Guys! you realize once /lgbt/ is gone, Veeky Forums will become officially the gayest board in Veeky Forums

Guys! you realize once /lgbt/ is gone, Veeky Forums will become officially the gayest board in Veeky Forums

0 for Veeky Forums, nice

Once OP goes to bed we will be back to straightest board on Veeky Forums

>people want to delete the turbo-autism containment board
They realise that just means the degenerate horsefuckers will run free, right?

>people want to delete /pol/
That would just mean that all of Veeky Forums would become /pol/

>more people want to delete /a/ than /soc/
Literally what.

>/soc/ not #1


>no fit
>no mu, somehow
>no tg
>co is less than 1%

well looks like all my boards are safe

I feel like it'd actually be a tossup between /soc/ and /r9k/

This poll looks like it was posted to /pol/. Source?

>what board should be deleted
>every retard votes for containment boards
Stupid question, it should be: what board should stay, 5 options"
Everyone votes for their favourite boards and maybe some porn ones and the less popular ones get deleted
This might kill /diy/ contrary to the current poll, but anyway.
I also think mootwo should take some initiative. Low traffic boards are not going to solve Veeky Forums's problem. /b/ is literally /r9k/ + /gif/ + /pol/ + /h/ + /s4s/. /b/, /s4s/ and /r9k/ could be merged, as well as some porn boards could be merged

i dont know guys, I thought the homo thing was a meme

but I would totally fuck some twink, I get a boner just thinking about it

>/soc/ and /r9k/
>Not the top two

Is that us (Straya) or Canada?

link to poll?

it already is faggot

>delete containment board, ip/geo ban the following cancer
problem solved
>implying 99% of redditfags from pol can banevade

/sp/ and Veeky Forums are the funniest boards and people who don't browse them think they're okay hobby boards. There's no reason to hate either

fucking exactly this, nothing else.
as long as r9kbots and camsluting are around this place will continue to go downhill (i would make /pol/ the 3rd choice just cause even /b/tards generate less shitposting, but its alright)
if the shrekerely guy ends up being a part of this, im moving to eight chong fo sure


Where will I go for the bantz now?


>deleting /r9k/
>implying we won't just swarm other boards if deleted
>implying a bunch of us aren't on Veeky Forums already trying to get qt gf's
>implying that won't go up exponentially if we're deleted

>They realise that just means the degenerate horsefuckers will run free, right?
if they deleted /3/ no one would notice

>no common place to meetup other bots
>thinks it will be "funnier"/"better" to sometimes raid other boards instead of moving onto reddit/9gag
yall robofags wont move onto other boards, you might occasionally visit them just like now, but if r9k dies you all will go with it. mark my words fag!

>Veeky Forums is already the playground of bots because of lazy mods
>/r9k/ was a mistake

>4ch is generating too much traffic
>delete the board with negligible traffic to solve the issue

what about

Why would people want to delete /pol/?
Is it because of mean opinions?

No, pol shitposts... like a lot. And not just in their own board.

>delete a containment board
>users just flood the other boards like before

should just delete Veeky Forums desu a lot of peoples lives would improve

i love r9k

This. Please free me from this shithole