Anyone else here have pectus excavatum?

Anyone else here have pectus excavatum?

Do you know you have it if you've always been fat?

I've been lifting for 4 years but never cut to low bf.
I finally have found the motivation to do so however, and I've started feeling a gap in my chest, not sure if its pectus or just shitty pec gap.

Anyone with pectus who is also fat know about it when they were fat?

Ever had an MRI on your chest? The radiologist would be able to identify if you have pectus excavatum.

Im envious

if you start lifting you can have a god tier chest

Anyone got any ideas for tattoos that would be neat? People are gonna stare anyway so might as well get a tattoo to compliment it.

>pectus and flared ribs
i look like an auschwitz survivor but still have a lot fat on lower pecs,
makes it look like a have a fucking gyno or some shit

i do

I just had the surgery to have mine fixed. Still recovering and have a metal pin in my chest

either you don't, or its not your pic

any pre/post pics?

maybe with a mild PE
real PE is a nightmare

it is me.
you can barely see it because front view and muscle.

it still sucks tho

my dad has excavatum but i have the exact opposite where my chest is flared out. it looks weird while dressed because i dont have the arm,shoulder,lat mass to support it.

Pectus Carinatum. Probably worse, but I still I feel your pain OP.

My nigga.

Have you given up on wearing a vest or no? I used to wear one for like a year but it bothered the shit out of me since it did so little work.

Considering surgery, but I'm not sure if it'll be worth it. How you holding up there?

What are you complaining about? You look fine

Not complaining, I was wondering what other anons do to deal with it. Just did some research and as said it can be a benefit if done properly

Is that a Harry Potter spell?

fuggin keg

Top kek



>using someone else's joke as your own instead of posting a screencap

To anyone with this condition, I sincerely wish you the best and hope you lift for normalcy/balance.
I heard in some cases, lifting helps, and it also makes it look more normal (but it can also make it worse- check with your doctor)
not a sufferer, I just really would like to see people with this condition overcome it.
Good luck user!

P.s. if you get too muscular, people might think your chest is more solid than it is :s so be careful about people hitting it, leaning on you etc. it's not that different than if you were wearing a shirt and didn't lift, and the muscles might even protect you, but it also might give a false sense of security. Cover up your chest-nest and stay safe

It was already on my phone, breh. I'm too lazy to find anything tonight.

I have it very mildly, it's not very visible even from the side but it makes the right side of my chest less powerful. It's especially noticeable when doing bench as the left side of the bar rises quicker than the right.

I don't find that funny in the slightest, what the fuck?

Holy shit

Sorry man, I don't know what retarded people think is funny.

> dad has intermediate-ish pectus excavatum
> when I was a kid it was basically a tiny concave cup holder
> or a shallow cup bowl
> remember that as a I kid I took a nap once and laid my head on it
Fortunately I only have a slight pectus excavatum and lately not as many people can even tell

Thanks for the sympathy, user-kun.

every faggot is trying to be in a reddit screencap these days


On the plus side, you could pull off a pretty good evil ryu cosplay

y-you too

nice hairline tho senpai

Height and weight? You have a good frame

I know the feel OP

God damnit Steve jobs why can't you make a phone that works

6' 162 lbs

It doesn't look bad. Only from the side, likely.

I started to lift to make mine less awkward.
>What's that on your chest, man?
>"Oh, it's a birth defect."
>No, that mark
Tfw lifting won't ever make your birth mark go away.

Just say what i say: "its a tramp-stamp gone wrong". Always gets good chuckles out of people.