How do I get this body?

How do I get this body?

that body is literally impossible to achieve under any circumstance

Natty lift 3-5 x years

depending on your background, 2-5 years of strength training. Not even physique based stuff.

judging by the picture, deadlift 100kg with chalk
and mixed grip
like a faggot

better be a fucking warmup

actually gonna amend this.
if you are low bf and have a background in sports, this is achievable in 4-6 months. really not an impressive physique at all

Fap daily and keto

Have great pec insertions

other than that, run any sensible linear progress program for noobs. Here's an excerpt from grey skulls for a pretty well rounded balance between strength and size, with a decent variety of exercises.

Incline Bench Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Curl Variant: 2 x 10-12
Squat: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Neck Harness: 4 x 25
Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Weighted Chin: 2 x 6-8
Yates Row: 2 x 6-8
Deadlift: 5+
Neck Harness: 4 x 25
Decline Bench Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Curl Variant: 2 x 10-12
Front Squat: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Neck Harness: 4 x 25

Depending on where you're starting, the OPs goal body should be a

Do indy wrestling

Botched buckelbombs×2

I beleive the joke is that op's pic is crossfit jesus

If that's Seth rogan, do crossfit and WWE

Are you a woman? Not an impressive physique? What kind of bulkshit over-critical femme shit is that?

You gonna call him a slut, too, you bitch faggot?

cash in money in the bank and become THE MAN

Hey anyone have any good running workout plans or something? I just list 20 pounds and lost most of my gains from the gym. Haven't been to the gym since June. I'm contemplating on moving to more cardio/running exercises. Should I do it or go back to the gains life

why is his grip so fucking wide?


You might have to take him out to dinner first. After that ask him if he'd like to come to your place. Depending on whether he is into you will determine if you will get his body that night.

Seth Rogan is a great heel in that he's incredibly easy to hate

He's face now, you stupid idiot!

Is he? I'm way behind

Yup. HHH betrayed him and they're finally going to have their one on one match.