What does Veeky Forums thinks of my grading system?

What does Veeky Forums thinks of my grading system?
Can't stand throwing out 10/10s like water.

10- Reserved to a few women in history. Not a note that can be given lightly. They are 9's but with some extra magic.

9- A very small and selected group of beauties. Most of them work in the celebrity business and are inaccessible to ordinary people. Perfect composition of facial beauty and body shape. When they enter a room people stop what they are doing to look at them. Goddesses.

8- The highest grade ordinary guys will ever date. Most actresses and models and other industry workers are 8's. People would stop walking to take a glance. Babes.

7- They have a lot going on positively. They are pretty and have a nice body, but maybe things are not in total harmony. A lot of actresses are 7's. Hotties.

6- They are average but with a few positive attributes that allow them to stand out. Maybe they have beautiful eyes, or a specially nice hair.

5- The average woman. Nothing that stands out. This is the minimum grade most men would date and considering having a relationship.

4- The opposite of 6's. They are average but have a few negative attributes that make them stand out. Maybe they have big ears, or the eyes are too far apart from each other. This is the minimum grade most men would consider to have sex with, at least sober.

3- A woman most men would simply call "ugly". Usually an unattractive face in conjunction with a unfit or gangling body. Most men would only consider have sex with if under the effect of alcohol.

2- Most men would not want to look at. A few would consider having sex under the effect of alcohol and if they could keep it a secret.

1- A woman so unattractive that most straight guys would consider her another guy.

Who is this pixie haired goddess

Who is this ejaculate magistrate?

Stefania Ferrario I think?
Possible typo there

in my view, the most any girl can attain is a 9. to be a 10, you have to fill a niche preference to the guy. Say i love redheads, then a 9 redhead is a 10 to me, but maybe you love pixie haired girls, so the girl in OPs pic is your 10 (but not mine).

She is aussie.

Well every grading system is subject to personal taste, that's the point of this one, to try to keep it objective as possible by describing situations and overall perception.

i like giving 10's to girls of every body type, not only do they feel flattered and thank me while blushing, i think theres actually a case to be made for it

All comments before this are samefag.

every time...

1- Physically deformed to an extreme level.

2- Physically deformed but only to a disgusting level.

3- Multiple ugly features but no serious deformities. Obese, spooky skelly, etc.

4- Generally normal but for one obvious unattractive feature.

5- No attractive features but no offputting features either. Average tits, average ass, average hair, average face.

6- Generally average except for one obviously good feature.

7- Average in some parts but has 2 standout features (if it comes in pairs it only counts as one). If she/he has 2 good features but one obviously bad one, they drop to a 6.

8- Generally good features all aroound bar 1 or 2 slightly average features. Any obviously bad features drop them to a 7.

9- Excellent features all round, no average features allowed. This is the highest universal rating a person can achieve.

10- Entirely subjective rating. A 9 with the rater's personal likes included.

>rating women on a ten scale

p autistic fampai

I like it and agree the upper weighted ratings suck, 8.8 or something comes to mind.

I think the best scale is Patrice O'Neal's one.

>1-10: Ugly bitch
>11-20: Average bitch
>21-30: Fine bitch

So a 10 is a great looking ugly bitch, a 15 is an average looking average bitch, a 19 is a great looking average bitch, a 22 is an ugly ass fine bitch and so on and so forth. Point is, there's 3 divisions hoes are competing on and they work their way up the divisions.

The way I see it is very similar to your school grading scale.

>10 = 100% = A or A+
You cannot imagine anything better than this
>9 = 90% = A
Very good, you'll never be unhappy with it, you're proud to show it off
>8 = 80% = B
Very good
>7= 70% = C
You could do better if you tried harder, but at least you have this much
>6 = 60% = D
Ouch... barely counts, you really got to look at what you did wrong and improve on that
>5,4,3,2,1 = F
No need to make any distinctions past this point, it's all garbage and you don't want it.

Most guys on this site will automatically give their girl +1 or +2 when describing one they are with just to sound more sucessful.

