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So you would expect my bench to noticeably improve if I managed to put my feet flat on the floor and also maintain the arch I currently have with feet on toes?

So just by me being able to get my feet flat on the ground I would have an actual improvement to my bench press?

This sounds interesting. I got a lot of shit to do already, but if you honestly think it would be a valuable addition, then I might as well check out what I can do for that mobility.

>this week from hell is almost over
thank goodness

Finally going to get time to work on the survey results this weekend =\

I would agree. Not sure what I ever did or changed to fix it specifically. It just sort of wasn't a problem all of a sudden one day. I think the biggest thing was learning how to tuck my traps and allow my elbows to flare.

eh, I wouldn't say "LMAO INSTANT 20 LBS", but **if***** your issue right now is stability through the torso and hips and that's leeching poudns of your bench, then getting your heels down will probably show an increase, once you've mastered it and gotten used to the new position.

What is your bench at now?

trash. I probably couldn't put up 350 lbs.

>if you have a stability problem

Hm, I don't think so. When I get serious and respect the weight I am trying, then I tend do be really stable. At least that is what I feel.
Here is video, it's somewhat old, but it's still how I bench ever since I somewhat routined my set up:

I see some shakes here and there, but I doubt that more the shitty slim bench than something that arises from my hips.

In around a month I'll test a new 1 RM on bench, after the second Nuckols cycles - I will record something then to see how everything looks.
From the side would be optimal, I guess?

How much you weighing nowadays?

Isley out bench you when?

>when i get serious

Theres your fucking problem

Every set from the bar to your max should have the same technique and level of tightness

Heels up doesnt allow for the same stability as transferring power through the heels, would you squat or dead on your toes? No cause its not stable

yeah, from this angle it looks good. But side angles would be preferable. If you ever want to compete >ipf then it's worth it to learn heels down. But if heels up is working that well and you don't care then there's no reason to stray from it.

FWIW, i am very glad I switched. I feel much more "solid" and compact in the press now.

118.2 yesterday


probably in the next year

Wew we weigh pretty much the same now

>118.2 yesterday
Watch out lads, #Norse105 is happening!

Asked about this last thread but still no good advice and a lot of conflicting opinion.

Can you get very strong and big doing a split such as a 4day push/pull?

Is there a considerable difference in size gain between something like this vs. a PL program with some accessories?

I hear yes and no for this, so I'm not sure just how much different it is.

yeah but you're actually tall lmao

i'm still bretty fat

also you're stronger atm, unless you've been injured lately that I haven't been aware of.

There is so much retarded shit that I deal with concerning my lifts, bench is simply not a problem that I currently want to focus on.

Also I just cannot set up extremely hard right from warmup sets. It's physically exhausting and also mentally confusing.

I agree that optimally I would have the same level of setup for all weight.
But a set of 5s at 80% is just what it is, I can't really take it serious that much.
A set of 2s at 95% is just something different in my head.

well you should see more size gains, supposedly, I wouldn't know personally but you should. rippetoe says so.

>injured lately
I can't squat 140 without dying rn

Deadlift and bench are probably around 305/170 rn, confident in hitting 310+ in 6 weeks tho

You need to learn how to bench then, its not that you cant its you cant be bothered

It doesnt require focus, i had my setup completely changed and improved in 5 minutes by someone who knows what theyre talking about

Also did you get injured as well senpai?

>when I sucked at benching, i was only able to closegrip 165kg
make him STOP

You can do your own unrack in comp if you want.

Well, apart from me being on my heels and me not being 100% focused as low weights there isn't a problem, is there?

The heels thing I would have to do some
Mobility and also research to even understand what stops me.
And the "not 100% serious" thing ... Well, I don't know.

Do you really get as fucking tight as you physically can during low weights?

It's just volume and food and time. And of course, programming/periodization as time goes on. I think that's why strength based training helps, you have definite goals and a planned path towards them.

