No Cbt thread? Cbt thread. These are my 7-rep maxes.
basketball for cardio. plz no cardio fags/bunnies.


Kill yourself attention whore

5'9 180

>7 rep maxes

post a picture of butt gains. we literally cant tell anything from this angle. you're turning

not even the men do this you attention whore

your breasts are like the scales of justice

>7-rep maxes.

Ass gains.
Don't forget to do your chin ups and eat your vegetables.

>no cardiofags
Cardiofag coming through

5'8 165lb 14%bf by BEI scale
OHP: 115x5
Banch: 185x4
Squat (high bar): 285x1
Squat (front): 205x5
Diddly: 325x5
Pull up: +20x9

1 mile: 5:34
5k: 18:34
10k: 44:51
Marathon: 3:29:02 (wrong turn)
50 mile: 10:10:56

Holding my running steady around 50mpw while I ride out noob gains in lifting.


good. would smash from the back

Who uses 7-rep maxes?

hey chad. how many girls you fucked?

Basketball players

Shoulders and lats are a strong point. Could be developed even further to get a bit more hourglass shaped IMO

Nice forearms and traps. If anything, hit the bench a bit harder, but it looks good.

>7-rep maxes

Well clearly it's working for her

White knight over here

>Not wanting wizard gains
Would rather smash PRs than pucci for now. Maybe when I hit 1/2/3/4

How long have you been running? No offense, but you're pretty slow for the amount of running you do. If you're doing 50 miles a week I'd at least expect a sub 18 minute 5k


5'9 and between 185-190

squat: 445
diddylift: 525
binch: I have a torn [left] pec and have not benched in about 4 months now. Hopefully I'll be back at it soon. Most I had hit before the tear was 295

How am I looking Veeky Forums? Currently on a bulk with 12-15 more pounds to gain.

Gonna need a closer pic of that ass for evaluation.

You're absolutely right. I ran CC in high school with pole vault for Track then took a long break. Only got back into seriously running about four years ago with focus on marathon and longer.

You're right, I should bring my 5k down. Cheers

That makes sense. Wasn't trying to shit on you or anything, that's just a lot of mileage for the times you put up so I was curious.

bitch you cant even use the pullup bar correctly

do you have a bf?
how often do you run? any cardio/sports besides running and lifting?

the thought of you hurting is too much for me. you're beautiful don't let anyone tell you otherwise

fuckin hot


This is in lbs right? Otherwise I might commit sudoku for being a weakling.
75kg squat
27.5kg ohp
85kg diddly

More like 5'8 MANLET

Took this last night.

Feel like my body looks a little "droopy," like scoobys, except I am in my 20s.

Should I just try to cut a few more pounds?

Run is 5 days a week

Recently dipped my toe in triathlon because I bike commute when I can, but my swim is still trash. Planning on doing a half IM next summer.

>tfw no bf


Yeah bro youre a fucking manatee

Stats are 1RM's

OHP 90kg
Bench - 140kg
Squat - 150kg
Rack pull - 230kg

Your chinup form sucks girl, correct it before you fuck your shit up.

>rack pull

Stay away assless skeleton

IKR... can't dead because of a slipped disk in my upper spine.

Come at me bro

Sick tats :')

This is me as well

Your skin is disgusting, man.

How am I lookin

Muh Veeky Forums crush

why are you taking your shirt off in the gym

Roids will do that

How tall are you, manlette?

That's my basement mate

Gear? Looking good otherwise

let me correct that
why are you taking your shirt of at all
at least if you're not going to show us anything

That's my basement mate5'8. What I lack in height I make up for in strength, endurance, and confidence.

Is it that bad? I've lost 7 pounds over the last few months, I don't know how much more I can realistically keep off

This. Common courtesy to show eachothers our gyno in cbt. Post dem pepz bb

thanks for making me feel slightly less lonely tonight

Nigga...why do you have the Seal of Orichalcos tattooed on your chest?


I was just being a jelly fag and trying to bring you down, homo.

5'7manlet @ ~75-76kg

Mel Gibson mode

Looking great, man.

6'3 somewhere above 200lbs (bit lighter in pic)
DL 440
SQ 360
BP 255
OHP 198
PU +55 x5

Train for amateur sports, muay thai and looking good.

>tfw look good with pump and lighting
>tfw look skinnyfat without

Kek. Unicursal hexagram was around way before Yugioh, but I got it when I quit smoking (in occultism, it's used as a symbol of invoking or banishment, not that I subscribe to that), I was interested in Thelema at the time, and I liked (and still do like) having a reminder to work toward my goals or will or whatever that I can see every morning.

Not trying to be an asshole, but you are deluding yourself.

I found it a weird coincidence, since I was on /x/ in another tab. Check this out:

But I get compliments all the time irl on my gainz

from normies. welcome to /fit

>cute body
>short hair
>uses kg so nowhere near me

Why do you do this to me user

Mirin breh.

Posting because fitcrush noticed me.
4 months in, still dyel asfuq, stretchmarks are enraging.
OHP: 52.5
Bench: 65
Squat: 100
Dead: 140
20, 85kg ish

> Not using freedom units

Its like you don't want to live on the greatest country on earth desu senpai.

That mile is kinda shitty desu, no offense you're doing you

5'8 171 r8 pls

not the OP, but I live close to you, user

Huh. Spooky. Yeah, a lot of pop culture uses the symbol. Had a gf who watched Supernatural, and she flipped shit because it's there too.

>Being this delusional


6ft ~240lb

squat 640lb
bench 435lb
deadlift 715lb

You're very small and cute looking. Maybe hop on hormones.

You look like a faggot who likes it up the ass.

do you?

But I get compliments all the time
Normal clothes no longer fit my chest, I can't button shirts up.

Bw: 220lb
Squat: 585lb
Bench: 405lb
Deadlift: 655lbx2

I'd probably lose my hair not worth

o fugg

>that girl that wears basketball shorts to the gym

6' 205 lbs.



wat? Looks like same as any other cbt but with grill. Who hurt you user?

Miring but why do you look like an air conditioner?


you look like you have 12.5 inch arms and your bodyfat is still somehow near 20% lmao

It's like a fat girl with no tits

Genetics + most of my training is based around powerlifting or strongman so I'm going lean fridge mode


4 months of SL 5 x 5
5'9 140 lbs
have I passed from skelly into otter yet?

These guys...

My neighbors