
>be 16 (plz don`t ban)
>lose 250$ worth of bitcoin at a casino
>deposit 500$ worth of bitcoin to bitmex
>500$ turns to 900$ in a week
>get too confident
>long 20x all in
>get liquidated
>ballance: 0.002 btc
I will never touch bitcoin again


You'll never post on Veeky Forums again either.


>be 23 (pls ban)
>never played actual casino, but a gambling addict since childhood
>deposit entire bank account, including $3k that my poor-ass mother spent my youth raising
>for some reason, put 100% into ZEC
>for some other reason, this turns out to be profitable as fuck
>I am crypto GOD
>lose 90% of everything in the next two weeks

gamble it back.

all in digibyte

Treat the market like a casino, get results of a casino.

what does it means to 20x long? I trade crypto but never trade like with leverage which im assuming you guys are doing

>long 20x all in

>be 30
>have a job
>actually productive to society
>savings are in bitcoin until retirement
kys yourselfs degenerate losers.

using 5 dollars as collateral for 100 dollars worth of a position. you gain or lose 20x as much as you otherwise would. all in margin trading is suicide unless you are riding what you know is a sure thing.

Its okay Billy

It means if the price goes against the position approx 5% he gets blown the fuck out. That is a hilarious trade considering crypto volatility :D nearly a zero chance suicide trade

It is basically like gambling at that level right?

your odds are far worse than traditional gambling for such trade

Do we only make money on crypto because of underage investors? I hope not but I've seen posts where 12 year olds lost hundreds of dollars.

feels good man

fuck a kid

Are you a canadian plumber?

MODS pls ban this fgt

Do you dislike young people?