Linda Durbesson is my glute goal

Linda Durbesson is my glute goal.

She claims her butt is natty (boobs are not)

Is her butt fake natty? Is this actually achievable?

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it is achievable naturally..... for a female that is

not likely natty


Do you have a boyfriend?

No...maybe if i get a good butt i can get a bf

Definitely real because of the square ness

how flat is your ass in comparison to hers?

Its easy as fuck to get a big butt especially if youre a female. But most females tend to do that shit half squat / meme squat and think their getting results. Learn to squat to fucking depth.

I'm taking the shotgun approach even though it's really tiring and probably preventing from giving me my all.

RDLs, glute bridges, wide stance (sumo) squats, weighted walking lunges

I'll be your bf :^)

How deep is your squat?
If youre not squating this deep fix that.

Third pic is not natty.

Jesus wtf is the middle pic

Not natty imo

She does steroids. So I'm guessing it's possible with steroids and not implants

Ah, false hopes.

That's not going to stop me from working my glutes tho

I do tend to hit 90 degrees as best as I can, but I'm not perfectly consistent.

She's on roids

Wide stance doesn't hit your glutes more, so you're better off with a narrow stance and actually hitting depth. From my anecdotal experience most people go wide because they're too fucking lazy to learn how to get decent depth properly.

Also Bulgarian split squats will do more for glutes than RDL's. Godly booty insta for "research purposes"

Dirty bulk so you gain muscle and fat on your ass meat

throw in ham curls,bulgarian split squats with your front legs tibia almost vertical (step forward more basically),hip thrusts and yeah ignore that guy, stick with wide stance squats. Also do box squats, they'll give you hams and glutes like no other

your opinion is shit, as is every dyels', you guys see something you could never work hard for and just throw the buzzword ''roids''. Learn a thing or two before talking

linda gtfo

not paying for her program
does she do anything other than split squats?

that's not a natural female physique.

and just look at her fucking clit you moron. that thing is a monster.

depends on your genetics and fat distribution. i think it is achievable for most girls.

I've seen her do cable kick backs

I've seen her workout at my gym for a few months but must've switched gyms...

She probably does a pretty generic insta-whore routine of lower body 5 days a week, upper body only as accessory work. Great genetics and low doses of anabolic steroids.

I used to think she had a great body, but this last year her ass has gotten to big, IMO.

She's short and bulky and the size of her ass makes her look sorta funny.

inb4 I'm gay

She lives in Miami, the bar of "too big" is set considerably higher.

Pic related, this is the most popular Miami stripper "Ms. Miami the One":

why do you suspect roids?

muscular women are disgusting holy christ why would anyone want that

I was wondering when someone was finally gonna post her

Squats alone aren't probably going to get you there. Add in some hip thrusts afterward and you'll have better results. They work the glutes in a much fuller range of motion.

that is just disgusting beyond belief

That cannot be natty.

That's about as natty as Rich Piana.

I must see this clit for scientific purposes. Where can I find it.

Her snaps are annoying as fuck

Achievable natty, her ass is not much different than before she lifted seriously.

that's amazing, her ass is folding in on itself

My ass is bigger and rounder than her and i'm a guy

I always kek hard at asslets