advice would be to have enough "calming" between the HIGH INTENSITY runs, so that each run can actually be high intensity.
Meaning you don't keep the pedal down, but let the motor cool down so that next speeding time you don't overheat or misperform.

As your peak fitness increases, so does your ability to keep up high intensity training.
So start slow with lot of rest period, then as your body reaches its final forms, have less rest.
Even if it means starting with one HIIT per running session. Even if it is a very short one.

then again, each body is different.

I'm going to run a 100k in 2017. Anyone here done any running that's not fucking C25K?

I'm considering doing the Mozart 100 in Austria (I live in Scandinavia), but I'm not sure yet. I've done an ironman triathlon, but 100k should be a lot harder.

Also, contrary to what is recommended in most running stores, I do long distance running in minimalist shoes. The big shoes feel heavy, clunky and actually hurt my ankles, funnily enough.

Any stories/experiences with ultra running?

No. More wind resistance. Running faster does, however, develop running economy. The better your running economy, the more efficient your running is at any speed. That doesn't mean all of your runs should be fast, but it does mean some of them should be.

Marathon coming up this Sunday.

Yeah. Obviously, walk the steep uphills and jog when you can. I've done 50k, 50mi, and 100mi, but never 100k. All I can say is that you need to be doing base training now if it's in the first half of the year.

Practice your downhill running, so the trail won't murder your quads too early. Practice your eating strategy on long runs.

Do not start at the front of the race unless you intend to stay there for the whole race. Burning yourself out by staying in front is a massive waste of mental energy.