Was there anyway Germany could of won the war?

Was there anyway Germany could of won the war?

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Only by doing litterally everything completely differently.

WWI: yes, a russia-first strategy/playing defense in the west, having less autistic diplomacy

WWII: lol no

If they all sucked hitler 4 inch pecker until he screams DASSS JUUUUUUDE then they would've won

Yes but only if they simply
btfo the commies and left Poland alone. If they only fought the USSR they might of even got the USA on their side since the ruling class in the USA at the time were still anti communist

Once they attacked Poland it was over though

Tell me, how do you attack the Soviet union without going through Poland?

>a Hitler only focused on beating the USSR
Why couldn't this have happened instead? Italy and Germany could have attacked from the west and Japan from the east. Stalin would have been completely shit on and the cold war wouldn't have happened because communism would have been wiped out then and there

I still don't understand how the USA which just went through the red scare sided with the commies during ww2. Roosevelt was a literal crypto kike

Germany didn't share a border with the USSR until invading Poland

You have japan attack them first then you go through Romania.

Germany spent the vast majority of its resources and men against the USSR anyway. Japan had lost a war with the USSR in 1939 and had absolutely no interest in a rematch.


lmao the salt in this thread is worth it

>inb4 screw off op

I am not the papa.

Is that Harvey Weinstein?

T-thans guys

Maybe by appointing pregnant Anne Frank as emissary to the Zionist Occupied Government

No, the were completely cut off from world trade, horribly led, had terrible allies and were actually quite umprepared for the war. The only reason they got as far as they did was that the rest of europe really didnt want war and didnt prepare and stalin was a colossal moron.

Bro stop spamming this board with this bullshit

>"b-but it's meme culture here"

No its you spamming up this board with this forced meme. It's so forced it's beyond cringe. I feel a physical urge to beat you user.

if you a do scale system type to calculatel chance on winning for the losing sideon i'll put it something like this
Yom Kippur War:43%
Napoleonic War:48%
1st Punic War:57%
WW1 will be at 45%,WW2 is something like 38%


Please explain to us then how they could have won without changing everything beyond recognition?

It really is simpler than you're making it out to be.

It's always the same meme answers like sealion, focusing on the middle east, earlier Barbarossa, or going into a war economy earlier

>It's always the same meme answers like sealion, focusing on the middle east, earlier Barbarossa, or going into a war economy earlier

Boom. See how hard that was? Let's pack it up people I think we're done here. I mean the bit about attacking the USSR earlier sounds like rubbish but with that aside.

is there anyone anywhere who thinks sealion could have worked?
I mean, that's not even a "what if we capture moscow" situation, it requires a god damn fairy godmother, a magic lamp and preferably the ark of the covenant to work

Step one: DonĀ“t be Nazis
Step two: Go all in on nukes

Not starting it in the first place. Now stop these fucking threads!

>I still don't understand how the USA which just went through the red scare sided with the commies during ww2. Roosevelt was a literal crypto kike
Perhaps because the Germans fucking declared war on America

people in this thread

Maybe, if they kept Russia as allies

>could of

They almost did.

Proof? The anglos were seriously considering cutting a deal with the krauts after the battle of kiev where soviets got BTFO.

Source? Documentary about WW2 from the eternal anglo's pov by the eternal anglo himself, made in the 50s iirc.

Will provide when I get home.

Fuck off with these threads PLEASE

Honestly, I kind of wish they had just so edgy stormfags wouldn't LARP being nazis to be edgy and contrarian

being a marxist would be the rad new thing


>Another "Could Germany have won ww2 thread"
Mods should seriously start considering permabanning these spam threads.


Well this thread is cancer so my post is in good company

Washington D.C. and FDR's administration were littered with communists in 1939, user.

>t. Faggot not aroused by pregnant Ann Frank

The eternal anglo also wanted to side with Finland during the Winter War, and discussed ideas as to how to aid Finland. That would have put him on the same side as Shicklegruber.

See pic related

Yes, I'm not attracted to underage cupboard rat yidds

>Germany would have won if they did this ONE thing

This is how you spot a brainlet.

> Stalin would have been completely shit on and the cold war wouldn't have happened
Because America, the free-trade, pro-democracy, pro-liberty, pro-self determination, pro-status quo of the peaceful liberal order, open-markets proponents would have got along perfectly with an aggressive, genocidal, militaristic, totalitarian autarkical empire.

hiler get ipad

Yes. If the Ashtar Sheran fleet had come in time, they could beat the lizards bolsheviks.