Why are you sad ugly dudes convinced on convincing everyone pigs are attractive just because those are the only type of...

Why are you sad ugly dudes convinced on convincing everyone pigs are attractive just because those are the only type of girls that take you seriously?

they actually fell for the tumblr memes

>not recognizing obvious bait
desu id smash both as well as a skinny bitch but OP wasted good dubs

>thinks only ugly guys like chubby girls

Stay mad.

No, only ugly guys who can only get fat chicks feel the need to reassure themselves you retarded faggot

>not making bottom right your cocksucking piggy bitch, nutting down her throat, then kicking her out

>acting like ur attracted to women
>on Veeky Forums

i kek'd

None of that has anything to do with these losers telling people that is the is ideal female body

>obvious bait is obvious
clearly you fell for it


>making Ms. Piggy your cocksucking bitch, nutting down her throat, then kicking her out, when you could've done the same with a much more beautiful skank
closet fag

>not having both
confirmed not chad

I think you guys need to go outside a little bit
You're way too involved with this website

Have you read the thread? There's like 1 retard there who calls everyone a homosexual for liking Veeky Forums (or just non-fat) girls. Quite an absurd conversation, actually.


I was bullied in high school by other girls because my stomach looked like that and now that I lose almost 40lbs you faggots want to say that fat pouch stomach is okay? Fat enablers pls go

Stay dyel lol

t. titlet

Yes, B cup titlet here.

Lol I'm attracted to them. Haters gonna h8. Best part is I'm a 9/10 so these women think they deserve me. I treat them bad.

>implying fat grills wont bully now that youre thin
bitches are crabs in a bucket

although numales and neckbeards are the same about chads
again, bitches=bucket crabs

...whats the booty like? from my field observations titlets have nice phat ass but pancake butters have nice racks

>bullied in high school by other girls
>you faggots
here is your fucking problem you retard
Girls say you must be this and that you be attractive to guys
Guys however will fuck anything on legs, without legs also as a matter of fact

You did this to yourself, faggot

I fapped to the upper left picture 2bh

>implying i wouldnt absolutely rek a double amputee with perky tits
literal fuckdoll status

This fetish shaming is abhorrent

>inb4 le triggered me me
what if fetish shaming is my fetish

Guarantee I'm bigger and stronger than you faggot

>mfw OP is a mad dyke that regrets spending all that time in the gym to only look like a weaker man.

No man cares about you going to the gym. Just love your man and give him blow jobs, he won't mind if you're a bit chubby.