Got drunk last night and now i'm having the biggest headaches possible

Got drunk last night and now i'm having the biggest headaches possible.


Drink lots of water

greasy food

Have some yogurt. Trust me

I should stick to rum, whiskey always gives me headaches.

I'm never getting wasted again but please stop. the pain oh god

Drink plenty of water, take an ibuprofen, and try to go to sleep if you can. You were poisoned, and your liver is trying to play catch-up because you consumed alcohol faster than it could excrete it. Time is the only to cure my bro

I wish I had ibuprofen, bro. Just puked

Whiskey is the devil.

Yeah, i notice that.

Gatorade or similar drink
You need electrolytes

>babby's first beer

Why can't Amerisharts handle alcohol?

Damn, Americans are such pussies.

A banana, cold gatorade/ice water, and ibuprofen/any pain killer. That's my hangover cure anyways. Avoid greasy food and more alcohol.

Also, you're a dumbass.

Oh also, take a shower and then go to fucking bed. Good luck.

Got drunk last night and feel fine right now, just a bit hungry. Must suck being such a lightweight OP.

depends on the liquor.
I once had half a 26 of JD plus other random shit like wine, woke up feeling mostly fine.
half a mickey of crown royal though, that fucked me up in a bad way the following morning, despite literally chasing my shots with water.


This ain't fucking Disney user

i binge drink every nightbi wish i could quit but i never have hangovers drink 3-10 shots of vodka or rum and try to slam water as i go then before bed take aspirin or ibuprofen, usually wake up middle of the night and slam water and aspirin, usually do this teice in a night when i wake up do the same thing then drink hella water all day during the morning... i wish i got hangovers coz itd make me quit, kinda justs feels like perma-haze not that bad

I can drink anymore. Age makes it harder. I had maybe 3/4ths of a 750ml bottle of vodka and I'm still getting pangs of nausea two days after


Age makes it harder but not by a huge margin unless you're in your 70's

Get your liver checked user

Nah not gonna do that bud

Obviously you're not German or a Slav. Just drink more beer until you feel better.
>getting hungover
>ever, unless it's your first time drinking

Ah, also this guy is right. Somehow, ibuprofen is VERY effective regarding hangover headache. Even better, is a combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol. I always use that if I feel my head starting to hurt, so that I can go back to sleeping and therefore, feel great in the morning. It has always worked for me.
It's not like I get hungover often, anyway. When it happens, it's always because I wanted to save on cash and bought some cheap ass beers.

Just take a FSOTD

I read about an experiment with rats where scientists or some shit concluded that ibuprofen plus coffee is one of the best legit hangover cures. And it's worked in my experience, though lots of water and chips the night before probably works better.

Jesus christ its a hangover deal with it

1 litre of water
2 food
3 take a runny beer shit (beeriod)
4 shower and wash the shame off

Eggs and fruit always helped me.

>Runny beer shit

I thought this was just me.
Jej. Ale shits are worse.

Wew, Im feeling a lot better now after puking 6 times and sleeping again.

After a good night its like pouring gravy, but to me its like crapping out my hangover.

I can ge genuinely scared to laugh or cough let alone fart the next day if its been a big one

Get a hot bath and sweat any remaining alchohol out.

Will do that, thanks. It's not my first hangover, I usually stick to rum and I can drink a lot of that without even feeling anything at the next day. But this whiskey with sugar water nearly killed me. I guess I drank too fast.

Could have been that you didn't eat enough before drinking, I usually do that and always get worse hangovers when I haven't eaten enough.

That also. It's important to eat some time before drinkin and after you finish.