>meant to pr in deadlift today
>feel stiff and tired
Fun feels

If you're hitting all the muscles you need to, getting the work in, not getting hurt and you're recovering fine (recovery is usually a non issue for any one short of an advanced athlete) then you'll make good gains.

beginner, intermediate programming is sort of almost unnecessary. don't be a bitch, work hard and eat to match and you'll get stronger.

lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Though its not like I can do anything else these days.

yeah, stronger than me atm.I might be able to deadlift 305 though.

hips are a little banged up. other wise i'm fine physically


Is that body actually attainable without roiding or ruining a woman's fertility?

Holy fucking hnnnnng at that pic

You just cutting a little too hard and strength is somewhat tanking or something?

>is that body actually attainable

breh, i've seen women like this IRL.

There is a problem, youre more likely to fuck up towards the end of a submaximal set if youre not setup correctly and you arent taking it seriously

Yes i do, so much so that the empty bar and 1plate is more of a row down to the chest than letting the bar drop, learn to engage the lats and use them to slow the descent of the bar

Not as good as previous pic desu

I think so yeah. last week was rough, ate 5000+ calories every day and didn't lose any weight.

Then this week has been long, stressful and taxing, got back on meal plan but didn't compensate calories. started at 120.4 like 5 days ago, hit 118.2 or 118.4 or some shit yesterday. was goign to fast so did a refeed today and hit 119.1 I'll continue from here.


>eating 5k on a cut
REEEEEEEE I'm eating 3k on average for 1kg a week loss

>pr'ing deads today
>been in a great mood all day feeling like a million dollars

Well I guess you have a better mindset than me then.
Maybe it takes an injury for me to develop the same.

I said
>attainable natty

not unattainable at all..

Why would her fertility be ruined by having normal weight and some muscle mass?

That's just feminist BS to keep women fat and dependent on their movement. Fat women actually have MORE birth complications than normal women.

Dude, I'm not at all on the feminists' side. While for example is healthy body fat, anything below that (like said girl in the pic) can cause a woman's menstruation cycle to go haywire. You do know this, right?

>mfw isley's knees cave in on squats

That's how I feel too :(

It really annoys me some time

At least I can deadlift

I want to do a PL comp but feel like all dem man are gonna laugh at my poverty bench

Goals are
>Skwot 5.5pl8
>Binch 2pl8
>Didlift 6pl8

Feel like I'm gonna make an ass of myself, does anyone have any experience with the 3rdWorldBench in comps?

I imagine all that test and dbol would be the bigger problem regarding a woman's fertility anyway mate.

write lifts in kg not plates you loser

And bench

My first meet I benched 2.2 pl8 and deadlift 6.5 pl8

Which was literally the point of my question. Which was whether could be attainable without test/dbol/whatever.

yes it is attainable natty you fucking retard

Such poverty bench/deadlift ratio

>can't convert

Yea but ur a rower it doesn't count because everyone laughs at u already

>such poverty bench/deadlift ratio
True, but I did say that I'm not a powerlifter so I really have no reason to train chest/arms other than my awful body image

Any pic/cues to japanese bench memegrip?

I don't look like a rower anymore. And that was threee years ago now.

People just laugh at how hard I try and how little I have to show for it.

>People just laugh at how hard I try and how little I have to show for it
This exact feel, maybe next year I'll win some national medals and somebody might care

Fuck off and die and stop replying to me cunt

trying hard doesn't work when your training is shit

Does anyone squat with wrapps here? Wanted to ask your oppinion on my form. 325kg on the bar, aimed for a tripple, thought I could squeeze out another rep and failed miserably.


Isley correct me if I'm wrong: did you say your next meet is in two weeks? And your last meet was what, 1-1.5 months ago?

How can you be doing Sheiko then?

If you're still here

Depending on your hips, try spreading your feet out like pic related.

On that same note, there is only so much you can do to improve mobility, and I honestly doubt its a mobility issue preventing you from getting feet flat.

