If I don't jerk off 1-3 times a day I get constant rock hard erections

>if I don't jerk off 1-3 times a day I get constant rock hard erections

Am I high test?

Probs just triained your dick to get hard

Go no fap for a week and see if you improve

>haven't wanked in a month
>no urge to wank at all

I've broken free of the porn jew.


>>no urge to wank at all
Did you cut your balls off?

i cant answer your question but dont do nofap its a meme and will give you ed

> thinks tugging on your peckah everyday is less harmful than taking a week or two break

It is.

Jerking off everyday isn't healthy senpai.

Men never did that shit back in the day. Ever notice there are beta cucks around now days.
Coincidence? Its not. masturbation is making men weak.

Legit science right there

>Men never did that shit back in the day.

Prove it.

>Ever notice there are beta cucks around now days. Coincidence? Its not. masturbation is making men weak.

ok mr science man you don't have to get too academic

>he wasnt close enough to his dad and uncles for jerk off parties

Top kuk

There is no science to back that up.

on a related note
>dont jack off for a few days
>wake up in the middle of the night with a raging boner
>hard to get back to sleep

go ask your older famiky members if they cranked off daily.

> his dad and uncle jerked off on him daily
Think you got molested senpai

So you're saying you asked your dad about his jerking off habits?

Correlation != causation

Get that through your head

You could take any difference between now and then and say that is the cause of low T. Unless you have some evidence to back up what you say, you're just talking shit

Go broscience somewhere else

> Veeky Forums
> broscience
Pick both

back in the day there was only black and white television
Ever notice how many beta cucks around today?
Coincidence? Its not. colour-television is making men weak.

Colour television was around. But shows were only filmed in black and white

ITT samefag trolling.

>'discussion' between a few people
>19 / 0 / 10 / 2
