I've been surviving, neigh, THRIVING off of nothing but oats for the past 3 months, AMA

I've been surviving, neigh, THRIVING off of nothing but oats for the past 3 months, AMA.

>but user, fucking how?

Simple, 6 cups of oats a day, 1 cup of skim milk per cup of oats, 1 tbsp of honey per each cup of oats, and 1tbsp of cinnamon. Every once in a while when I'm feeling saucy I'll throw in some fruit.

>jesus christ just LOOK at these FUCKING macros

6 cups oats:
>3,642 cal
>66g fat
>618g carbs
>156g protein

6 cups skim milk:
>516 cal
>2.6g fat
>72g carbs
>50.4g protein

6 tbsp honey:
>384 cal
>0g fat
>102g carbs
>1g protein

>4,542 cal
>68.6g fat
>792g carbs
>207.4g protein

This costs me literally a dollar a day. 67cents per POUND of fucking oats. Gallon of organic milk is $3, honey is ~$6 but lasts forever.

Why haven't you embraced the superfood yet Veeky Forums? Don't like the totals? Just cut out a cup or two of oats, boom, 700-1300calories dropped. Want to feel full ALL of the time? Split the meals into half cups, eat it every once in a while.

My food prep? Throw a bowl in the fucking microwave for a minute.

>nothing but oats

>also milk, honey, cinnamon, and fruit

why did you make this thread

Are you the same guy that lived off of 36 egg whites on a 500kcal cut?

sick fucking macros
tell me about your gains

What type of oats do you eat?

>I've been surviving, neigh, THRIVING off of nothing but oats for the past 3 months, AMA.
>Simple, 6 cups of oats a day, 1 cup of skim milk per cup of oats, 1 tbsp of honey per each cup of oats, and 1tbsp of cinnamon

Sounds nice, where do i have to sign?

if I wanted humor I'd ask for your 1 rep max, KEK

no but I like his idea

they're fueled by oats™

organic, all natural quick-oats. I only pay for the non-organic oats though, devilish

at your local supermarket

picture of gains or didnt happen

do you take a multi-vitamin with all those oats for your micros?

also how the fuck do you not get bored eating literally the same shit every meal every day?

Just ate a bowl of steel cuts myself. Rogers Oats, fucking yum

I'm not as extreme though, I also eat boiled eggs in addition

Eggs 'n Oats

Good thread op

Rolled or steel cut?

The answer will literally tell me everything I need to know about you

uno momento famalam

yeah, forgot to mention the multivit. Also take fish oil.

it's surprisingly not boring, like I said, I can buy some sort of berries or bananas to mix it up a bit. And occasionally I'll reward myself with some "dessert oats" that have chocolate syrup in them...mmm


quick oats, so more refined rolled

Oat fueled progress

>pic related

nevermind the fact that I'm autistic at flexing

Also neglected to include this, but it doesn't factor into the macro's so it's really irrelevant; 1 cup of coffee (black, like my wife's son) when waking; 1 cup on my drive to the gym

Sold. Im poor and perpetually broke and keep my diet in check better when I limit the actual foods I'm eating. Starting this shit tomorrow.

I was the same way. When I had any variety at all (I was doing grains and eggs for breakfast, lean meat/veggie for lunch, red meat/veggie for dinner, fruit for snacks) I wanted to mix it up too much week-to-week, and it kept messing with my fucking totals.

So I went full autismo and bought a horse farm worth of oats. Have not regretted it. I could actually eat a 4,500cal diet with change I find on the street daily if I wanted to.

oats and honey is god tier

you have good taste

>800g carbs

That's gonna fuck you up


no issues thus far really, I found that thankfully this is nearly the perfect macronutrient ratio for me, personally.

Now, the overload of fiber on the other hand, that took a few weeks of constant shitting to get used to.

Brave soul my nigga.

I would hop on a normal diet as soon as you can though.

Going to try this for a week. You better not be memeing me oatanon.

Kewl, I just started buying cream of wheat and just with milk and a little brown it tastes phenomenal

seeIt's worked well enough for me. Like I said in the OP, buy some fruit whenever you get bored. Hell, even chocolate chips or something for that rare occasion you're craving a sweet.

This works so well I never want off this ride. I haven't decided what I want to do for a cut yet. Considering doing egg-user's 36egg/day cut kek, would drop literally all of the carbs in my diet now, hopefully reset insulin sensitivity a bit.

alternatively I could just drop down to fewer meals worth of oats, something like 3 cups/day but split into 6 half cups so my eating frequency isn't changed.