Inverseley, they will also rate pics of attractive women as lower in order to pretend like they have the option of being that picky.

i go by pretty something like this

Might as well make that 0-5 then??

I dont have a number rating system because thats autistic and yours will never be the same as anyone elses.

I have hot, meh, and ugly, and fat

Hot = would fuck, would date. Typically not afforded the opportunity.
Meh = would fuck, might date (if personality traits are fitting) 1/3 of the girls I get are this category.
Ugly = ugly but not fat (butter faces and such) probably wouldnt fuck unless drunk, wouldnt date unless she was really good in bed or shared a good fetish. 2/3rds of the women I get are this category.
Fat = disgusting, wont even look at intentionally.

nah, having a 10 scale with 1-5 lumped together reinforces the idea that ~50% of people are completely awful, at least to my taste. If it was a 5 scale then I'd think I find 80% of people at least somewhat attractive


But I don't think of a 6 as bad as a d

Rate women

Field biologist scientist lady

Chubby hiking biker traveler woman

Need pictures with no hat. 5-6.5

Forbes 500 successful black woman



Science nerd writer

Scientist girls are usually extremely weird and the relationship will never work unless you're also a scientist or something similar like an engineer
t. PhD in biophysics


I'll be using OP's grading system as a reference

4, also checked




Westaboo Asian girl

They aren't ugly enough to be 3s

I'll have a nibble.

>show me a 10, OP

Slavic economics woman

5 at most. pleb taste

>self-help books

> 3- A woman most men would simply call "ugly". Usually an unattractive face in conjunction with a unfit or gangling body. Most men would only consider have sex with if under the effect of alcohol.
> 4- The opposite of 6's. They are average but have a few negative attributes that make them stand out. Maybe they have big ears, or the eyes are too far apart from each other. This is the minimum grade most men would consider to have sex with, at least sober.

Veeky Forums is harsh

Yeah I would not say any of them were 3 or 4. Just average.

Hipster coffee girl

dat fuckin jaw

you're waifu a shit

7, would be 8 with more tits

Here's how I'd do it:

>Attractive face: +5 (symmetrical, no major deformities)
>skinny/average/thick/fit: +2 (healthy body)
>fat/skelly: -1

And beyond that, it's mostly about behaviour and personal preference.
For example:
If that's important to you, +1 if she has the same faith as you
If you have "a thing" for tattooed and pierced girls, +1 for that
If you're against drugs, -1 if she's a smoker
-1 if she's stupid
-1 if she's a whore

So basically:
An overall attractive girl is a 7 before you get to know her. If she turns out to be a stupid whore, she'll turn into a 5.
If she's what you're looking for, she might turn into a 9 or 10.

An ugly girl would have to perfect in every other way to be a 5.

I know the girl in the OP (srs)

I think that jaw could be considered cute after a while. If you had sons, they'd be Thor-like with their jaws

I think you're a virgin

Botantanist PhD Berkeley Latina


It looks that no woman you meet in real life would ever score above a 7 on this scale, since 8+ seems to be comprised entirely of movie stars, models, and anime waifus


I know we're here to wast time, but jesus christ who the fuck cares
the post pointless thread I've seen in a while

talk about intimidating

>posts a 10 year old

you asked about 10, right?
also she's 22 or something

It's not like I need them to fight James Bond

yeah this rarting is according to the european grading system, which is very different from the US system. More strict

>Girl so hot that i feel like i HAVE to chat her up

>hot enough to make me look more than twice

>really cute

>really cute

>dont use these, girls in that range are invisible to me,

are these normal 7-10s or our 7-10s? would the girls in the thread be invisible to you?

10/10 in her prime for me.

I'm not the same guy who asked, was just joking that she looks young. Tbh would give her a solid 8 if the body holds up.

Wtf man a ten is complete perfection, don't go calling every girl with nice tits a ten.
Does anyone have that webm of the Japanese /Brazilian chick?

compared to op's rating id say its shifted up by two points, so roughly speaking a 10 in my book would be an 8 in op's.

Thinking actresses are actually attractive. Any chick can look like them with a full time team of stylists.

>that juicy body
>purple hair

She's gay, right?

