/run/-Running General

Idk about you guys but I prefer running through town than trails. I know it's not good for your knees but something about it I just enjoy.

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alright /run/, what's the final verdict. to strike with the heel, or to not strike with the heel?

I should have included this in the first post my bad.

Heel striking in not good. All that shock has to go somewhere. It's better to have your feet under you when you land with the midfoot the distribute the shock.

If not that shit is going to wreck your heel, knees, hips, and back. I even stopped listening to music on my runs because I noticed my form was off with my feet clomping too loud.

>only 110km of running so far this month

Should I try to make it 200km before the month ends?

also how stupid will I be if I go running 3 days after a marathon? will my legs suffer?

bump, where all the runners at?

If you want to run and feel up to it then Have a run man. Your body will tell you if its a bad idea after 10 mins. You've had 3 days to recover after all....

Somewhat fast person who actually understands principles of training for racing here (pic related). Not sure how many here are actually trying to get faster vs. just get in shape but if you have any questions about improving from 400m on up I'm happy to share what I know.

who /hill sprints/ here

Fuck that's fast.
I currently run 6k at 4:50/k - how can I train to get faster at this distance?

Pls post marathon training girl.

Generally speaking, the best way to get to being able to hold a certain pace for a certain distance is to run at that pace for close to that amount of time in a practice setting. So if you're trying to do 5k at 4:35 per mile, doing regular workouts like 5 intervals of 1k at 4:35 with 2-3 minutes of rest is a good session to improve to that time. But in order to be able to run a workout like that, you also need to be able to run shorter and faster, and slower and longer. So runs of 5+ kilometers at 5:20 per k with little or no rest, and runs of around 10 repeats of 400m at whatever 4:15 per k is per 400. Add very slow, relaxed rest days in betweeen, more distance is better. Rotate between workouts like the ones I listed both for mental variety, and to work different energy systems in your body. Over time, the same workout becomes easier, or the same effort produces faster times.

Is it normal to feel as depressed as I am after completing a marathon? It feels like life is complete and there's nothing more.

Not sure about the latter comment, but to your question yes it's very normal. Part of it is hormonal. A marathon takes it out of you and can be taxing to your endocrine system, especially without an extensive history of distance running to prep you for it. Eat a lot, sleep a lot, it will pass.

Lol fuck geese, little bastards.

Don't heel strike pls

Veeky Forumsizen turned strongfat here. How do I into running? When I try it now my calves get destroyed in like 30 seconds and seize up.

Calf raises and roll them thx. Start with walking for extended period, extend stride a bit to stretch now and again

Yes Wednesdays are the worst. I do 20x100-120m, what do you do?

Really gotta recommend c25k. It's meant to take even the most rank beginner to a thirty minute 5k in a month.

From there, run three times per week starting at like two miles each and increase mileage whenever you feel like it.

the first one is magical
all following marathons will be about chasing the feel you got on your first marathon

Thanks guys.

Picking running and martial arts up hopefully will slim down

I thought it was min/km and smiled at the "fast" for 5:20.
I will do a flat ultra soon, any tips for nutrition during and before?

Porridge w/ banana

But what about during? Also I will probably shit myself all the way with bananas during the race. No fruit for me.

I try not to eat during my mara/ultras, just makes me nauseated. I have to resort to gel

I don't think I will be able to finish with no calories and 9-10hours of effort.

He said gel

Did not read that, it makes more sense.

I don't think I'll ever be able to run for 5,000 km. Seems like a lot.

I tried gel but it ended up giving me huge cramps after about 4-5hrs, have to have something solid. In my drop in the last 2 times I've had a 1/2 sandwich with peanut butter, and another with ham, and in one of my bottles I have oats mixed with a lot of water, probably the best thing for me desu. I've heard of people having baked potatoes but I haven't tried them

It says 25k so it's 25,000km silly

No, you guys. It's the roman numeral C, but 25k times. 2,500km

it says c25-k, which means "century", that is 100 x 25, giving 2500 km. no need to make 5000km.

But I heel strike so that's impossible

Is it autistic of me to do my longer runs (7mi or greater) on a track?

Looking for advice, I run 5km every day and then 10km on the weekend. Under 30 minutes for the 5km and averaging an hour roughly for the 10km. Now my company signed me up for a full marathon in 2 months from now. I wanted to know what the best way would be to train for that given my current running routine

try to do 3-5 runs per week, maybe one fast 5km, few normal pace 10kms, then start adding the distance for a longer weekend run.
hop now to 15km, do it twice, hop to 20km, do it twice, hop to 25km, do it once, do one 30km, then downgrade to 20km and take it easy with shorter runs during last two weeks before the race.

don't overtrain, and try to get that one 30km "under your belt"/under your shoes before the actual 42km distance. if you feel able to, you could also upgrade ASAP to doing a few 20km distances.

try also running with a bottle of gatorade/sports drink and try taking a few energy gels during the longer runs, so your body is not completely unaccustomed to consuming liquids/gels during marathon.

