Okay im Veeky Forums now how do i get a gf?


Dear god, not this bullshit again

Only way to get girls is to have high social status and be very lucky
All there is to it

Not true whatsoever
It's all about how you portray yourself, doesn't matter who you are or any of that shit
Past a certain point looks don't matter either

lmao no
you didnt need to be fit in the first place. find a girl, talk to them, get their number, go out, repeat with either the same girl or keep moving on to different girls. Do thisxF its really not that hard. If youre muscular then yeah its way easier but if a girl likes you she likes you. Theres no luck and no social status lol just dont be a dumb bitch or a sperg

You fell for the status meme. I've been fucking like 3 girls a week for the last 16 years based on appearance only.

You got to leave your house to meet girls, there's your problem. Go to a nightclub and try your luck at 3am when they're drunk.

Here's my story Veeky Forums

>be me
>on anonymous social media app
>think I recognize a girl based on how she described herself
>decide to be cheeky since I'm about to graduate
>always wanted to know what it's like with a taller woman
>dm her "please sit on my face"
>she thinks it's hilarious
>I send her a pic of my joocy abs with a chair covering my face
>she loses it and wants to meet up in person
>eventually get to sexy times
>I'm so fucking anxious because she's far more beautiful than I remember
>triple D's with the tiniest fucking waist an wide ass hips half black half british 6'2 ginger sweetheart
>We start foreplay
>I statt getting even more anxious
>she looks at me confused and pleading
>looks at the ground and gets really sad
>says she must have done something wrong
>starts putting on her clothes
>she was so nice to me and I got really sad since I had aroused an immeanse insecurity from her
>she sees my sad face
>immeadiately comes over, hugs me, and says it'll be ok

Is this real life Veeky Forums? I've been with her an in love ever since.

>You got to leave your house to meet girls
Things have currently havent worked include going outside and talking to girls
You talk to them, they laugh and share stuff with out, you ask em about things and when they reply you do follow up questions on that. Make a joke or two, see her laugh and then leave

What exactly am i supposed to change in this?

You don't get gf unless you're at 2/3/4/5 at 6'2"+ or were born aesthetic.

She's your gf now?
Also why are you posting pictures of her on the Internet
you could have at least blacked her face out

What the fuck are you trying to say.

you'll either have a legitimately good time or /r9k/ was right and since you showed weakness once she'll cheat on you and treat you like garbage

be more interesting fagschmo
choose grills to talk to that you think you would get along with
dress accordingly
your results will improve vastly if you have similar interests

Talking to girls yields no result, i.e. it feels pointless
There has to be more to it

seems u read the manual wrong

step 1 is be handsome
step 2 is be tall

optional option 63 is be Veeky Forums

>social skills matter more than either of those things
>option that trumps all others: money

social skills? nah

your attractiveness is your GPA

HR filters applications by GPA

ergo if your GPA is dogshit a human won't even see your resume.

same applies to dating.

if you arent at the threshold you don't even get a chance to interview

> money

lol unless you have ALOT of it then it's not going to help you at all.

by a lot niga i mean enough disposable cash ur thrown 1000s around for fun because you can.

What even is this post lmao

a fairly succinct explanation as to why social skills won't get you laid if you aren't attractive.

forgot you probably haven't had a job and or not in university.

lets start from the beginning

a job is where you're paid money for doing work.

a GPA is a grad point average.

>half black


Youre somewhat right in that you need attractiveness and social skills among alot of things to get laid but you really suck at explaining dude
No offence

Thought produces mechanical motion, a free spirit will produce spontaneity and flair.

For the most part girls aren't deep thinkers, they run around with smiles on their faces and act like little children. A mechanical man who is constantly thinking about the right action to make and doing very little isn't going to stimulate them. They want someone who acts in the moment. In order to do that, you have to stop thinking about them. You can only be natural if you're caught off guard.

In short, when you stop caring about them you'll get them

>/r9k/ was right

Said no one, ever

You're probably just not talking to the right type of girl for you. I cba myself to put in the effort to chase random sluts either. A girl I actually like tho, I could talk for days with.

If girls are putting in no effort to talk to you, all you're doing is feeding their ego. You're creating a power imbalance in which they have an oversupply of male suitors and you have an undersupply of females who'll give you attention.

When you do that you raise the base requirements of all guys to get pussy that much higher. Factor in millions of guys doing this and it's hard to get pussy by being yourself

You have to fake interest in unattractive girls to get kills. Rack those up and start tackling the larger bison one at a time. You'll be less of a splooge with vagina juices in your system also.

they are not the only people that think that way, nor were they the first

Talking only to girls i share atleast one interest with user
I talk to them and can keep a convo going, thats not the problem
problem is it goes nowhere, nothing changes