Red pill me on the 36egg/day if you would be so kind

Sorry to break it to you but 6 cups of oats is about 1800 kcal, not 3600.

don't have the screencap, but some other autistic user here had a similar idea for simplifying his diet

it was something to the effect of 36 hard boiled eggs/day and nothing else. Obviously on a cut. It may have been 24 as well in all honesty, someone will have the screencap of the thread.

But I like the idea, just carry some eggs around and whenever you get hungry, eat one or two. More than enough to keep you going throughout the day, have some coffee preworkout and you're g2g

>6 cups oats:

Fucking retard. 339x6=2034

Is oats a "complete" protein?

Why are you asking me?

>increased my oats intake exponentially recently.
>farts are unbelievably terrible.
>cut out regular milk, get almond and cashew
>problem continues
>spend my days at work constantly sitting on a sleeping volcano
>can't figure out what's wrong with oats
>finally today didn't have any oats
>am fine
>need to maximize my stats but don't want to become a villain to do so

Oats + cinnabun whey= one happy user

how much is a "cup"?

>newly a kilo of carbs

Why do retards keep baiting here? Why can't we have a board to talk fitness and hate fatties in peace?

>cant tell if op is troll or retard

You're going to become allergic to oats m8, not even trolling. Enjoy



This is not for over 500 grams. This is the info for 100g.

I want to start saving for a house, very tempted to try this.

can get oats for 0,4€ per pound, get on my level (of poverty)

Am also considering legumes, but still exploring my options. is 2-2,5€ / kg (various types of bean/pea) a good price for Germany?

One cup is 80g right?
If so, then the macros are totally off...

Oats are great. I blend the shit in a shake, 3 times a day. like 300g. Pretty cool stuff.

You forgot the part about using roids.

Don't overdo the oats due to chelate effects. 2.5 Euros for a kilo of beans/peas sounds good! Chickpeas and the classic green pea have the best protein/calorie ratio I am pretty sure.

Depends on type of oat and type of 'cup'

I always thought 1cup = ~100g

Alright. But even with 100g the macros are way off.
600g oats would be:
82g protein
352g carbs
42g fat

Source, the back of the oat package

Not OP friendorino.
Just an autist that loves quick oats for breakfast

what site is that

>nothing buy oats


not even 100g. one cup is 2,5 Decilitre

3 decilitres of oats = 100g

anyway, i eat atleast 100-200g of oats a day. is there anything wrong with eating say 300g a day? like should i get problems digesting it, problems shitting or whatever?
it would get me
>1110 cals
>174 carbs
>39g protons
>21 gram fat

why should i not?

d-d-donkey lips? that you?

Do you ever drink anything caffeinated for energy? If you do make sure it's sugar free (and preferably zero calorie as well).

How be that scurvy treat ye me hearty

40g protein for 1110 calories...
I'm on a cut and to me this sounds like a bad trade.

agreed, but im bulking on 3,5k calories so i still got 2400 cals left, which i mostly get from one big meal of about 1000 cals (not always very clean tho), the yoghurt, raisins and pumpkin seeds that i add to the oats and a big protein smoothie with whey, milk, greek yoghurt, banana and peanut butter each night of about 700kcals.

usually get atleast 160g of protein

Caffeine from coffee, black like my wife's son, no artificial sweeteners.

Like I said, fruits get mixed in on occasion.


Bc you have the
>Nutrition Facts

how the fuck does a horse use a microwave

1/2 cup oats is 190 kcal.

That's 2280 kcal for 6 cups oats.

That's for rolled, or milled oats.

Steel cut doubles that, less refined.

This is the first time I've ever been accused of juicing and I'm flattered, t-thanks user

Jesus I didn't even notice that I did this

My subconscious is becoming cheeki

How in the fuck are 6 cups of oatmeal 157g of protein.

You are trolling us user.

OP -- I do more or less a similar thing. Eat tons of oats.

However, extremely important point to keep in mind. Oats are not a complete protein. That means you're missing essential amino acids when you're calculating your macros from oats, which could be bottlenecking your muscle growth. The milk is giving you some, so it's not all bad, but as it stands it's not ideal. I'd suggest adding a scoop or two or whey protein powder to your diet or upping the milk to cover all bases.

Steel cut has about those macros depending on brand

That's a lot of calories, but it seems like it works.

Any before pics?

alrighty well buying oats today. i'm fit as fuck right now but i just can't seem to hit my desired cal intake to bulk properly. thanks user