Thinking that is autistic

Not really. Sounds boring though.

Try that for the last week, you got a nice based covered already.

Is this pasta?

Thanks so much for the info, really appreciate it

Nope just when I asked 3 days ago I only got memes as an answer, didn't help me though

I've been running in minimalist shoes for 8 years now. I seem to have hit a plateau at around 15 miles, where my body isn't tired but my feet start getting really sore (never injured). The soreness goes away the next day.

How do I increase my mileage in minimalist shoes without more cushioning?

...softer terrain?

or maybe you should just accept that different humans are different, and some of our feet last better and some worse when it comes to need of cushioning?
Asphalt and lack of cushioning don't go well together. Try finding the nearest African savannah-like terrain.

Very informative vid thanks for posting.

does anyone have any successful experience/tips for cutting/dieting/countingcalories when also trying to run long distance?
I'm not fat, I have well developed leg muscles, skelly arms, but I have some fat remaining around belly that never goes away.
I mean what the fuck, after years of running I still haven't been able to get belly fat down. Cutting between longer runs is nigh impossible and I need calories to keep my brain active for studying.

>tfw eternally 20% BF

You need to eat less fat, sugar and processed shit and you know it.

>managed to reach 83kg 3 weeks ago
>now its back to 86kg

Weight hasn't been below 80kg since 2013... the more I exercise the more calories I end up devouring


How much water are you drinking daily? Are you resting enough? Are you sleeping enough?

>stopped listening to music

this right here. i didnt listen to music on a run because spotify was getting wonky and it was the best i had in months. you get to dictate your pace, rather than let the beat dictate it for you, and i invariably felt i was moving quicker and more effectively without it. Listen to the sounds around you, say hello to the cute girls, correct your form by ear.

downside was i couldnt calculate my distance with gps

nah, it's mostly my lack of willpower when it comes to gorging calories after long runs and rest days
though I should be replacing various sugarless sodas with pure water.
I've been also lately too liberal with rewarding myself with sugary Coke after +20km runs... the legs are strong, the mind is weak.

however, I am still nowhere "fat", I just hate that extra 3-5cm layer of fat on my belly. Somehow it seems to concentrate there, legs are pure muscle.

20km runs? that's almost half a marathon and about 1300 calories burnt on top of your bmr. a 100 can of coke is not going to do anything. if you drank a GALLON of coke a day, youd still pretty much only burn off the calories from your run.

youre doing something else wrong besides soda.

There is never a reason to drink soda. Not one.

Well I mean autists find repetitive behavior soothing..

Jk, although boring it's a good way to keep your pace

Durianrider recommends sprite for carbs

i recently started running a bit aside from football training

but when i do, my calf (mostly just one) hurts as if it was overstrained somehow. especially at the beginning of a run. since it doesn't happen when i play footy, i guess i am running wrong somehow.

anyone got experience with this?

This spring/summer I ate 1800-2000 cals per day with my usual running/lifting routine and I went from 170lbs to 155lbs absolutely fucking shredded.

My run times also got lower as I lost weight so now I'm closing in on sub 35 mins for a 10k.

I don't know what quantities you're eating to not get skinnier with a serious routine unless you lack a base of muscle. If you're not a muscular guy covered in a layer of fat, you'll still have a chubby belly when you lose the weight.

I did that first when I was fat, dropped from 185lbs to 140lbs and I was a fucking stick but somehow still had a gut.

I guess its not exactly running but jogging is close enough right? I just recently started doing cardio to lose weight and get healthier, I'm currently 260 5'10. This is my third day and Im noticing I start out alright do my stretches can jog half a mile and need to take a break. But after that I need to start taking more breaks do I just power through and finish the full lap or is it alright to get a breather in as long as you jog the rest of the way.

How to go under 2:00 im a high school runer with 55s on the 400m and 24 on the 200m and i also have 2:45 on the km

It's amazing how much it really does come down to simple math. I ran XC at the D1 level in college and still put on the freshman 15 at 80 miles per week because I was lifting for the first time in my life and had an unlimited meal plan that the athletes got.

Not strike with the heel. Also zero drop shoes/vibrams.

is this still true for road/sidewalk running? i do 2.5mi on sidewalk twice a week and my current go-tos are brooks adrenaline gts16s.

Lots of people drink flat cola during 100 milers.

