Why even bother if you are a manlet?

Why even bother if you are a manlet?

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Mai waifu doesn't care.

>short men are so vile and creepy

All these women would fuck a short guy in a second if he has money.

When I used to sell blow the amount of girls on my dick was ridiculous, and I piped all those hoes and didn't give them a penny. They thought they would be spoiled once they gave me the pussy but I dogged all them out and had one working on backpage for me for 6 months before she realized what her life had come down to.

Fucking kek, is this for real?

Lol manlets actually believe this


Because I don't like girls.
I'm glad I like men because women are disgusting creatures.

So what is the height limit of how short you can be? Can they make up their minds? Is it 5'8, 5'9, 5.10, or 5'11? Are all women stupid?

if you are 5'9 you are fine if you are under 5'7 you are doomed

>you will never be normal
feels bad, man


no, it is just meme

no, women don't care about height

Height doesn't matter breh, just b confident


this, if he would just been more confidence she would have gotten completely wet

>Be 5'9
>men shorter than me claim 6'0 ALL THE FUCKING TIME
>women accept this without question

They have been lied to all their lives.

When i ask a grill how big my dick is, they invariably say 8-9inches (it is BARELY 6)
When i ask a grill how tall she thinks i am, the answer is literally always over 6 ft

Moral of the story: women make piss poor carpenters


I'm 185cm or 6'1 and I've noticed the same thing.

i'm 5'7''..... so is my qt gf.
she has no problems with it at all, we lift together, and we fuck everywhere my dick is just 6x5.25.
the problem here is you white guys have inferiority complex.

I'm 5'8 and since like 80% of girls are shorter than me i was never really concerned with other 20%. At least its like that in eastern europe

I have few female friends in my drinking crew, they always claim to be 5'10, but they are shorter than me.
When they ask me how tall i am and im being honest they think im messing around. In reality girls have no idea how tall they are, since there is basically NO NEED for them to measure themselves.

They think they are much taller than they are, >6'0 is a meme number.
Not sure why are people even using Tinder, its much easier to get girls while out
>managed to fuck 8/10 girl few incher taller than me
>sat next to each other at a table drinking whole night
>she fell for my charm and wanted to go home with me
>it was a bit awkward when she was standing next to me waiting for a cab but whaterver
>go home and fuck
>it didn't happen again with her, but my manlet snake tongue got me what i wanted before she realized what happened
>tfw if it was Tinder convo would simply stop after the height question

>No one should take a man under 5'11 seriously
Wew barely made it la's. Manlets outta my way.

I kind of want bunch of manlets make a suicide pact and commit suicide. Clean the gene pool up a bit.

salty lone faggot spotted.

Salty about what? Not being a social pariah that all women hates? Yeah mate you got me.

Idk it works for me at 5'8

i'm very sure if you had a girl, i could steal her to cum and dump.
how does it feel to be so insecure and threatened by smaller men? don't embarrass yourself anymore.

>Clean the gene pool up a bit.
If all men below 6'0 killed themselves do you really think the dating game would change?
I imagine we would see similar posts where girls are saying 6'4'' is the new minimum to date them

I dont think its about height, i think its either sour grapes or just shit mentality overall

Are you... me? Wtf.

I've fucked girls dating tall guys? Most overtly tall guys are award motherfuckers.

manlets really have crazy imaginations, huh?

Actually money will get you women. Work in banking or engineering and you'll watch the world's most cringe worthy people pull hard.

Awww wittle manlet and their delusions. D'awwwwww.
Sure you have little man sure you have.

No hes right about lanky taller guys being rather awkward.
Live with as a prime example, dude is pure spaghetti and gets girls because he has a aemi-attractive face and is tall.
His ex-girlfriend openly admitted I was cute to numerous people even when they were in a relationship, and at the time she didnt know I was gay.
>TFW they broke up and now she's dating fat powerlifter type friend... who also lives with us, and is 3 inches shorter than him at 5'10
>TFW I'm only 5'8 and she's like 5'7
Height is a meme that's been eaten up by girls exposed to the negativities of other girls on the internet to try and find some "alpha" type of guy based purely on physical attributes.
Girls are manipulative cunts, and they're also very impressionable.
The height shit usually does down once women reach the age of 23+ and they're actually looking for a connection instead of an arm trophy and social status.

Literally this I'm a 5'9 manlet and I never use tinder. Just go up to a girl and be confident and charming and if they are smaller or the same height as you they are putty in your hand. The height meme only comes about through online it's like the weight meme on Veeky Forums (don't get me wrong weight is important but people assume that certain weights mean certain things when it's more about what you do with it nomsayin.

