Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Questions that don't deserve their own thread
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Do I really need a set routine when lifting? I'm experienced enough to know what to do on whatever workout day it is and not just fuck around, but is a routine necessary if I want to exceed past being an intermediate lifter?


Trying out my college's gym for the first time tomorrow.

I have no idea if they have a bench press or any free weights for that matter.

wat do?

I know that we hate the word "tone" but my abs really makes a fucking huge gut when I don't flex them. Is there a way to keep them less relaxed when I'm not actively flexing them? Should I work on planking like a madman or should I work on the posture?

Post stats and pic and we'll be the judge.

Go there, assess the situation and adjust. Post here if you need help.

Is it better to have good muscle definition but be skinny, or to have poor muscle definition but have the muscle there, under the fat

Find out.

Vacuums and posture. Abs aren't meant to be flat and sucked in to begin with tho.

More muscle looks better than no muscle. See pic related.

Is ON Serious Mass a scam?

How do I fix a kneecap hyperextension? My right kneecap shifts to the left on a descent

It's just calories. You can get the same calories without it, but faggots who can't eat can benefit from it.

I find that on some exercises the jump in dumbbells are too big. Like, going from 16kg to 18kg dumbbells is often a really big jump.

Would it make sense then buying 2 wristweights of 0.5 kg each so I would do smaller increments? A progression like
16 kg dumbbells -> 16 kg dumbbells + 0.5kg x 2 wristweights -> 18 kg dumbbells

No pic, but 155 at 6'
Deadlift- 305
Squat 215

Use chain

>Not even 1/2/3/4
>Thinks he's intermediate
Yeah, you shouldn't be doing your own thing.

>these stats
>intermediate lifter

my fuggin sides

Can someone give me a brief overlook or a link to something that explains the low carb/calorie then refeed diet?


>155 lbs
>Expecting me to pull 4 plates as an intermediate
I'll admit though my squat max is shit.

You got your answer, don't be salty about it. Now fuck off.


I didn't get an answer, I just got a bitchy response and a joke. Post stats and pic if you're going to be a faggot.

I'm not the one acting like I know everything and don't need a routine. Your stats are shit and not at the level where you can make up your own routine. But whatever, you do you. Clearly you know better since you're here asking us about it.

I never said I know everything, I asked for some opinions and got some autist giving shitty advice that consist of
>lol weak as fuck, get good kid

Fuck off you weak faggot. You got your answer already.

yeah basically: get better kid. 1/2/3/4 is a thing regardless of if you're a skinny twit with no strength.

use a real routine.

Can somone please shit on my routine and give some advice?

Workout A/Day A:

Benchpress: 3x5
Hammer Curls: 3x10
Barbell Curls: 3x10
Skullcrushers: 3x10
Dips: 5x5
ISO/Lat/Trap Machine

Workout B/Day B:

Squats 5x5
Deadlifts 3x6
10 min. Run

I wouldn't do squats and deads on the same day desu. Whole routine looks retarded actually.

I'm currently squatting 2 and a half pl8's and my glutes are growing. I can't seem to feel them during the squat either. Any ideas?


Nice same fag
Fuck yourself

Glute's aren't growing sorry

>Can't handle the truth
Fuck off already.

Pro tip: squats don't really hit glutes. If you want some booty, do hip thrusts and those donkey kick machines

Sweet thanks man

I don't want to do lying leg curls, and my gym doesn't have seated leg curl machine.

So what's a better alternative?
Stiff-leg or RDL?
Any other?

Didn't really prove me wrong about the samefag though:))))

Happy? And now are you gonna claim shoop?

Nice shoop fag
Get good kid

>is a routine necessary if I want to exceed past being an intermediate lifter?
How long have you been lifting? How long ago did you become intermediate, i.e. stop progressing linearly?

google it, seriously

you'd be suprised how common it is. also check ur diet maybe you have too much visceral fat.

I'll be out of the gym for a while because of an injury. What should I do in the meantime diet-wise? Are bodyweight exercises meaningful for keeping my muscle?

Not there yet, but curious: what do you do when you are happy with where you're at and want to maintain gainz? Eat at maintenance, I assume. Only lift once or twice a week? Reduce and maintain consistent volume?

Eat at or slightly below maintenance. Keep protein high. Body weight exercise is shit but it's better than nothing.

Attending an end of summer pool party this Saturday. What are the best ways to make sure I look as good as possible shirtless?

I'm already going to continue my cut through the week although I'm going to be doing much lower carb to shed the water weight. I'm going to be doing my usual workouts with additional cardio on my off days. On the day of I plan on not eating before the party however I will be drinking water throughout the day because fuck being dehydrated for a slightly better looking body. I'll also be doing some bodyweight stuff immediately before for a bit of pump.

Did I miss anything?


Reduce salt intake and increase water intake by a lot. Use actual weights for a decent pump.

Gonna start cutting tomorrow and i was eating this as meals.
4 Hard boiled eggs
1 banana shake (1 glass of milk half a glass of water, 2 bananas, two egg yolks, and one tablespoon of sugar)
Which meal should i get rid off, planning to run on the treadmill until i lose 260 calories


Can someone show me proper pullup form?

Apparently I'm doing it right according to people I ask, but am I supposed to touch the bar to my chest or clear my chin over the bar?

I'm used to doing chin ups

>using machines
what is your squat

>implying I don't squat

Just answer my question, please.

how much do you squat

Idk where you're getting at but fuck it. Currently I do 265 for 5 reps.

I'm getting at that there is no reason use machines as a serious lifter. Free weights are infinitely superior.

Also, at 265lbs you're nowhere close to really needing to add accessories to improve your squat beyond deadlifts

At that weight, you should still be able to add 5lbs every squat session.

Where can I get pl8s? I'm trying to go up by about 5lbs weight wise a week on benching, but I need more 5's and 10's for both my barbell and benching barbell.

Does sports authority or dicks sell them or what?

craigslist or used sporting good stores

brand new plates are VERY expensive

Jesus. I never onced used a machine in my 3 months of lifting. That's why I am asking?

Stiffleg or RDL for hamstrings?

Deadlifts and squats for your hamstrings

you're not an advanced lifter yet. You don't need to isolate everything when you're still at a level that you gain strength and size from the basic lifts themselves.

I'm doing 5/3/1, bro. Don't tell me i dont need accessories.

>proper pullup form
That's how I do them, well, I do chinups, and here's how Scoobs does them: