I just bought a bigass container of cottage cheese because the nutrition facts looked really good. Little did I know...

I just bought a bigass container of cottage cheese because the nutrition facts looked really good. Little did I know, it tastes fucking horrible. How do I get this stuff down, Veeky Forums?

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I hate cottage cheese, try it a touch of maple syrup or some semen.


i like to make bigass shakes with it
for example:
500g cottage cheese
2 bananas
maybe some oats if u want a calorie bomb
add some water
blend that shit
drink in between meals

This with tomatoes

Spoonful of jam

>mfw I love the taste of cottage cheese
It's so perfectly neutral


>How do I get this stuff down, Veeky Forums?
Try with cum. You seem to love it so much

I found it highly depends on the brand.
Some are coarse and taste liek shit, other more smooth and bretty good.
But don't eat it alone you tard, its a great side dish to anything salty or spicy

>How do I get this stuff down, Veeky Forums?

Like a fuckin' adult. I've never understood people who don't like cottage cheese. I eat 3 cups plain nearly every other day.

At any rate, see if any of these help I guess.




I think it's the texture that bothers me more than the taste. It really doesn't have that much taste to it, desu.

I guess I'll try blending it into a shake, that sounds alright. I'll just have to blend the fuck out of it.

I hate cottage cheese now, I used to eat it plain every night before bed my first year bulking out of skellytown. Suck it up and eat it, don't be a fag.

Dat high sodium tho . . .

thanks for the recipes, man. I'll be going through them one by one until this shit is gone.

This x1000.

mein neigger

did this and chugged it, wasn't too bad.

add a fuckload of honey

I put it on my rice, senpai. Adds flavor to the white rice, and the white rice takes away flavor from the cottage cheese. Won't eat rice without it anymore.

>chicken with rice/broly/kakarot/cottage dinner the best

it's bretty good, drinkable, dirt cheap and u can mix it to have good macros

if u get tired of shakes, try looking for greek yoghurt (US), quark (EU), has similar macros but more creamy and tastes like cream almost (texture seems like it's fat as fuck, but it's not)
it's bretty cheap too, same macros

also, try different brands of cottage cheese, taste differs a lot IMO

I put it in my regular shake and blend the shit out of it. Diluted with milk, fruit, usually cinnamon or ginger.

Just force yourself to eat it.
My body haa adverse effects to alot of cow based dairy products.
I tried goat milk and my body showed no adverse effects. Now goat milk is a bit sweeter then cows milk.
Then I thought I should try goat yoghurt and quark. (sp?) Now goat yoghurt is not a good taste the first time you eat it.
Really not tasty. At all. I force fed myself.
For weeks.

Now I really enjoy it.

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be a faggot