Why is this board so shit now

you should all be ashamed. threads shitting up the board constantly i can think of

>monster shilling, both ironic and unironic
>is my gf fat?
>this is the body you will get if you strength train
>chinlet threads
>how do i make chin gains?
>when will manlets learn?
>that first x
>haircuts (go to Veeky Forums you morons)
>there's a fucking steam thread for some reason (/v/ or Veeky Forums)
>tinder threads
>dicklet threads

Did the mods abandon the board? Summer is over, it's almost fucking October? I actually want to discuss Fitness and Health for Christ's sake. I don't mind a little shit posting but good god it gets boring after seeing it 24/7

>Why is this board so shit.

Give me an example of when Veeky Forums was a decent board.

>"Ye Olde Veeky Forums of legend": Hurr durr Zyzz and Tiny and Redwood and Quads and Ennui are talking thing the same thread. Will I make it with a grill if I lift? I felt sad today at the Bus stop. Is he natty?

>"Contemporary Veeky Forums": Hahahah Oh the situation you so sick. Oh look Broseph is posting his drugs again hurr hurr. I hope I get a GF. "Hey kids don't get marries all women are sluts". OMG Scooby is here lol!

>"The current era Veeky Forums now": High Test Brehs. Natty? Should I do X, Feels

It's always been shit.

Hasn't every user on every board always claimed their board is shit from the get go? Seemed more decent a few year ago but even then the 'What happened to this board?' Threads still popped up.

I've been coming to Veeky Forums for 7 years now, and yeah this board has become utter garbage. Mods are simply doing a shit job. All the monster energy shitposters should get banned. There should be a /relationship general/ instead of a thousand threads. Starting a new CBT when there are already other threads should be bannable. Steroids sources shall be freely discussed within /fraud/

Then discuss health and fitness. Whiny little bitch.

you forgot to add

>that guy making "why is fit so shit now?" threads

>complains about shit threads
>makes one

That first lol of the day

its always been shit. If you wanna learn shit about fitness you should try a other forum. 60% here doesnt even lift.

Which era was the best if you had to choose?

I think that anonymity doesn't mix very well with fitness like it does with anime or tv.

in fitness someone's credentials (usually body or lifts) are very important when you are reading their shit. You wouldn't give some guy's advice who lifting for 6 months and shitty lifts the same level of weight as the guy who looks amazing with good lifts.
But on this board there is no way to tell (as opposed to reddit or bb.com) so the dyel's confident bullshit is the same as the expert's advice if you don't know much about the topic.

Also the mods let this place run free (which is good/bad depending on why you come on Veeky Forums)

It's because of the stupid forced meme threads, but that's part of 4chins

Veeky Forums was always shit, but yeah it's fucking unbrowsable now, this is probably rock bottom

That first shit thread

Shitposters, when will they learn?

Fucking hell go outside once in a while would you?

I actually enjoy the tinder threads

Fit was never good


>doesn't like funny threads
>makes an unfunny thread that doesn't even discuss fitness like the OP claims to want to do
>picture of some ugly cuntish looking woman with hipster glasses

This is one of those situations where our newfriends might tell you 'kys', but I like to keep it old school with an hero

I dunno what you're talking about user, I'm a newfag to fit, and this kind of degeneracy is what keeps me coming back. Plus there was that cool old bro.

Kek, op is really an hero, isn't he user.

Don't ever talk to me ever again

>implying this board wasnt best when it was almost exclusively feel,manlet and ylyl threads with trips like tiny,ennui,zyzz,etc shitting up the place on occasion