ITT post your physiques and guess how long others have been lifting

ITT post your physiques and guess how long others have been lifting

Nice lats senpai, a year? A few months?

Forgot to mention post unflexed and try not to cheat with lighting

6-12 months depending on consistency and if you knew what you were doing when you started.

Just finished 9 months m8


3 month tops

Couple months?

How u get them shoulders

Litrelly cant even see the retards "lats", stop replying to yourself OP.

Retard here, OP wasn't replying to himself that was me. And yeah u can kinda see them behind his arms

> no abs

Why even lift

It's called bulking m8. Read the sticky

Handstands and handstand push ups.



6'2 250lbs
1.88m 113kg

every day is deadlift and pullups day

ex-fatty btw, 168kg at my biggest

Partially right. I don't do free handstands, but I kill wall-assisted handstand pushups.

Also, seated dumbell OHP.

why r u so angry

i'm not i just dont have my glasses on

>everyone posts pic, no one guesses
narcissism and faggotry as usual

maybe half a year
4 months

you look like a less fit khal drogo

lol i have tits like that but it's because i had gyno surgery. are your just from being faT?

I'm actually quite fit. Blood pressure 95/58, pulse 53, triglycerides under 150, etc.

yeah i was just a fatty

This guy's right, but it's been a year for me, not 6 months.

You look like a much higher bf% Khal drogo

8 months

2 years

1.5 years

3 months

err idk 1 year?

Not the most recent picture

1 yr


Can you do a strict pullup?

What's your height/weight?

I would say 1.5 years, but you've obviously been focusing a lot on diet.


nice chess set

how long niggas?

1.5 years ?


3 years. shitty core genetics man

I'd say 9 months. Looks like you've been trying to diet. What's your BF%?

6 feet 2 inches. I think I look worse than I did when I started honestly.
Suppose I'll try and do my best guessing too.
9-12 months
Year and a half
5 months
6 months
Solid 2+ years maybe? You're a big guy.

Take a better pic. Shit is blurry AF

>tfw just ate an entire large pizza and hershey cookie

2 years based on those delts and 'ceps

You need to cut brah

Your torso is lookin weak. Nice arms/shoulders though

I had to zoom in to take out my face

your basically spot on

Thanks user

about 1 year

Their kinda bad in this picture I personally think they have gotten better

I forgot to mention I don't do core workouts that often or barely ever

6'1 165lbs. Did à BF℅ test à my gym, came out at 5℅ (ik its bullshit)

5'10 165, around 12%, trying to bulk now
I started lifting seriously since january (so 9 months lol) but ive been in the gym for 2 yrs now

Just ended a cut

1 year actually
i think after this season i will cut for the first time

3 months


13 months

9 months

6 months

You're still chubby so why would you stop? Unless you're going to start doing roids, really what was the point? You have no fucking abs.

I started at 5'11" and 110 pounds.

Actually 6 months

Used to be 6'3 235lbs. Now im down to 195 and can actually see my muscles.

Did i cut for just the right amount of time?

Not really going for body builder status. Just an overall even build that isnt too high maintenance.




r8 me m8

>1 year

4 months

10 months, currently on a cut.

>2 years
see >You're a big guy.

1 (one) pullup or 2-3 chinups strict full ROM

a few days?

Man, you remind me of myself, but fatter.
Keep working bro.

>U r a big guy

Its called being fat, fatty. Look in the mirror

>if you don't have abs you're fat

Post your physique



pretty nice desu. just need some thicker arms and i'd def put it in your butt.

2-3 cycles

220 lbs. 6'3"

bimbo pls go

yeah. these 18's just won't do. good luck with your training.....desu.

He may or may not be on gear. But I can tell you this physique is fully attainable natty. He's 5'6-5'8, has a feminine waist, and dark-continent genetics and skin. c'mon guys. don't sell yourselves short.

Sad! DYEL?

3 months

I'm 5'8 1/2 ;^) and I've been lifting 5 days a week since I was 18, some people don't have the dedication and hate others for it.

>I'm 5'8.5"

>m-muh dedication
If you aren't natty go fuck yourself

if you are then great work but don't be surprised or butthurt when people don't believe you. Not many people can get where you are natty even with 'dedication'.
take it as a compliment

I hear ya. Even my doc doesn't believe that i'm not cyclin.

175 6'2

>Non-existent lats
>Non-existent chest

What the fuck have you been doing?

you look like a typical black kid that doesn't seriously lift.

Shrugs and curls only. 6 years.

Every day is curl day

1 day?

>guess how long others have been lifting
starting tomorrow

3 weeks

Dub dubs checked...senpai being a manlet is my only setback pls no bully I honestly enjoy the insults and witty responses.

May as well have been this, haven't been to go to aj actually gym til the 20th, can hit 1 and 2 of pic related for 5rm, 20lb shy of 3 and 40 from 4.

>185 lbs

What bodymode am I as well?

Dyel mode
Kys mode

Sadly the only recent pic is from my snap story

hav a guess m8-o's

Lol jealous manlet detected

Samefag detected

Are handstand pushups good for your shoulder muscles (i.e. rotator cuff)?