Is there anyone out there that managed to turn their lives around from NEETdom/drugs/laziness/fatigue by getting fit?

Is there anyone out there that managed to turn their lives around from NEETdom/drugs/laziness/fatigue by getting fit?

How long did it take?

3-6 months

Start now and you make it sooner.

I was addicted to adderall and smoked a lot of pot. One day my soon-to-be wife came home and I was passed out on the couch with my pipe and lighter in my hand. It was just weed, but I realized what a lazy piece of shit it made me. I flushed my weed and adderall.

I had fairly severe withdrawal symptoms from both (yes I go through withdrawal from quitting pot, its happened before). Couldn't eat properly for a couple weeks.

Because I couldn't eat I started losing fat. I am 5'8" and weighed ~210 pounds, none of it being muscle. I started counting Calories as my appetite started to come back.

I bought a weight set, just some shitty bench/barbell from wal-mart.

After you workout for a few months dude you just don't want to go back to the piece of shit you use to be. You do need to be disciplined though. I've been out of that rut for ~18 months and I'm now extremely self-confident, have energy for anything I need to do, I look good, my wife constantly brags about me.

You can do it bro. You don't feel better overnight. You just kind of look back and are like "Huh... I feel fuckin' great. Look at all this awesome shit I've accomplished." If I can do it, you can.

BTW I got down to 145 pounds, and now I am 175 and not fat at all.
EVERYONE will notice that you have made a change in your life, eventually everyone says something to you and it feels awesome.

I'm neet/ coccon mode (not by choice desu). Training and dieting hard because it's the only thing that I've got going for me atm, but I worry about being able to bounce back to normal life once my injury heals and I can work again

My neetness was mostly due to anxiety. The thing that helped that the most was running. My diet was mostly sugar shit but I barely ate at all so I stayed thin.

It's pretty amazing how getting fit and changing your diet will shift your whole mood and output on life.

Nice bro. I'm proud of you!

OP, i was NEET for just over a year. Somehow i got a 6/10 gf in neetdom (can't complain, really). In 1 week i start a job i'm really excited about.
Being fit never helped me, though. What finally made me get a job was that I decided to go on the dole/jobseekers which made me search for work 100% more actively than before.
After a month of searching i got an interview.

Three or so years ago I was addicted to shit like weed and xanax. I spent a lot of time lazing around and never sought to do something productive on my own. I was on the brink of dropping out of college until I found a way to motivate myself through anger and hatred of others and, most importantly, myself. It really pushed me to start working to better myself in whatever way I can and I can comfortably say I'm reaching new heights constantly.

I guess we all need our own motivation, so you gotta find what'll work for you. Lifting or whatever other hobby you choose won't do it alone. You need to want to make progress or otherwise nothing will happen.

OP, you have already failed.

Instead of actively wanting to build your life around self improvement, you are asking how long it will take, thus how long you will have to "suffer" for to reach your destination.

It's never about the destination, because each time you begin to get closer that very destination resets further and further away.
That is the beauty of lifting.

You want to change your lifestyle so that you enjoy the journey.

That is the secret to success.

To be honest I find it hard to enjoy much of anything these days.

Get rid of your video games, desktop PC and stop smoking, drinking alcohol and watching porn. Change your diet and lift + cardio.

Push through it and be consistent. Don't let setbacks demoralize you.

we're all gonna make it brah

Thats because you have been stagnant for so long.

Imagine a car on the side of the road, who knows how long it has been there.

Trying to just jump in that car and start it is near impossible.

But change a few small things at a time, and soon enough its moving along like all the others.

Maybe change a tire, then check the oil. Then fill it up with petrol, make sure it has water.

Next thing you know its purring and running smooth.

Don't leap so hard you have nowhere to land.

Just take one small step at a time, get up at a decent time in the morning, go to bed at a reasonable time of night.

Circadium rhythm - check.

Start eating less sugar, more healthy foods.
Diet - check.

Start light, and always take consistency over anything else.
Exercise - check.

If you can tick those three boxes, you can move that car from being stagnant to being on the road.

Once moving, you can stop to check the oil, get some gas, and fix up anything else you think needs fixing.

Before you know it, that car that was worthless and stagnant and couldn't possibly be any fun to drive is taking you on road trips to places you never even envisioned.

Good luck, and god speed user.

