Post your favorite cutting meals

post your favorite cutting meals

over the summer i ate a lot of rice with mixed veggies, and sometimes chicken, egg, or hamburger. well seasoned.
i never got particularly sick of it


what the fuck even is that?

>cutting meal


All about that calorie / protein ratio, 1% milk especially with a scoop is pretty filling

is that ketchup on bananas?

what the fuck

Fucking newfag

dont knock it til youve tried it breh


>Not putting the ketchup in the milk
not going to make it

the ketchup on the steak is bad enough to know you're a fucking retard.

the only thing i can compare it to is the one guy i knew that ate ketchup on spaghetti, and he either had an IQ of 90 or below, or was an autismo

and, at least because of that, i feel like retarded food/condiment pairings are related to intelligence, because its not difficult to learn what actually goes well together without relying on fucking ketchup

1 bell pepper + can of tuna

handful of carrots + chicken breast

black beans + lean ground beef

it's not good but when I'm cutting the idea of "eating for pleasure" is completely out of my mind. I just get the meals over with as fast as I can.

this is now a bulking thread

Besides the eggs and ice-cream, what's in there?

so according to you ketchup doesn't go well with anything, people can't have a different taste than you and it's acceptable to judge people's intelligence based on what type of food they like?
I'm afraid you're the retard

it goes well with processed meats to cover the fact they're shitty, processed meats. salt and pepper alone is better on a steak than ketchup

pork belly, spinach, ramen, and shitake mushrooms in a miso base :-)

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>chicken breast
>sauteed spinach and garlic w/ salt/pepper

requesting video of you eating that

what it's the easiest and tastiest way to add more calories to my diet

The that you're replying seriously to a pic with ketchup and bananas shows how retarded you are

Peanut butter

thats why i mentioned the guy i knew, because people seriously put together abominations like this and will defend them.

same guy ate peanut butter toast and eggs simultaneously in the same bite. looked absolutely horrible

that's so fucked up but i'm guessing he was going for sweet and savory at the same time?

My black friend. We share an opinion.

maybe. he certainly wasnt able to articulate anything like that. Ill try to remember more, but I mostly think it just came down to bad taste and gluttony

this is far and away my favorite cutting dish, friend

you shouldn't cut when you're pregnant

Holy fuck you Ameri-fats are fucking disgusting.

Putting tomato sauce on fucking bananas how fucking retarded are you Americans?

It's worse than tomato sauce, it's ketchup, which is 40% sugar.

Newbie here, how the fuck do I get over 100 grams of protein at 100 kcal/day?
My breakfast is 6 egg whites with turkey and low fat milk. Lunch I eat salad and chicken, and dinner is fish with salad. A snack is usually that disgusting plain yogurt because it's only like 120 kcal. Even with this I barely get over 100g.

Have you seen our two presidential nominees?

America is the worlds leader in stupidity.

Go USA...

Vote Trump

you mean 1000kcal? chicken, fish, shrimp, rabbit, and protein shakes. Id recommend a casein shake so that youll stay full longer, since its sounds like youre on a serious defecit

>100 grams of protein at 100 kcal/day?

Unless you are world class body builder you can relax on the protein. The diet you posted provides more than enough protein.

is that steak?
are you having ketchup on your well done steak??
are you having well done steak???

Ya I meant 1000. But recently more like 1500 since I'm 5'9" 145lb.
Meant 1000kcal.

is there some gene present in all europeans that makes them incapable of recognizing a joke?

I get well done steak and dry it out with paper towels.

You're a real piece of shit.

patrician choice

trips confirm

more ketchup!

is.. is that..

In America some people eat ketchup on almost EVERYTHING. Pancakes included.

Go fuck yourself

/r/ing meme hot sauce on ice

Even acting retarded on purpose I wouldn't be able to think of something this fucked up.


Not sure if applicable, but I've been having pick related for breakfast and a grilled chicken breast for dinner every day for two weeks to loose weight, according to the packaging this meal is roughly 800cal, and Google says my chicken is roughly 200cal. Shit kinda sucks, but it will be worth it next year when I go to college and I'm not a fat fuck. was eating close to 3k calories a day.

minced meat with a whole load of shredded cabbage, low on carbs, low on cals, pretty solid on volume

Forgot to add, it's normally not that much cream of wheat, I just added way to much water, and used some thicken it up. Normally it's mostly oatmeal.

ketchup everywhere


shit at first i thought those were eggs but then...

Nigga that steak looks delicous, did you make it yourself? Is yes, how?

And I just remembered why I hate Europeans

[spoiler]not even American[/spoiler]


All of you Fagotts munching away on pizza Hawaii and mexican sewage should better shut Up bitching


in Australia tomato sauce = ketchup


welcome, summer


Jesus fucking christ

I got your cutting food right here.

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was previously in cans. you're a fucking joke dude, and im dead fucking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fucking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking families poverty dinner on these forums ever the fukcc again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking nerd.



> roo land
> relevant



wtf is in all that. I am disgusted.

probably 2-3 grams of sodium, at least

Are you only eating 2 meals a day? That actually works great for me too. I would probably add more vegetables (cooked and raw), cut out/seriously reduce the oatmeal, and eat more protein.

ITT: Veeky Forums falling for Veeky Forums memes

>Being this nu

Someone else post the other ones plz

I just recently made my own version of this. Absolutely delicious when on a cut and the watermelons mean you don't have to drink water :)

Hol up f*ggots, time for some hella f*cking epic dishes for bulking

still no ketchup in the milk, never gonna make it.

Easy and convenient yummy yummy in me tummy

>this thread

mirin those gains

Every fucking meal in this thread looks like vomit on a plate.

Eh why does it have to LOOK good when it TASTES like heaven?
Pic related, tried to be creative with flavours while being healthy.

I didn't take a pic of it, but I took 2 cups of broccoli, two eggs, 100g of ground turkey, and a serving of cheese and tossed all that shit in a pan. Spiced it up real nice, and it was delicious. Like 300 cals

I like watching high test porn while drunk

What the fuck is this shit.

>Hot dogs
Pick one

Put some tuna in that senpai, and a little more sauce to compensate.

>ketchup on bananas
you're a disgusting human being

So, what did that used to be?

LOL funny story actually, had mice living inside my kitchen cupboard. Then I caught one of them and thought it could be interesting to consume meat from a mouse. Therefore I boiled him with the sausages lol :)

Fruit cake.

>This week on Man Vs Food

Man you guys are disgusting fucks

What's the stuff she took out of the pot?

>Nothing of value was lost.


I gagged at least 3 times reading this thread. Thanks Veeky Forums, you really helped suppress my appetite.