How to achieve Gilgamesh aesthetics?

I am a mesomorph and have lifted before in the past and gained base muscle, I've retained most of it just because of fortunate genetics but I want to know what workout I can do to achieve Gilgamesh aesthetics, I know its mainly to do with cutting down that bf% but what excercises do you guys recommend if I only care about his aesthetics

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why would you want to achieve twig mode?

are u gay? how is this twig this is literally ideal aesthetics

ah yes,small everything but shoulders is ideal nowadays

did you even look at the picture? hes got a shaped chest, arm striations, defined core, nice legs and got the fish gill action going on. face you cant change but fuck me dead man thats hot

Inverted hammerdowns and reciprocating lever heaves.

You'll get that narrowed ottermode look fast.

Get a life and stop watching cartoons you delusional fag

ye that physique in real life would look ok with good lighting

and having an ok physique would suck

lmao why are you so spiteful towards me and anime? It makes no sense for you to get angry unless something offended you in the past? hmm.

there you go

Dear god please crawl into a wood chipper

Gilgamesh is shit

Try going for some real aesthetics

So OP wants 5% BF DYEL mode. Got it.

i'm not angry, you're just pathetic

LMao thats fucking ugly and clearly nothing like Gilgamesh, brb no chest wtf @ waist brb no shoulders

ok good luck with your ronnie coleman aesthetics

imo its not sexy hes too bulky


fucking dirty smelly weeb, go kill yourself

nah man,that's exactly what that physique would look like in real life

> (you)
I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Please kill yourself

I'm pathetic cause I watch anime? You do understand that your train of thought is illogical, you should seek a health specialist

Do you really believe the memes that comes from your mouth?

No, it literally is not, youre just making an exaggeration of the proportions of his muscles, look me in the eye and tell me that you honestly think Gilgamesh looks like that.

>anime shitheads invading again

new years is still 3 months away faggot.

>he doesn't want archer's 22 inch arms and ginormous delts.

I honestly think that is how Gilgamesh looks like

>LMao thats fucking ugly and clearly nothing like Gilgamesh, brb no chest wtf @ waist brb no shoulders
2d is always superior, that is the 3d equivalent, the OP image also has no chest, just impossible shading

you really got some nerve kid. yes, you are pathetic cause you're asking on a fitness and health forum how can you look like a fucking cartoon. read the fucking sticky and fuck off.

Dude, look at the otter guy his torso is a literal inverted isoceles triangle, look at Gilgamesh, he has a V taper but isnt so exaggerated like chicken brahs

see above, I agree his chest could be bigger but thats cool

Post current body pic of your assy nipples so that we may taunt you a second time.

V taper my ass,anyone can have a V taper from than angle,btw it's a fucking drawing.Here,another example of that physique

Clearly I have to explain to you why youre mentally ill.

Firstly, if you have trouble understanding the fact that what i'm trying to describe is how to attain a particular physique of the character (which is human) then you could have aspergers syndrome, secondly I don't need to read the sticky and I bet I have a better bench/bodyweight ratio than you. Its unamusing to the fact that youre literally angry because someone watching cartoon and enjoys something different from you, youre sick in the head, the world doesnt revolve around you, I bet you get angry at people who like to go for long walks on the beach, play catch or do anything you dont enjoy, right?


Well since you are correcting me you clearly know what type of body im looking for I don't see what were complaining about?

>Autism readings are off the charts here, Cap'n!

whatever dude,stop watching cartoons

Gilgamesh is 182 cm 62 kg (in FSN, in the F/Z novel he's bulked to 68 kg)

If you read the VNs instead of only watching the anime you would fucking know this already, goddamned secondary.

if you want to look like that, you're dyel as fuck, and this is what everybody tells you. i'm not mentally ill because you're being delusional. if you read the sticky you would know by now that literally all you have to do is gain muscle by bulking till you are slightly bigger than the pic and cut till you have the same bodyfat, is that fucking hard? you don't even need to eat right to look like that.
and don't compare anime to long walks on the beach and social activities, fucking lmao.

disregard that, I have dyslexia and he always had 68 kg

Are you on a quest to replace invictus/cute tomato as the worst trip on Veeky Forums? Because it really seems to be on your agenda.

Romulus is the most aesthetic TM character.

How do I achieve ROMA mode?