I want a gf like this, what kind of doses should I be pinning? Routine examples?

I want a gf like this, what kind of doses should I be pinning? Routine examples?


Move to California and have money

I'm curious op, what kind of answer were you expecting?
"take exactly this much of this and that and a clone of the girl in your picture will be delivered to your doorstep"

Be better looking than the average male
Be better at talking to girls than the average male

No one actually finds this attractive, right? She has literally no redeemable qualities, yet I see bitches like this all the time on instagram. Also, it looks like she's in a hellhole.


>She has literally no redeemable

"she wouldn't look at me twice"
"She has literally no redeemable qualities!!!"

Noce coping mechanism.

>high cheekbones and narrow jaw
That's enough to make a woman 8/10
Because the average woman is overweight

>no ass
>no tits
>hungry skelington
>ugly tattoo
>fake fingernails
>dyed hair
>sunglasses obscuring her face
>looking down, away from the camera "OMG I'M SO DRAMATIC"
>probably mexican considering the background
Yeah, a grade A sex symbol

she looks good, but why does her nail color have to be puke green? I really hope her other choices in style are better

money and status, but don't expect her to stay around if these two things become abscent

She's English lol

>I can tell someones personality just by looking at them



What the fuck is this? An HIV infected shemale?

Being fit is only a small piece of the equation.

To be able to get girls like this consistently you'll also need.

Good fashion
Good hair
Good social skills
Good self esteem
High social value

Which if why the majority of Veeky Forums will never get a girl like this

All that shit is very achievable though
In fact, a good body would be the second hardest, just after good social skills

How do you learn social skills?

Wtf is that backgroung? Looks like she lives in Gaza.

>Also, it looks like she's in a hellhole.

Holy fuck it's Spain


Are Americans really this uneducated and inexperienced?

If I had to base my assumption off of that pic alone id say Spain looks like shit.

Lol typical American

By practice
Also there's plenty of books, videos, seminars and articles out there
But mostly by practice

That an actual pic of you?

What is your point? The background in that photo looks like a 3rd world country.

Sorry op, but that place looks like a Latin American slum

Or Pakistani

Bad news for you bro, no amount of gear is going to help you talk to women, its all practice.;

Source: I've been on a lot of tren.


What's the point of picking up a 3rd world country shemale with aids?

Money is what you need, user

this. go to LA. SF has a limited quantity of these girls

What do you do when you're talking to a qt and she's complaining to you about her bf about talking to other chicks or just stuff in general? I had just met her and was getting "let's be friends" vibes and nothing ended up happening between us, and it usually never does, but still. If I take her side I feel like a beta orbiter, but if I take his side I feel like an unsympathetic asshole. I'm sure they're both equally right/retarded in each other minds, but I've always felt pretty uncomfortable about the whole situation

Changing the subject is probably the best bet desu, this seems to happen to me a lot.

overweight arent even 5s nigger look at the chart

Nuked that map everyday, good times.

Lmfao Spain is less broke than you Amerifats

Did you even read the STICKY?!


Good luck!


Seriously. Everyone has redeemable qualities, it's whether or not they think you're deserving of being shown what they are

mad ass spaniard itt needs to fuck off