What a waste

Grading scale:
1 - would
.5 - maybe, not sure
0 - wouldn't

>less sex driven latina
What is the point

you would seriously rate these women 3 and 4? Those are ratings for ugly women, and those girls at at the very least average to mild qt

Dying your hair and wearing it short is worthy of point deduction tbqh

>pic related geniva the closest thing to a 10 I've ever seen

>mfw I'll never have a gf like that

Please love me and have my children.
I'll be a good husband and protect and provide for you.
I'm also fit have a big penis and can cook well.

she's more intellectual and calmer than your typical sexy hot Latina? wouldn't constantly accuse you of cheating on her

You know what to do brother, use that energy


Into the trash

Tits so small it disgusts me but I can understand the appeal

I DO have a girl like that.

Now that's what I call a 9

>Science writer
>Believes Myers Briggs

Shut the fuck up!
Her tits are perfect for her body.

And what does she look like without the ridiculous filter and lighting?

HAES pls leave.

The colored hair immediately cuts her value in half


> kids who haven't outgrown the breastfeeding stage and would go for tits rather than hips

You can't divide zero, user.

Anyone that goes for tits over hips or ass is too young to have realized that big tits age like shit


Man lactation, that's the stuff.

It's not entirely scientific, but it's a good proxy for personality, like the 4 houses of Harry Potter

Hot as fuck.

Speaking of that, every grill I know that's into Harry Potter says that they're a Hufflepuff

who the fuck chooses a house of a fictional series, and why the fuck is it always the same one

It's a substitute for having an individual identity lapped up by people who want to be special INTP snowflakes or people too insecure to live without categorisation.

If you like her that's fine but personally she doesn't really do much for me.

Seems to complicated. I have a letter system.
>alpha-prob the top .2% of females, flawless, most are celebrities or actresses, most usually live in Southern California, only Chads exven stand s chance of obtaining
>bravo-beautiful but not perfect, any guy would be proud to say he fucked, and to be dating
>charlie-cute, has few flaws. Very date-able and any guy would not be embarrassed to be seen with in public
>delta-below average women, usually chubby or has some sort of facial defeature. Most guys would bang only under the influence, but would be ashamed afterward and would not tell any friends, unless for the sake of humor.
>foxtrot-the most disgusting filth, stay away, do not touch
>+ or - system-falls under females personality, example and Charlie girl that is really cool and great personality is a Charlie plus.
>note: most deltas are plus cause they have to make up for there shitty look
>note: most alphas and bravos are minus cause they tend to be bitchy
>note: no foxtrots can be a plus, period
>note: any alpha willing to sleep with you is an automatic plus no matter how shitty her personality

Hufflepuff is the most normal of the houses. In the movies, I also believe that no one from Hufflepuff died in wizard WWI

> Slytherins: lots died fighting under Voldermort's army
> Gryfinddor: lots died fighting under Dumbledore's army
> Ravenclaw: did fancy spells as fighters and lots died

while Hufflepuff stayed comfy in their beds and all lived

>alpha-prob the top .2% of females, flawless, most are celebrities or actresses, most usually live in Southern California, only Chads exven stand s chance of obtaining

Being an actress or celebrity has at no point equaled being an alpha female in the eyes of most men.
Famous pussy =/= best pussy.


"she" has a penis, doesn't she?

No, ive checked pretty thouroughly. Theres a braginer down there.

My theory is they think hufflepuff is the well rounded house, instead of the fucking failure house. Also they think hufflepuff is cutesy. Fuck that shit, I'd be in Slytherin and glad to be there.

Tbqh 3dpd can never achieve anything above 8.

I feel like slytherin would be full of alt right tryhard betas desu

it's just that the other houses have such strong personality traits, and most people just aren't extremely brave, evil or smart. They're well-rounded normal people, so that leaves Hufflepuff.

> gryffindor: BRAVE!!!!!
> syltherin: EVIL!!!!!
> ravenclaw: SMART!!!!

Too bad Hufflepuff wasn't another ridiculous trait, like CHARMING!!! SOCIAL!!!