With those PRs you're close. A little bit of regular extension of race pace with maintenance speed and tempo work will have you there very soon. I did 2:05 with 28/58/2:43 as more of a XC/3k/steeple type, so with 24 for 200 and able to hold on to 2:45 for 1k, you're close. I had a teammate in college with roughly your statline in HS and doing more longer slower Vo2 max work and short fast tempos helped him a lot.

Is it basically the same as fruit juice?

It's sugar water with lots of sodium. Goes down easier when you're struggling to eat

For someone who's over weight and trying to get in shape how do you guys balance running and lifting weights. Its like a boa constrictor is on fire and trying to squeeze my shins off and my legs feel like lead.

Listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Make some brain gains while you run.

Help guys! I got a marathon in 10 hours. I have never ran before. How do I get myself up to doing in marathon in 10 hours?

Go outside and sprint for ten hours. You'll burn off all your glycogen and go into ketosis, which basically lets you run forever.

have you tried taking the first sip of the day?

Look up couch to marathon

It's a 10 hour program designed for beginners

no. dont use vibrams or zero drop shoes, ESPECIALLY ON CONCRETE. vibram has been consistently proven to be bad for running. human feet are not meant to run on hard surfaces such as concrete. they are meant to run on softer surfaces like dirt and sand.

stop falling for the meme. get real shoes that have cushioning. the only time i would recommend zero drop shoes is for sand running, in which even running barefoot is completely okay.

Thanks guys. Thanks to you all, I know I can run this thing in 2 hours.

What is your training schedule/routine? I'm currently at a 19:20 5k, How can I Improve this?

What about running on grass/turf and then gradually moving up to concrete with the vibrams? Because by that time your feet and tendons will have strengthened up enough to withstand running on concrete

>tfw 6'5
>carry pepper spray because I'm scared of getting raped

Is it so irrational? My family makes fun of me for it.

If it makes you feel safer thats all that matters. That or just get faster so no one can catch you

Hey, user you quoted reporting back. How you can best improve depends on what you're already doing, but generally race pace work is effective. So if your time is 19:20, and your goal is sub 19 for example, doing a session of 6x800 with 2-3 minutes rest starting at 19:40 pace and working down to 19 flat by the end is a great workout. You could support that by doing, on a different day, 10x200m at 18:30 pace with 200m jog rest, or 5k at 21:00-21:30 pace.

A valuable investment is a copy of Daniels' Running Formula, which is basically SS for running.

No, they won't. We didn't evolve with concrete under our feet. You're looking at a ticking time bomb with minimalism on roads. Period. It's great for grass, dirt, etc. But unnatural surfaces require unnatural gear.

It's simple sugar so even better for end-stage distance running because your body would have to waste time and energy to break down fructose from real fruit juice.

Carry a fucking gun honestly
Whatever makes you feel safer

I meant sucrose. Baka.

I can't not listen to music while I run.

What do you guys listen to for running music? Black metal has been my go-to for awhile now.

I used to run but I bike now, can I stay in this thread

Depends, how short are your running shorts?

Guys I ran for the second time today after like three years of being a couch potato. I ran a 8 minute mile which surprised me. Wanted to go 1.5 miles but the side stitch was spasming so I stopped. How long until side stitch goes away?

Hip-Hop or Rock. I just pick an album I haven't heard in a while and then go. Doesn't really matter for easy runs.

Depends on a lot of things. Keep at it and your body will adapt. You might think about running slower for more time to build up a base before worrying about trying to Sanic though.

well I'm going balls out because I'm retarded and waited until a week out to prepare for basic training. Just gonna push through the pain and pray I don't get injured

I'm sure when you have to do your 1.5 test the hype will carry you through the pain.

Did sprints last night and puked what does this mean?

No problem man. I have been running for a couple of years and I just found out I should have my shoulders back more so I can breathe easier.

>afraid of being raped
Are you a girl?

it's drinking sugar stuff on the rest days that's the problem
the engine needs fuel both on training and rest days

it's my greatest sin when it comes to lifestyles choices.

yeah, I know what that looks like.
I'm 188cm and 85kg, the only oddity is that belly pouch of fat. Then again, I had that belly pouch when I was a 70kg hungry skeleton. Which is kinda weird, but I guess genetics does explain minor parts when it comes to having different bellies. But mostly it is just my failure to get enough bodycore muscle training.

Hey, should I buy Mio Alpha 2 (79 USD on Amazon) heartrate watches for running?

managed 4km today, damn the legs are still tired
maybe 5km tomorrow...

I bought a mio link. I'm definitely happy with the purchase, but I guess it depends on what are you looking for in a heartrate monitor.

I bought this one because I needed it to have bluetooth, but I hate chest hrms.

I like running in town so i can check out qts

>over 1 year with shin splints

kill me