Why do manlets always try to compensate for their lack of height by running around like angry little bulldogs?

Why do manlets always try to compensate for their lack of height by running around like angry little bulldogs?

>Pic related, how women see manlets

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Because it actually works. Women are retarded.

When a guy proves his dominance in some kind of bullshit masculinity test, women are naturally attracted to him, height or not.
Basically you can blame women for most of the problems of society.

>be on campus
>there's always this manlet with a tight shirt and chinos
>marching around like he's the biggest guy there
>always vaping like anyone gives a damn

Lol beta fags BTFO
Fucking autists spergs when will they learn that most women don't give a shit about height
>tfw i get more pussy than tall betas
Lol kys

Manlets are winning the war

>yfw he has more friends than you and has better grades
>b-but at least I laugh at him with my internet f-fwends

The war on sex? Well yea no one wants them

Found the manlet with megalomanlet fantasies.

Why does Veeky Forums see everything in black and white smfh

Height DOES matter, just like everything else. If youre a manlet you can ofc compensate. Just because a guy is 6'4 it doesn't mean he'll get pussy but take the same guy and make him 5'4 him being taller would definitely help more.

you guys are so fucking stupid

5'3" manlet here

I WISH I actually had some assertiveness in me.

How can I stop being beta without coming across as overtly compensating for my insecurities, Veeky Forums? Teach me!


I'm actually 6'3"

>why does Veeky Forums see everything in black and white
we don't. it's just fun to troll guys like you who think they can bestow their wisdom of nuance onto the 'fucking stupid guys'.

Pretending to be retarded for entertainment is the same as being actually retarded

Honestly go to TRP and read the recomended text. From there you'll have more than enough to build yourself into the man you want to be.

what is trp?

WeW lad.
He's got two strikes already.

Trust me. Everyone who looks at him gets a look of disgust on their face. Definitely would not want to be him.

Go for them shawties.

I'll probably get WHEN WILL THEY LEARN replies even though I'm 6'2" but I'm really curious.

How is that something fully uncontrollable and entirely genetic like being short constantly laughed at and insulted without repercussion but something entirely manageable like being fat is something we're supposed to be sensitive about?

>w-why is that fucking MANLET so confident ???
>i know.. i'll go home and post about him on an anonymous internet image board
>this isn't a coping mechanism for my crippling insecurities btw

News flash: He probably wouldn't want to be you either. It's not even personally against you, just the way it is.

It's not the height, it's the behavior. Normal people who are fat don't really bother people, it's the ones screaming about how they're healthy sexy ballerina princesses with condishuns we mock and shun constantly. Likewise, random short guys aren't the problem, it's the ones with chips on their shoulders trying to overcompensate and mean mug guy with normal heights.

only when women are fat

nobody gives a shit if a fat guy is picked on


Well he probably hasn't made a mental note of me since that I think I blend in. I'm just laughing at the fact that he's trying to take up as much space as possible with his posture and blowing clouds in everyone's face. He's done this everytime I've seen him on my way to class.

Youre seen as a bully because fats are seen as weaker or socially lesser than normal people whereas short jokes are as acceptable as blonde jokes.

Wanting to be a giraffe rather than a bull
With huge balls


Probably would out-alpha you in a minute

Banging 3 girls right now and party twice a week. What do you do again? Oh right jerk off, lift and socially fuckup every situation you are in.


Tone in down there little buddy
He said the height itself was not a problem, don't get defensive

>mfw he posts this on Veeky Forums.

falling for the bait lmao

Hah! Little man compensating too hard and thinks banging ugly whores will make him a man. Just a matter of time before you get one of those beasts pregnant and ruin you're entire life. Wear a condom my little friend. Wear a condom.

short jokes are as acceptable as blonde jokes?

if that's true then the manlet meme isn't that harsh

Yea don't do that. It's a subreddit with a bunch of guys who hate women who think they know the truth of our society i.e. "They took the red pill" and just masquerade as a self improvement subreddit. If you actually read some of the shit a lot of it is how to manipulate and emotionally abuse someone.

in addition to go out and get drunk one time with some bros.

you will see what it's like to be confident/give no fucks. after that, aim to become that confident sober

discriminating against bad genes is literally evolution my boy
plus i thought we hate fat people on here too
funny that as much as it hates it, Veeky Forums is a place where equality actually exists, manlets, fatties, darkies; everyone gets shit

yeah, search for the rational male page and read his recommended selection of texts