/sqg/ - stupid questions general

Fitness questions that don't deserve their own thread.

Question 1: How do I get a guy like this to be my boyfriend (full homo)



Tell him you'll help with his ass injections.

Can I drop my caloric intake to ridiculously low levels so long as I get my 200g of protein and lift 4x a week without significant muscular loss?


For curls is high weight low reps better than low(ish) weight high reps?

Can I do splits natty?
I've been experimenting and decided to try splits, I've been doing them for about a month and I ended up losing 5 pounds. Idk if it's because I'm not eating enough to or what.

Anybody ever tried whey in the their morning coffee? What about creatine?

High weight low reps. Train it like any other lift with linear progression as your priority.

What are some good carbs I should have?


Lower back soreness right after squatting. What am I doing wrong?

Makes me feel better about my chest desu

Yes, don't do it.

The weight probably isn't over your toes for the duration of the squat so you're using your back to compensate for weak quads.

I get a mild but wink when I go ATG, I don't have it when squatting parallel. It's not a large wink but it's still noticeable and only when im at the deepest part of the squat.

What do?

To which? What happened?

You mean coming out of the bottom of the squat I'm lifting my back first instead of moving legs first?

It was fucking disgusting