What's a good water bottle, Veeky Forums?

what's a good water bottle, Veeky Forums?

im trying to avoid ones that have those chemicals that give you cancer or give you tits?

i heard theres some shit in both plastic and metal bottles? what do i avoid? which is better?

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will you be using this to drink monster?

no, water

maybe a protein shake

>not enjoying that first sip of day
You might as well tattoo "not gonna make it" on your forehead

nice meme man

dude, it's a water bottle.
go to walmart, find one.
that's good enough.

Hydroflask, wide mouth, 32oz

Just..re use bottles you get from the store ? Only reuse for a week maximum.

This is jew bait paying for a "premium" bottle.. pointless

>Do not make the computer, digital cameras or other precision instruments together to avoid the damage of precision instruments



buy one of these for 79 cents, then reuse for a week or two and replace. ;(

Get a glass one. No xenoestrogens, and they look stylish as fuck.

>i like fucking up my hormones

this, only i have the 64oz because i drink a fuck ton of water

haha sure thing man enjoy your involuntary transition

nalgene water bottles are cheap and bpa free, buy they sweat a lot and have almost no insulation. if you like ice cold water, not a good choice, but if you like coolish or room temp water, fuggin do it. it'll pay for itself in two weeks if you drink multiple water bottles a day

otherwise i recommend a hydroflask. they're pricy as fuck but really well-insulated and easy to clean.

don't fall for the all water bottles are created equal meme. camelback shits are intensely overpriced and none of the pricy EDC water bottle shits come close to the quality of hydroflask




Use a mason jar and slap a coozie on it. Works for hot drinks and leftovers too, and it's very easily replaced.



enjoy pumping your system with xenoestrogens
if you have to buy a drink from a store get something like pic related

yeah but the vodka that has to go with it to make it worthwhile is just empty calories.


>worried about xenoestrogens that may or may not have any kind effect at all in the dose received from a bottle of cold water.
>pumping body full of radioactive horse piss on the regular.

okay, sure thing slick.

Anything thats made of glass. Easy to clean and lasts forever unless you drop it like a fuck

Get a hydroflask and spill water all over your face like a retard like do I at the gym.

First one for aesthetic purposes

Yeah 100% Nalgene they're fckn impossible to break and hold about 1L