We're all gonna make it brehs
>stop going to college
>2 years filthy hikki neet
>saw friends graduating
>worked on my degree, CS, always been surrounded with computers
>finish cum laude
>immediately landed a job at a great place working as a code monkey
>still fat
>start working out 16 months ago
>get fit
>still no qt gf
One day

Was a neet for 4 years after high school.

I'm now
>12% body fat
>Lifted for 2 years
>Have a high paying job
>Working on my masters degree for Comp Sci
>Fuck stupid sluts
I still look DYEL as fuck but bitches like it.
I regret not doing it earlier. Wasted 4 years watching anime, playing vidya. Don't get me wrong, I still love those things, but I could have done them working out and such.

wasted my life, oh well.

How do I get an entry level (no experience) computer job?

Apply for them?

just an hero then do earth a favor

2 months
something clicked in my head.

Fitness is only a small part of life. You have to have a social life and work and as well. Its a good start.

I basically just read this and transformed my life around. Just work out first and everything else will come later. Working out consistently creates discipline and this discipline will translate to every aspect of life. Only losers say that they need motivation to be successful. Winners have a strong work ethic and that is what makes them successful. Also try to read about 5 pages of any book each day then progress onwards. Some books I recommend are: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, How to Win Friends by Dale Carnegie, and The Education Of Millionaires.

years actually


I was unemployed living off the government, smoking a pack a day and a 1/2 of weed a week, doing coca in and various other drugs on the weekends. 60 lbs overweight, I ate like shit, slept like shit, and if I wasn't playing video games I was partying.

Then I realized it wasn't getting me anywhere and that I hated what I'd become. I quit every drug cold turkey, and had to try twice to quit smoking but I did it. I started running, lifting and eventually dieting, and now I'm down 30 lbs. As of a few days ago I started upgrading my grade 12 to get into university.

I look great, feel great, my life is coming together and every dirt bag druggie that I used to hang out with is still doing the same dumb shit and going nowhere.

Sadly the anger thing i can relate to, i have a disability with my dominante hand, cant do compounds besides squats coz i only have one hand with a grip. Have to live in a society that wastes its potential, feel like an edge lord dark side star wars guy but what yoda failed to mention was suffering leads to mad gains

At 30 I'm in the best shape of my life after living with mom till 22. Workout helped me turn down alcoholism, smoking and helped me get confidence for applying a job which I got.

Nowadays workout makes me feel clearer about how much I dislike my average as fuck life. It's a zen kind of hate.

I dropped out of high school when I was 15
I started lifting at 19
I got my drivers license when I was 19
I got my GED when I was 20
I started college when I was 20

I'm still lazy, I still use drugs, and I'm always tired. You have to do things day by day. You're looking at a huge mountain you have to climb, but you will never climb the mountain if you don't take your first step up the mountain.

its all about the environment

if you're NEETing everyday in the same place you're going to keep NEETing in that same place tomorrow

2 years of work/sleep/videogames
hit 95kg bw skinny fat and decided i need to start jogging and change my diet

with small steps (first reducing all sweets, then completely cutting them and couch to 5k program)

I dropped like 10 kgs, and when i saw progress and felt the endorphines from running made me want more.

I started going to dutch language course
For my 24 birthday i decided i want to go to gym

Now i barely have time or need for videogames because gym + dutch course already takes a ton of my focus and energy
Gym kinda made me jog less but i need to get back to it

My diet is tons of calories now but its mostly clean bulk diet, 200g protein each day

How were you fat and on addy? When I was doing a lot of adderall I wouldn't eat and didn't get gains because of it but it did help me lift.

I turned around from being out of shape/drugs/depressed

Cut all my friends out of my life because we only worked if I did drugs/drank alcohol with them.

Started boxing 4 or 5 days a week rather than 1 or 2 days a week.

Started doing more overtime at work and going out alone in other towns so I could practice talking to girls without fear of humiliation if it all went wrong because no one knew me there.

I'm happy

Started 2 years ago, finally feel like I've been on track in life for the past two months.
>tfw 24 year old college sophomore

I'm 8-12 months into my journey now depending where to start counting. I feel great and look a whole lot better and have way more energy. Been sober for a long time now too which probably helps a lot.