What is the spotoshot method? I wanna run it.

235kg on the bar, my bad.

you should quit PL desu

I always make a custom sheiko to suit my meet calendar

You failed the second rep.

I squat with wraps. The wraps were insufficiently heavy or insufficiently tight. Get this for every set

What ifit gives my life meaning

>What ifit gives my life meaning
Then kys


Bench press form critique please


>You failed the second rep.
You mean I didn't hit the depth?

I actualy started using Malanichev's wrapping method about two months ago, but I don't have 3 people to help me wrap and I do it myself, the wraps are fresh 2.5m inzer grippers. It was actualy my first heavy set with this wrapping style, can probably go a little harder next time.

You are a worry George.

Well, maybe I am just cheating my way into a bigger arch?

I mean, why is being on toes banned anyways? Because it allows to cheat for a bigger arch.

Maybe that is what I am doing. But I can't be bothered to change that now, desu.
Maybe when i reach 4pl8 i will overhaul the whole thing and accept a drop to have legal form, but for now .... Meh.



I've never used grippers. Used SBD comps, iron zs, titan gold sigs and THPs. I like the SBDs the best

Dogmatically sticking to power lifting because it's part of your identity now.
Pretty clear from your cynical attitude about the sport and actively making decisions that inhibit progress that you don't really enjoy the sport anymore.
That and sinking into the hole of neetdom and welfare dependence.

>I used the malanichev method to wrap
>but I do it myself

Then you aren't using the malan method

We have a pair of SBD wraps, but they are only 2m, I thought they'd be to short for me to use since long fat legs.

well most 2.5ms > 2m but only one is allowed in powerlifting so I only use 2ms

I mean I go up to my quad, down to the knee and around the knee as much as I have left.

Depends on the fed, m8.

>Depends on the fed, m8.
All national and continental feds conform to the IPF rule-book m8.

If I'm 80kg do I compete 73kg or 83kg?
What if I'm 76kg?

Making a custom sheiko is fine but I don't wanna hear no "sheiko didn't lead to any gains" if you perform badly at your meet. I mean, it's well possible that sheiko is or is not bad for you personally, but you cannot draw a conclusion either way if you butcher the program.

I'm from EU, plenly additional lolfeds here, m8.


Nah they all have the same rulebook

Izzy (PTW) just made a video dealing with this.


IPF is a lolfed.

Depends, are you a fat shit giving powerlifters a bad image?

It's fun though

My identity isn't based on powerlifting

>I'm from EU, plenly additional lolfeds here, m8.
Even lolfeds like GBPF or the former Soviet countries IPF-affiliated national federations have the same rulebook.

(on mobile cba looking for that one)

Please help me

Is there a spotoshot method spreadsheet

>meeting guys I know at the gym

fuck that noise la


GPA/IPO and WPA allow 2.5m knee wraps. How come you argue about things you don't know?

what do you do when you injure your lower back /plg/

>GPA/IPO and WPA allow 2.5m knee wraps
We're talking about powerlifting you dip

>what b spotoshot REEEE
You're asking at the wrong time of day. Try early morning Europe/late night America.

you post on plg every waking hour
training three days a week is your only hobby outside of your room
cmon mate
practically a PL monk

& it feels good man

atm I'm trainiong five to eight times a week

Blue shoes baby, you here?

>& it feels good man
you are true frog georgey
When i was neet I just had an impending feeling of doom 24/7 due to lack of productivity and my situation slowly getting worse.

are you making better gains with extra rest and no work stress?

If you're 80 you compete 83
If you're 76 you compete 83

tfw can only train 3 times a week

"IPF powerlifting is the only powerlifting" is a popular meme with Isley and his little clique, if you're not aware.

>hips to the sky
>33% rom
Great work.

>are you making better gains with extra rest and no work stress?
Nah because I forget to eat

and I spend even more time in a chair without room to stretch my legs