
Alright so I'm new to Veeky Forums but it seems like a lot of you guys meme about natties and talk about steroids. Are these illegal for normal people or just for athletes? Where do I get them? Can I bulk really fast with them and then stop taking them later? Will they kill my dick?

Or is this whole thing just a meme?


Thanks for your well thought out feedback.

Probably the best feedback you'll get from this cucking shit thread you cuck

you need brain and your own research to do steroids or you will ruin your health irreversibly

gtfo and come back when you are ready

>tripfag calling someone else a cuck

Eat shit nigger

You are like 12 years old asking where to buy weed. Fuck off kiddo and go lift some weights.

I'm asking whether or not they're all illegal. I do not even know anything about them, what they're called, what different types there are. I can get drugs, that's not an issue.

>implying I'm not more aesthetic than you'll never be on roids


You're an insecure faggot who has to have a Reddit name on Veeky Forums to have some sort of self worth.

Let's go with that but I'm still worth more than you :^) tell me how many people you've inspired to lift

Did you read the OP? If I'm new to Veeky Forums I'm likely new to lifting. I guess meatheads really are unintelligent, I thought this was just a meme.

is this real prometheus? Why are you being such an asshole to a new guy?
Because he didn't laugh at cheekie's autism?

Why would you let a guy who has never lifted before do roids?

>Why are you being such an asshole
I think it has something to do with our natural human instinct to hate idiots

tell me where I said he should do roids.

where does he say that he is aesthetic or will be more aesthetic than you?

I never said I wanted to do them, I'm asking how many of you actually take them as opposed to just memeing.

>beginner asking a fitness related question (very rare here)
>is an idiot because he doesn't know details about steroids and lifting

Yeah, they're illegal for everyone not just athletes but law enforcement rarely ever goes after anyone using, just people selling in gyms and through the mail/online. A ton of respected people use, every time you see a jacked cop they likely use (so about 1 in 3 cops are on something).

You have a lot of research to do and to be honest you should already have a firm grasp on fitness before you consider steroids and if you had a firm grasp on fitness you would have already over heard all the information you are asking about. You are way to new and inexpereinced to be consdering steroids. Just taking them alone wont get you big, you need to discipline to work hard, eat well, and sleep well too, even more so because without discipline and using steroids can fuck up your hormones for the rest of your life.

Focus on getting fit for 2 years, then consider using steroids. Ultimately you probably shouldn't but that's your choice to make. In the mean time maybe watch the documentary bigger, stronger, faster. Also switch from straight porn to strictly gay porn, it raises testosterone and will gain you like 20lbs of pure muscle in 6 months.

nice answer.

Well first of all My thought on this is...
>Alright so I'm new to Veeky Forums
>Are these illegal for normal people or just for athletes?
You explained yourself very poorly, like you didn't even go in detail if you lift or not. Are you just new to this board or new to lifting? And wtf is this "normal and athletes" shit? You think that being an athlete will instantly change laws? Doesn't matter if you're an athlete, average people who doesn't lift or a stripper. Law depends on where you live. And this place is a wrong place to ask for a source dood. Your best bet is knowing people who takes em around you and ask from them. If you want real answer, don't be lazy about it and go in detail.

You really think that's the only reason that Op is a dumb ass.

ok maybe I should give him just a little bit of credit for asking about them and not just doing it straight up (though it certainly implies that is what he is going to do)

>Where do I get them? Can I bulk really fast with them and then stop taking them later? Will they kill my dick?
Is english not your first language? Certainly implies that you will take them

Anyway as is said here, start with watching strictly gay porn.

What should my goal for gay porn be? Do I just watch it or do I need to masturbate to get the benefits of gay porn? I thought nofap was the preferred way to go?

I lift, starting today. Got my weight set and bench and stuff yesterday. I'm a dyel and I'm legitimately curious.

So you have no basic lifting knowledge in weight training. Way too early to be even talking about roids dood.. I would wait until you know what you're doing. And if you're serious about getting big, then work harder, get money, afford a gym membership, go to gym, come home then if you feel like it wasn't 100% then do some accessory workout with your mini home gym, eat TONS. 2~3 years later when you got some noob gains then think about it again.

I can afford a membership but I want to get at least somewhat fit before I lift in public surrounded by huge guys.

Legality depends where you live. In the UK roids are legal for personal use, it's only illegal to sell them.

There are many different steroids.
They are generally illegal, depends on where you live. Some places it is legal to own for your own use (de-criminalized style) I think.

It's more of the fact that he posted such a b8 cuck image that he's a dumb cunt

Fastest way to do that is learning the basic lifts with SS in proper gym, do that for 6 month till you know how to do bench, squat, OHP and deadlift. You'll make noob gains. Then go into and find yourself a bodybuilding routine. then EAT. LOTS.

They're legal in a lot of countries actually, /r/steroidsourcetalk

don't listen to the haters, the sooner you start blasting the sooner you get cruising (on pussy and an amazing life)


I never started with SS and I've been lifting on/off now for about 4 months and my lifts are still pretty weak.

Should I restart with SS all over again?

Fuck off you muzzie-mutt

It gotta be consistent. at least 4~5 times a week. And usually people stay weak because their form is shit, like not going low enough. Learning proper way to do Compound movement is the KEY to starting off

My wrists are always sore after my workouts so I'm never brave enough to go one day after another due to that. Like the bad kind of sore.

Go to the doc and find a solution to fix shit, there are also wraps available. Everyone has something going on in their life and working around it. My friend has tendonitis on his both wrists and recently became an IFBB in strongman for crying out loud.

I'd love to but I'm never sure about what I doing wrong. I gym by myself so it's hard to know.