
Tell me how tall you are and I'll let you know how bad it is

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im 5 ft 10, 18 y.o.
I grew only 2 cm in like a year so i think my growing process has come to an end,

kys yourself.

>first gf in highschool
>we are the exact same height
>keeps mentioning she hopes I grow taller
>I didn't grow at all since highschool
>did not even think about it until later in life when all these moments in life come back to me

Did she leave you because you were short?

5'7" and in okay shape but I literally gave up, I don't even bother dating anymore.

I'm 6'3" and utterly alone.

Height isn't everything.

5'7, i grow scales from my psoriasis, and im a ginger. pls kill me

5'10" is fine, you're still taller than the majority or girls. You'll never be "tall" but you can make up for that with FRAME and FACE.



No, other reasons.


Most of the dating pool of woman is under 5'7" and unless you are going after gaping vagina sluts I don't understand how you are having a problem....

Maybe it's your lack of confidence or social skills.

well not OP but 5'7" and have no self-confidence, so I'm fucked.

>Even if i get a gf she will just wish that i was taller and eventually leave for a taller guy.

100 % correct, white boi

Just wear these. They'll make you tall. The only time you take them off is to fuck, b/c she can't tell height when horizontal

If you put yourself out there(career wise and socially) it will come with age.

Start having conversations with people randomly. When you are in a waiting line or something make a small comment or joke to the person behind you. Overtime you will get better at small talk and become more and more comfortable.
Or go join the military(infantry). If you make it out alive you will have all the confidence you need and probably more.

>Tfw I'm 6' 1" but my ex gf told me that she wished I was older than her instead of her being six months older

i'm 6'4 and ginger.

Never had gf.

tall is just myth

When she says "tall guys" she means 6'2+ investment bankers with 8/10 facial aesthetics, NT dom personality and an 8x6, not lanky framecels like most tall guys here

>written by madison moore; author of How To Be A Pop Star.

This is pretty funny.


Why are there so many 6'3+ redhead guys? Either you're tall as shit and decent looking or short/average with those nigger monkey features that some ginger men have like rupert grint


Ayyyy lmao

The writer is a dude.

Then take out the stuff about the money, easy.

>growing beyond average height shortens dick length
>tall fags enjoy your small penis gains
>genetics kek