Big Mike P once deadlifted a burning car off a family stuck underneath

Big Mike P once deadlifted a burning car off a family stuck underneath.

He only needed 3 days for his burns to get to the point where he was deadlifted 3 - 4 time his body weight again (and he was a big boi back then)


faith no more > rock hard chili faggots

i wish i understood how you memers get joy out of posting the same joke over and over again.

So much this

you know how people used to ask back in the day who was better, Michael Jackson or Prince?

notice how no one has ever asked that about Mike P and the dude from Red Gay Chilli Faggots? Exactly.

Big Mike appreciation thread?

Big Mike appreciation thread.

Anthony Kiedis is a cross dresser who used to suck dick for heroin.

Big Mike P. literally fought a bear back in 2002. A fucking bear, user!

I think I heard about this once!!
Isn't it true he then proceeded to drag the car off the road to a safe distance from other motorists?

What a guy...

That's fucking insane!!
I believe it though, because if anyone can do it, it's big ol' MlKE "humble natty king of Veeky Forumsness" Pattôη

best forced meme



>that first Mike Patton post in quite a while
breddy good

Worst forced meme of all time, please kys.

i used to hate this meme but it's better than monsterposting.

I haven't been on Veeky Forums much lately, what meme exactly are you guys talking about? Thanks

This dyel faggot is supposed to be extremely jacked or some shit like that, every day the same thread being posted twice or thrice.

What? I've never seen this thread before.
Am I being rused? He actually looks pretty big, imo


gr8 b8 m8

Excuse me?

Wtf do you mean by bate? Answer me please

1/10, made me reply