Why so many downvotes for keto on this subreddit?

Why so many downvotes for keto on this subreddit?

Obvious bait aside. Keto is love.

Keto is worthless.

It's a misunderstood state that has nothing to do with aesthetics but rather the body's defense mechanism for being starved of carbohydrates. It is extremely difficult to get into ketosis because you have to balance exact macronutrients to reduce protein and eliminate carbohydrates. Once you're there, it's not going to do anything beneficial that any other diet wouldn't.

Eliminating carbs is also worthless. They should be reduced from the standard american diet, but not eliminated. People feel good on keto because they're getting excess amounts of the complete protein they need and in the process cleaning all that coagulated shit out of their gut by basically running water-infused bile through it. But you could do the same thing by also drinking a gallon of milk, which is what I do.

Just eliminate processed foods and unnatural sugar, the rest of this shit is worthless.

Keto is controversial, but not universally hated. Works for some but not for others.

Kind of like peanut butter.

>eliminate sugar
>drink lots of milk

KY my man.


>It is extremely difficult to get into ketosis because you have to balance exact macronutrients to reduce protein and eliminate carbohydrates.

It's only ""extremely difficult"" if you are of below average intelligence

>It is extremely difficult to get into ketosis

It takes litteraly two days.


>Hurr durr lets eat an extremely unbalanced diet

You need 30-40% carbs in your diet for optimal natural testosteron production.

Is it seriously that hard for you faggots to just eat normal food but less? Once you use more calories than you supply through food, your body will start using fat reserves. Seriously guys, it's 2016, stop with the pseudoscience.

Yeah if you limit your calories to the point that you have no muscle mass and your body is cannabalizing your muscle.

Too much protein will kick you out of ketosis dumbass. There's literally no reason to do ketosis. It relates to the krebs cycle and I am 99.9% sure you don't understand it, because I read an article by someone who understands it better than most doctors, and he came to the conclusion, backed by scientific data, that it's worthless. It's a misunderstood state. "Low carb" is not "keto." Unless you have keto sticks, you have no idea. I only got into actual ketosis by cutting carbs once and it was by eating only chicken for two days. I felt like total shit also.

I wouldn't bitch though, I also used to be a misinformed loser who thought he knew everything about biology, the most complex scientific subject that exists.

You don't even have to eat less food, you just eliminate processed food. The body doesn't store fat because of what you're eating. It's because all the sugar is making you confused and inflamed.

If you want to be underweight, that's a different story. But being underweight is more unhealthy than being overweight.

I think whatever diet one chooses, you have to keep following it.
However keto shouldn't be a lifestyle imo
While doing keto one should embrace good and healthy carbs on refeeds rather than eating shit like pizza and ice-cream
This way you your tastebuds learn how healthy food should taste like.
If you're fat, you have a eating disorder.
You HAVE to program your brain into wanting good food at a reasonable amount.
So don't binge on refeeds.

Itt brendan schaub


Don't you get it, keto is a fad diet. Fad dieters set themselves up for failure. They're failures by nature. That's why most fat people are losers.


You think it's bait because you're one of those "I know everything" people, who usually don't know anything. In fact, bad broscience about keto is probably worse than conventional logic.

Also it doesn't take two days. It takes as much time as your body runs out of other energy to burn and needs to get creative. At which point you are already starving and your genetic makeup is struggling to figure out what the fuck's going on.

Then explain dem higher serum test levels on high fat diets? Also fats regulate hormone production, not carbs you peasant.

High fat diets do increase testosterone, dumbass. You don't need keto to eat a lot of fat. A pound of meat or a gallon of milk is all the fat you need for maximum test production.

The problem with keto is that people keep eating stuff like bacon, beef, cheese and pork.
I did keto for a few weeks.
Was an absolute failure.
Now doing PSMF and I am also in ketosis most of the time but eat much healthier food.

>high fats increase keto

Well what do you think keto is you mongoloid?

>lb of meat and gallon of milk

Good precise science fatty.

No, you seem to have an issue with understanding that it has nothing to do with ketogenesis. It's a misunderstood state that has nothing to do with fat loss.

The only people who should consider keto are older women who are potentially trying to keep their collagen levels intact so that they don't look like shriveled up raisins. And that's just so they could drink bone broth all day and not get fat. For a man to do keto? Why the fuck would you? You need a lot of calories, so much so that you'll never go into ketosis. You can't just eat three pounds of cheddar cheese and go into ketosis. It doesn't work that way. And why would you want to? You would lose the same amount of fat either way. Being in ketosis is a SIDE EFFECT of consuming a zero carb, low calorie, low protein diet.

Also dr. atkins was a piece of shit and had a heart attack telling everyone to eat bacon and eggs all day.

You can eat all the fat, greasy, cholestorol laden foods you want as long as they're not mixed with stuff that damages your arteries.

Anyway I can tell no one here is going to listen to someone who actually read the medical journals and science handbooks, so you can all fuck off and fail some more.

It's a pointless meme-diet with no research into long term consequences. If want to lose weight just consume less calories.

High fats do not "increase keto" and that's what I said. Ketogenesis is a STATE that your body goes into. It is no more beneficial than any other state. Jesus christ you can't be this fucking stupid.

there's no point in getting more than 1g of fat per kg of bw. getting the rest of your cals (in addition to protons) from carbs is way more optimal for recovery and performance

It doesn't have to be precise, dipshit. The body is a molecular furnace that counts calories less than you do.

You do not understand chemistry.
You are not saluted.

I consider chemistry and biology to be virtually the same thing.

I did it for awhile, it's not worth it. Just going on a regular cut + daily cardio will be just as if not more effective and won't make you want to kill yourself because you can only eat like 3 things.

Unless you're a super fat-fuck and are doing it as a crash course in disciplined eating along with cutting, sure, give it a go.

what's with his chin? looks weird

what chin?