Though I still don't have any ambition and just want to be a NEET. All I want to do is read books, shitpost and hit the gym so I don't understand why I'd want anything neetbux can't give me. But I'm still trying to force it to see if I actually find some motivation at some point. I'm not going to give up the gym or the healthy diet but not being NEET fucking sucks.

You are talking to autists, they dont understand metaphors.

I'm afraid to work because i fucked up my first job and was called retarded at one point...

3 years ago I barely got out of bed because depression.

Therapy, meds, liftan, getting a job, chasing degree and finally a gf later and I'm doing great. It took atleast 2 years to get to a place where I'm doing fine.

are you me? i used to eat a couple coconut bars a day and ran to stay skinny now i eat protein and cut that sugar shit out and making gains, lives been way better since

fukkin saved

I'm glad you're happy, user. That's nice.

So far only 2 months in and already hanging out with chicks as well as having increased confidence.

Bout 6 months and youll be jooocyy

this is nice.

>fall into depression in college
>go to the gym, get hella gains from eating and sleeping/resting all day
>still depressed, fail classes, just get stronger

For reals, what pulled me out of depression was reconnecting to my family. I had a few embarrassing cry sessions, told my mom and dad that I loved them, and slowly started to put myself back together.

From 16 to 21 I was really into any drugs I could find, ending with an 18 month iv heroin problem. Did 8 months in salvation army, then 9 years in U.S. army. Totally dumb, but got me into fitness. Cured me of drugs and drink, been lifting and running recreational for many years. Feels good.

>suffering leads to mad gains
pretty much this

This is the exact way I've started to view life after I began lifting
Since it feels like I'm going somewhere just by lifting, doing other improvements on my way of life has become easier

Lifting taught me that if you just try every day to go to sleep as a better man than you woke up as, you can be satisfied with yourself

You don't have to be much better, just a little. Something new you've learned or a new person met will do

how did you decide what job to go for? i'm in a pretty similar situation, i quit my minimum wage customer service job because it was hell, but now i'm on the rock and roll they want me to get a job, but i really don't know what to pursue, it's driving me insane.

I want to not be lazy and not lose weight but how can I weight lift with this??? I could just run but my chest would be flabby

Wtf is this

i dropped out at 14 and been neet the past 9 years

My arm and hand

Can you take a better picture?

Just feed it children and it you'll be able to lift houses in no time.

Really how did you expect anyone to realize you aren't actually a normal human being by just that shitty picture?

I was abusing my prescription for almost 2 years. I would get 3 months worth at a time and finish it in a month. So I'd have 2 months off of it, the first month being a ton of withdrawal that made me want to eat until I couldn't move.

Machines also there are hooks and weight straps on the market that you can rig to help with this, can you do push ups? That will take you a long way if you can. Go see an occupational theripist helping people like you work around that. i have a palm and three fingers the size of yours literally been doing trial and error for the past 15 years to figure out what works for me, it sucks and is embarrassing at times but if you want it bad enough youll make it work, i belive in you

You where probably withdrawalingredients from the Adderall since it's just meth.

Are you that guy from scary movie 2?

Post your hands so we can ask if your the guy in the machinist

How did you get out of it?
I've been NEET for 2 years since high school and I can't take a 3rd year of the same shit
I already lift but no idea what to do from here

5 months ez

People are going to constantly shit on you at work for the reat of your life. Your skin will grow thick as fuck after all the shit though, and you'll become immune to any sort of insult or disdain thrown your way. I've been under so much stress and treated like such a piece of shit that literally noting bothers me anymore.

This is a solid fucking post. Good on you, dude.

I am prescribed Strattera but my insurance doesn't cover it so I will try to get an addy script do you think it is worth it? I really enjoyed it but I would only do it 2 -3 times a week. Are you prescribed anything for your adhd atm?

Well, I literally just wanted Adderall and went to my doc and told him I need something to help me study while in college. He wrote me a script right then and there.

I have thought for a long time I may have ADHD, but its likely I don't.

Was it worth it? I'm not sure exactly what you mean honestly so I'll answer by saying: It got me through Calc 1 and 2 (then become the Calc tutor), Chem 1 and a year of Geology classes (then became the geo tutor). However, towards the end I really wasn't benefiting from it at all and just getting high as fuck. It was terrible for my health using as much as I did.

i can help. Give me an email, i'll be in touch we can show you want you want. When you post randomly like this all you will get is flame

One thing I do want to bring up is that for me, personally, lifting has definitely shit on my gaming. I just can't anymore, because you can't simply "lift" for progress. You have to eat, you have to sleep; and you have to do both like a fucking animal.

