How much of a waste of time is maintenance mode?

How much of a waste of time is maintenance mode?

Been lifting for a year and im doing my cut but its going slowly at low pounds per week, so its basically a long cut (.25-.5 pounds a week) since I hate going about my day feeling weak as fuck.

How fucked am I? Should I just cut at -700 cals and get it over with?

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Bump for interest

wtf happened in that webm?

Untrained, inexperienced spotters fucked right the hell up.

The long haired guy on the lifter's left fugged it up. The only one who knew what he was doing was the guy with the glasses.

Yep, the other side spotters are stupid too, GRAB THE PLATES idiots.

Just further proof that USAPL is a memefed.

The only ones who knew what they were doing was the guy on the left and the guy behind him. The two guys touching the weight were useless and the long haired guy on the right was a complete bitch who didn't know what the fuck he was doing and couldn't lift the goddamned weight at all.

The back spotter fucked up pretty hardcore as well. You really shouldn't try and grab the bar in that position.

its hard to watch my canadian brethren in such a state

those assholes on the right are doing zero

neckbeard, curly:

>oh i better curl this up from my tippy toes

He doesn't have the fucking bar you idiot. He has the lifter.
His job is to steady the lifter
The guy on the right completely fucked it up and he had no fucking CHOICE but to take the weight off of his shoulders and hold it till someone who could actually get the goddamned weight could get over there.
Why? Because it was going to fucking kill him and the guy needed to get out from under there.
Spotting a heavy ass squat takes three relatively strong people who know the lift, are fully there, and know what they are doing.
If one fucks up someone could die.
That's reality.
The guys on the right side COMPLETELY fucked it up.

>the guy behind him grabs him instead of the bar


How much do you think you can do to support 6-700+ pounds from any position where you can grab the bar?

what i wanna know was what caused him to fucking spazz out of the lift like that. did he get injured? what's the full story here

It was fucking crushing him and they weren't lifting the weight fast enough.
He spazzed out because he was terrified of dying. And for damned good reason. He could have.

Because that's what you're supposed to do. I mean, you can't fucking grab the fucking bar back there. You can only support the lifter and help him lift it.
The guys on the side are there to help lift that shit.

You should actually help spot sometime. I mean really spot, not fake greentext porn story spot.

Someone fucked up in picking spotters.

Seriously... the way the guy on the far right tries to apply force to the to the bar proves he shouldn't be anywhere near a lift like that.

Idiot was basically trying to curl it.

How did USAPL even pick these guys? Here in Norway everyone is taught to spot during training and we even have spotting classes.

everyone except for the guy on the left thought that spotting an 800lb squat was as simple as using your biceps to curl back up the weight.

The guy on the left and the guy behind him knew how to spot. Hell the guy behind him probably saved his life. AND actually did end up curling the fucking weight.

The guy on the right and the guy next to him got there because they were...christ I don't even know.

amazzing how people on a fitness board cant commonly sense on how terrible a position can be in lifting weight, the guy on the right is trying to lift up the 600 lbs or whatever is doing so in some fucking baby cradle position which doesnt use any leg strength and your basically doing a weird awkward shrug type of shit. the guy on the plates position on the right literally didnt do anything, he actually just put his fingers onto it and his arms were seperated by the pl8s so only his right arm would actually do anything, even then all he could do was curl the fucking weight? and the guy behind him cant fucking lift any weight if his arms werent under the squatter, if they werent they would literally be widely seperated and you cant ohp with both hands in a fucking hitler salute type of shit

Are you fucking retarded? Remove yourself from this thread and LIFE . NOW

In the case of the "get it over with" cutting approach, these articles have been pretty helpful in changing my mindset about it.

Hope it helps.

Anavar, clen + t3 for 4 weeks.

You will shed fat like nothing with good diet and not lose any strength.

Maintenance is goat once you have a solid base. Gotta lose that fat first though.
>get 20-40 lbs below goal weight
>maintenance for as long as it takes to get proportionate, a
dvanced level lifts
>500 cal surplus to goal weight
>increase lift volume with bulk progression