I'm 183cm tall (slightly above avarage in my country) and i can tell you boys: it won't matter as long as you're as tall as the girl.
If the girl is taller than you, then you're fucked, unless you both have amazing chemestry and know each other at a more profound level and she's a little bit desesperate you won't ever have a chance.
Now, if you're at least as tall as the girl she will only care if you're both the size of a child or if you're insecure about it.
Manlets do have disadvantages in their dating lives but it's not as radical as women and insecure Veeky Forumszens make it sound.

>t. Mukti from Iraq

Is there a more humiliating photo on the Internet?


What ? I thought Clooney was like 6 feet tall.

6'2'' lulz

Fucking cunts I swar on me mum. I want to see a twitter campaign that is essentially
>over 120lbs
and watch the beach load of sandy vaginas unfold.

Veeky Forums made me always chuckle when I see a manlet irl

>short guys are vile and creepy
>short guys are a breed from hell
>short guys should cease to exist
That's kind of mean :(

He's 5'11, his gf is 6'

Teach your ways to a fellow manlet senpai

More like positivity for men who stand next to girls who wear 10" heels.

You look like a turtle

he needs to cut

Manlet here, 5'8 to be exact, and that shit pisses me off. Why Couldnt they pick something we could actually change. When we cry about fat chicks, they get pissed but point is you can lose weight. Us midgets cant magically do an excersise to get taller(i wish though). Fucking women man.
>inb4 manlet

Imagine if you wrote the same about niggers

I'm 6'4", so never had manlet problems

I am verging on dicklet though, far far worse imo

He is 5'11, his ex is tall though

I mean, to be honest brehs, women do care about height. And it shouldn't be taken as a shallow thing just like r8 threads and 1-10 rating scale threads shouldn't be taken as shallow. Men are ingrained to be attracted to pretty faces, symmetrical faces. Women have actually exhibited less pickiness when it comes to looks so long as the man is financially secure. It is ingrained in our minds to be this way. Men don't really have to do much with kids or so biology dictates. However, women have to carry the baby for 9 months and are pretty much vulnerable and useless, who's gonna feed her? Keep a roof over her head? Help with the baby? This is why male animals do mating dance things and yell really loud and gather shiny things in their nests and puff themselves up to look big; to show the female that it is capable of rearing and protecting children. This is an almost universal biological truth with all animals, except for dumb shit like starfish and sea cucumbers.

Women are more attracted to financial security and overall size of a man because it means SECURITY. Men are more attracted to pretty faces and ass and are overall less picky than females because THEY JUST WANNA FUCK.

>be me
>great ottermode aesthetic, BF stays around 8%
>handsome face, great hair
>rich from parents, high paying job
>great in bed, good sized dick, can fuck for hours without cumming
>almost every girl I've fucked has told me I should do porn
>did a few times on my phone
>can't have sex just once with me, will fly over to fuck me after having fucked me
>people always saying how it's such a shame I'm short
>even though I'm great in bed and the girls kiss and tell, no one believes it until they actually fuck me
>fucked only a handful of girls

I mean life is pretty good I can't really complain and I try not to let it get to me, but I'm living proof that you can have everything except height and that STILL matters a lot in 2016

5'9 isn't manlet in real life fucktard

>I'm 183cm tall (slightly above avarage in my country) and i can tell you boys: it won't matter as long as you're as tall as the girl.
sure bro

Manlet status only matters if you're trying to pick up chicks online. Develop some confidence and work on your face to face, and that shit don't matter one bit.

I'm 5'6 and have never once had an issue with my height picking up girls in person. Just make them laugh and feel good about their own insecurities and you're golden.

If you're a manlet, forget picking up chicks online, not worth the effort.

>Veeky Forums memes got to me
>can't approach girls anymore, think they are always making fun of me
>at least making gains


I'm as tall as you user. Women are always gonna want the taller guy. But we will just have to compensate and be good in other areas.


Women already don't find non-whites as attractive. They just don't say it.

>good luck with that

what a bitch

Answer me this.
What's the undisputed cut off for manlet status?
I'm 5'9 and I feel like a manlet.

Because being concerned about height isliterally a first world problem

t. Brazillian

Not asking her weight when she asks that question lmao

On this board? 6'

IRL? 5'6

This... Anything above 6ft is tall and anything below 5'7"-5'6" is particularly short

Everything in between 5'8-6'1 is just average,

Idk where you live but 5'9 is average here... Anything below is verging on the shorter side and anything above is verging on the taller side


Though I do feel like a giant sometimes and I'm only 5'10. There's a lot of short guys here and I've only ever seen two guys that over 6'0(they both go to my gym)




I HAVE TO LEAVE Veeky Forums

manlet detected

>tfw 5'0
>even manlets tower over me


the correct response is to ask her height, and then if its over 5' 4" say "byeeee". Thats how you make them lay awake at night self conscious about themselves like they try to do to you

What the fuck man... Indian? I was 5'5 at 15.