Back in the day man I used to work and then head straight home to game out, now with lifting to take up my time? Shit man, no gaming at all. I mean really right now I can boot up Steam and play a bit, but that's it, a bit. I'll play for 5-10 minutes before logging out, it just doesn't feel the same as it used to.

It sucks man, because gaming used to be my life, I had mad passion for that. Maybe it's because all of the games out right now don't hit home for me, like, if ES Valenwood comes out I will go buck fucking wild for that game but as it stands; gaming is done.

>this doesn't mean I do productive things with this time however

My hobby is now shitposting on fit and watching fitness vids on YouTube.

>brad Pitt

Oh the irony

Unfortunately, that's not how it works, friendo. It's not like most job interviews have a physical fitness test these days. That said, getting fit is a worthy goal in and of itself, especially if you're a NEET with time to burn, and possibly useful in a metaphorical "wow, hard work *does* pay off" kind of way. But if you want to get a job, then focus on getting a job, and remember that's not guaranteed to cure your existential despair :^)

Quit gaming myself for similar reasons.

Gamers on the whole are like beaten wives with how shitty games are these days. Makes it so much easier to quit lmao.

You guys arent gamers..

i love blideo blames

Then what are we famalam.

about three fiddy.

Good post user thanks for that

Lmao same here user, I acted like a complete dumbass at my first job to get out of doing work quickly. My manager asked me for my GPA and 'couldn't believe' it was above a 3.0.

He was an overcompensating manlet so it didn't bother me, especially since the two qt college chicks working at the juicing bar told me I'm better looking than him

This whole thread

Found the pothead

Around seven months. Pretty much all I had to do was be consistent. I still eat like shit but I workout a lot and I'm pretty confident with my body.

Does it feel different with constant use? I was doing it off and on never constantly.

im literally 190 pounds of buldging muscle and went from 0 slays in 20 years to 5 slays in 1 year.

and im playing video games 8 hours a day if i have the time.

its just a meme, being fat and lazy is the problem, not video games

everytime someone asks "how long" and "how much" i already know they will never make it.

>be 22 me
>GF since i'm 17
>live on my own since 18
>smoking cigs, pots, drinking, bing eating, social disorder, poor, no motivation, little sport
>future wife got pissed and dumped me
i died
After 1 week of doom i couldn't stand it anymore so i:
>sport almost erryday
>started eat clean
>find a paid professional training
>going out more often
>seducing her back
>finding tips on the internet to turn me a boy into a man
>leave /b/

Now (4 years after) i've moved in with her in a big nice flat, got a puddledog, got money, wedding proposal, started lifting, started real clean eating (i was a noob by the time), no more acnea, fap/fuck once a day, alcoolik. Fine in my head.

If your life don't start, it's because you don't hit the starter.

On my phone right now, can anyone screenshots these two posts and chop them together so I can have some motivation to not live in a pile of misery?

Really appreciate it, broskis.

Bro, that's an easy thing to fix.

1. Realise what your weaks, faults and mistakes are, improve on them.

2. Realise what your strengths and positive attributes are, develop them.

3. Realise that these cunts aren't 100% right, often they give you shit because their lives are crap or their work is shit.

My old workplace was a small business in a crowded little shop full of overcompensating manlets with fake personalities.

My new workplace has lanklets for managers who are chill as fuck and congratulate me for doing all the things I did at my old workplace that didn't impress the manlets. People are positive and chill and often I take things slowly if I'm tired.

Both were retail roles. You've just gotta experience more of the world bro. You'll be fine.

>mfw i made these posts yesterday just hoping op would read them and came back today to people screencapping and thanking me

Y-you too, guys.

Being a wageslave sucks, you need to work past the "working poor" bracket.

I should know, I had a kid really early so I just did two shitty jobs like warehouse gigs to make decent money. Did that for years, I wished I could be home playing vidya.

Noticed I couldn't keep living like that it was making me insane so I got fit and took out a student loan and got law enforcement certification and now I'm a cop making like $90 k (with extra work), good bennys and physical job that is challenging and requires me to beat up black people.

I'm not Donald Trump but I actually feel like life is worth living.